Page 1 of 351 to 10 of 347 Past Events
Scott, Hogg and Espionage
-Hybrid Research Seminar, All Welcome
Public Lecture and Book Launch: (Re)collecting Jacobites in Robert Forbes's "The Lyon in Mourning" Manuscript
-The lecture will be followed by the launch of Leith Davis, Jacobitism adn Cultural Memory, 1688-1820 (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2025) This event is held in collaboration with the University Collections and the Freinds of Aberdeen Library.
Writing Jacobitism Workshop
-The Third Annual Jacobite Nations Workshop
The Drunken Irishman: Defining a Nation in Early-Nineteenth Century Literature
-Hybrid Research Seminar, All Welcome
Rethinking Irish Rock Music, 1970-1985
-New Voices in Irish and Scottish Studies Online Semianr: All Welcome
New Voices in Irish and Scottish Studies Webinar: Dr Yen-Chi Wu
-Dr Yen-Chi Wu (Tunghai University) will be presenting the second paper in the 'New Voices in Irish and Scottish Studies' webinar series.
Irish Writers, the New Yorker, and the First-Reading Agreement, 1940-1980
-New Voices in Irish and Scottish Studies Online Seminar: All Welcome NB: This is a lunchtime seminar
New Voices Seminar: TBC
-New Voices in Irish and Scottish Studies Online Research Seminar: All Welcome