The perpetuall government of Christs church: wherein are handled, the fatherly superioritie which God first established in the Patriarkes for the guiding of His Church, and after continued in the tribe of Levi and the Prophets: and lastly confirmed in the New Testament to the Apostles and their successors: as also the points in question at this day, touching the Jewish Synedrion: the true kingdome of Christ: the Apostles commission: the lay presbyterie: the distinction of bishops from presbyters, and their succession from the Apostles times and hands: the calling and moderating of provinciall synods by primates and metropolitanes: the allotting of dioeceses, and the popular electing of such as must feede and watch the flock: and divers other points concerning the pastoral regiment of the House of God.

The perpetuall government of Christs church: wherein are handled, the fatherly superioritie which God first established in the Patriarkes for the guiding of His Church, and after continued in the tribe of Levi and the Prophets: and lastly confirmed in the New Testament to the Apostles and their successors: as also the points in question at this day, touching the Jewish Synedrion: the true kingdome of Christ: the Apostles commission: the lay presbyterie: the distinction of bishops from presbyters, and their succession from the Apostles times and hands: the calling and moderating of provinciall synods by primates and metropolitanes: the allotting of dioeceses, and the popular electing of such as must feede and watch the flock: and divers other points concerning the pastoral regiment of the House of God.
Cranstonne, W.(illiam, 1st), Lord
Bilson, T.
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pi 262 Bil 2 - Search the Library Catalogue