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Centre for Genome-Enabled Biology and Medicine


The Information Technology Services at the University support research computing and have a dedicated high performance compute cluster and support service, Maxwell, designed to meet both the bioinformatics needs of genomics within CGEBM as well as other high performance and high throughput compute needs in diverse disciplines across the University and with the University's external partners.

The HPC is available for use by researchers at the University of Aberdeen or at external institutions or companies.

The principal objectives of the new research computing services are to encourage the effective and innovative use of IT as a research tool; to provide more proactive and in-depth IT support to researchers; to facilitate the use, and re-use, of IT resources; and to free up researcher time currently absorbed in IT administration to focus on research outputs.

CGEBM work closely with IT services to ensure that the informatics needs of genomics projects are met.

Please contact Digital Research if you would like to register for an account on HPCC Maxwell.

Data Management

Do you have several Excel spreadsheets containing your data? Do you need to collect results from other Universities? Are you requiring help to set up a Survey? Do you need data linked or cleaned?

Located in Rooms 0:039a & 0:039b of the Polwarth Building, the Data Management Team services include database design (in Microsoft Access or SQL Server), web applications, patient matching on the NHS Grampian Community Health Index (CHI) or the Patient Monitoring System (PMS), random population surveys, case-control studies, record linkage, questionnaire design, data entry, data cleaning, manipulation and data analysis. We also have a wide range of experience in dealing with data in all different formats and can assist in cleaning and transferring it into a more manageable format.

Our services are available to all researchers, both NHS and University, with costs being met either through UKCRC funding for eligible projects or via research grants with allocated funding for data management. If a project is not eligible for UKCRC funding, it is essential that any research grant application includes an element of cost for data management.

For more information: