The general practise of physicke. Conteyning all inward and outward parts of the body, with all the accidents and infirmities that are incident unto them, even from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foote. Also by what meanes (with the help of God) they may be remedied: very meete and profitable, not onely for all physitions, chirurgians, apothecaries, and midwives, but for all other estates whatsoever; the like whereof as yet in English hath not beene published. Compiled and written by the most famous and learned Doctour Christopher Wirtzung, in the German tongue, and now translated into English, in divers places corrected, and with many additions illustrated and augmented.
- Owner
- Merser, Thomas (fl.1613-31)
- Author
- Wirsung, C.
- Publication Place
- London
- Publication Year
- 1617
- Date of Provenance
- 1635
- Shelfmark
- pi f6102 Wir 1 - Search the Library Catalogue