Exchange Students

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Exchange Students
Level 1 & 2 English Courses

The School also offers a range of courses in Literature, Language and Film & Visual Culture at levels 1 and 2 which, because they are largely lecture-based courses with a weekly tutorial, are often more accessible and profitable to visiting students from overseas whose first language is not English.

We draw particular attention to:

  • EL2011, which offers a detailed insight into Shakespeare's plays;
  • EL2512, which looks at a range of poems, plays, and novels to explore the relationship between literature and knowledge;

EL2011 and EL2511 carry 30 credit points.

Level 3 English Courses
  • The School of Language & Literature offers a large number of courses at level 3 in Literature, Language and Film & Visual Culture, most of which can be taken on a non-graduating basis by suitably qualified students from overseas universities.
  • Level-3 English courses are taught either in twice-weekly two-hour seminars or by a combination of a one-hour lecture plus a two-hour seminar. Thus a course scheduled for, say, 9am on Monday morning will have a second meeting on Thursday at 9am; and one on Tuesday at 3pm will meet again on Friday at 3pm.
  • Admission to level-3 courses is by permission of the Head of School, who has delegated this responsibility to the School's Adviser of Studies for Overseas Non-Graduating Students before being admitted to any level-3 course or changing from one level-3 course to another, you must first obtain the Adviser's written permission.
  • To qualify for admission to a level-3 English course you must have taken at least four semesters of English literature courses. You must also be sufficiently fluent in spoken and written English to participate in seminar discussions of literary and linguistic topics, to read all the set texts for your chosen course in English, to write a 2000-2500 word essay on a prescribed topic and, in the case of 12-week level-3 courses, to answer a two-question examination paper in two hours.
  • Before being admitted to any level-3 English course, any student whose native tongue is not English will be required to take a two-hour written Diagnostic Test, which has been designed to show whether the student is likely to be able to cope with the literary and linguistic demands of English study at this level.
Creative Writing Courses

Please note Creative Writing courses are not open to exchange students.


Plagiarism is defined by the University as follows:

"the substantial use, without acknowledgement and with intent to deceive the examiners or knowing that the examiners might be deceived, of the intellectual work of other people by representing, whether by copying or by paraphrase, the ideas or discoveries of another or of others as one's own work submitted for assessment."

The mere inclusion of the source in a bibliography is not, in the view of the University, sufficient acknowledgement.

All quotations must be acknowledged by placing words copied in quotation marks and by giving the source of the quotation in a footnote or endnote; similarly all paraphrases of other people's words or ideas must be indicated by giving the source in a footnote or endnote; the source must also be listed in the bibliography.

Plagiarism is a form of intellectual theft, whether the person stolen from is a dead critic or a living student; it is also a form of cheating and therefore an offence under the University's Code of Discipline.

Students will be required to familiarise themselves with the contents of the School's handout 'Guidance on Avoiding Plagiarism.'

If a tutor finds clear evidence of plagiarism in a student's work, it will be referred to the Head of School, who will interview the student about the matter. If she decides that there is a case to answer, the matter will be referred to the Senior Vice-Principal for investigation under the University Code of Discipline. If the allegation of plagiarism is upheld, the student is liable to be awarded a NIL mark for the course.