Tomus tertius continens Collectanea Venerablis Bede Presbyteri in Epistolas diui Pauli apostoli, ex operibus sanctissimi & doctissimi ecclesiae catholicae epsicopi & Doctoris Augustini...
- Owner
- Black, John (c.1520-1587)
- Author
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint.
- Publication Place
- Paris
- Printer
- Badius, Josse
- Publication Year
- 1522
- Inscription
- This buik pertainis tto ye commone librarie of new Abredon. giving be Jhone Blak maister of ye Sang Scule 1585
- Date of Provenance
- 1585
- Type of Provenance
- Inscription
- Shelfmark
- pi f227 Bed 1 - Search the Library Catalogue
Other Book Owners
- Gallouay, Alexandri (fl.1493-1552)
- Common librarie of new Abredon (1585-1632)
- Aberdeen, St. Machar's Cathedral
- Leslie, Thomas