Rud, Thomas

Rud, Thomas
Schoolmaster and librarian. Born at Stockton, bap. 1688. B.A., Trinity Coll., Cambridge 1688, M.A. 1691. Headmaster Durham Grammar School 1691-9. Headmaster of Newcastle Grammar School 1699-1710. Printed a Latin syntax and prosody in 1707. Returned to Durham 1710-1. Instituted to the vicarage of St Oswald, 1711. Librarian to the dean and chapter 1716-25. Vicar of Northallerton 1725, Rector of Washington 1729, Prebendary of Ripon 1728. Compiled catalogue of Durham Cathedral MSS. Died 1733.
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Biography References
Prov. Reg. Notes (DNB); LOC; CERL; DNB;

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