Visiting Scholars

In this section
Visiting Scholars

The School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture welcomes visiting scholars as part of our rich and diverse research environment. If you wish to visit Aberdeen as an accredited visiting scholar, the following points will answer questions about practical issues:

  • The School receives a considerable number of requests from individuals who wish to become accredited visiting scholars each year; it cannot accommodate every request.
  • Every year the School will welcome up to TEN visiting scholars.
  • Requests to become a visiting scholar in one academic session (these run from early September until late May) must reach us by 21 April in the preceding session (thus, if you wish to visit at any time in the Session September 2021 to May 2022, you must apply before 21 April 2021). We strongly advise that applicants get in touch as early as possible in the previous Academic Session.
  • Decisions on who will be accepted will be based on the merit of the research proposed and its fit to the research of a particular member of staff. If more excellent proposals than we can accommodate are received within a year, those who are unsuccessful will be encouraged to apply the next year.
  • It is therefore advisable that all potential visiting scholars develop a research proposal which is detailed, coherent and demonstrates knowledge of the research strengths of the members of the School.
  • All potential visiting scholars will be informed about whether their request has been successful or not within six weeks of the closing date.
  • Visiting scholars will be given support by a particular member of the School academic staff. They should expect to be seen by this contact every four to six weeks.
  • Accredited visiting scholars will be expected to take part in the research life of the School. This commitment may include participation in seminars and the presentation of original research.
  • Accredited visiting scholars will be permitted to use the University Library and its other collections.
  • While the School will attempt to provide visiting scholars with (normally shared) office space, this cannot be guaranteed.
  • The School is happy to give advice on accommodation and other personal matters but cannot arrange accommodation, school placement, visa application or other services.

The main point of contact for any scholar who wishes to visit Aberdeen is Professor Robert McColl Millar: