Aberdeen Registers Online: 1398-1511

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Aberdeen Registers Online: 1398-1511

Aberdeen Registers Online: 1398-1511 (ARO) is a digital transcription of the first eight volumes of the Aberdeen Council Registers. These comprise the earliest and most complete run of books of civic government in Scotland, beginning in 1398 (volume one) and covering the period up to 1511 (volume eight).

The registers are held by the Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives (archival reference CA/1/1/1 - CA/1/1/8) and have been inscribed on the UNESCO UK Memory of the World Register, in recognition of their historical significance.

The Aberdeen Registers Online webpage and resource is an outcome of the project, Law in the Aberdeen Council Registers, 1398-1511: Concepts, Practices, Geographies (LACR). The project was funded by the Leverhulme Trust, Aberdeen City Council and the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies at the University of Aberdeen.

This site's friendly URL is: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/aro.

See below for details on citation, copyright and licence information, acknowledgements, and related sites and projects.

How to cite us


Users wishing to cite Aberdeen Registers Online in publications should always provide a reference to this website. At the very least such a reference should include the website's title ('Aberdeen Registers Online: 1398-1511'), the principal investigator and project director (Jackson Armstrong), URL (https://www.abdn.ac.uk/aro) and the date on which the website was consulted.

References to the whole resource

For general references to the whole resource, such as those typically found in the bibliography sections of a book or article, the following citation format should be used:

  • Edda Frankot, Anna Havinga, Claire Hawes, William Hepburn, Wim Peters, Jackson Armstrong, Phil Astley, Andrew Mackillop, Andrew Simpson, Adam Wyner, eds, Aberdeen Registers Online: 1398-1511 (Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen, 2019), [date of access].

The following is a statement of author contributions: JA directed the project. EF edited and checked the transcription of volumes 1-7. AH and WP carried out the text engineering. CH, WH and EF carried out the transcription of volumes 1-7. CH and WH carried out the transcription of volume 8 and cross-checked it. JA, PA, EF, AM, AS and AW conceived the project. JA, PA, EF, AH, CH, WH, AM, WP, AS, AW planned the methodology for transcription, annotation and text structuring.

References to specific entries within the resource

Users who need to refer to specific entries within the resource can first cite the whole resource, and subsequently use the short form citation given in each entry ID. Each entry ID is structured as follows: ARO-[volume]-[page number]-[entry number]. For example, to cite the second entry appearing on page 9 of volume 6, the following format should be used:

  • ARO-6-0009-02.

Persistent Identifier

The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the ARO is: 10.20392/ff90263d-b66b-4a9b-8f78-e1daf25d81b7 .

Copyright and licence information

Aberdeen Registers Online: 1398-1511

The following persons assert their moral right to be recognised as author and editor of aspects of this work: Edda Frankot, Anna Havinga, Claire Hawes, William Hepburn, Wim Peters, Jackson Armstrong, Phil Astley, Andrew Mackillop, Andrew Simpson, Adam Wyner.

Statement of author contributions: JA directed the project. EF edited and checked the transcription of volumes 1-7. AH and WP carried out the text engineering. CH, WH and EF carried out the transcription of volumes 1-7. CH and WH carried out the transcription of volume 8 and cross-checked it. JA, PA, EF, AM, AS and AW conceived the project. JA, PA, EF, AH, CH, WH, AM, WP, AS, AW planned the methodology for transcription, annotation and text structuring.

Licence: The resource Aberdeen Registers Online is licensed by the authors under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International Licence.

Creative Commons FAQ


Aberdeen Registers Online and the Law in the Aberdeen Council Registers (LACR) project have benefited from the generous support of the following people and organisations:

  • Our partners at the Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives, and particularly City Archivist Phil Astley, for providing unrestricted access to the original registers and their digital counterparts.
  • The advisory board for the LACR project: Professor Steve Boardman (University of Edinburgh), Professor Elizabeth Ewan (University of Guelph), and Professor Christine Reinle (Justus Liebig University Giessen).
  • The Leverhulme Trust for funding the LACR project.
  • The Aberdeen City Council for additional funding in support of the LACR project.
  • The Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, and particularly Professor Michael Brown, for providing a comfortable home within the University of Aberdeen for the wider Aberdeen Burgh Records Project since 2012. The Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies also provided funding in support of the LACR project.
  • The Digital and Information Services team at the University of Aberdeen for generously supporting the hosting of Aberdeen Registers Online.
  • The University of Aberdeen Development Trust team for support of the Aberdeen Burgh Records Project.
  • Project volunteers including John Corall, Callum Judge, Finn O'Neill, Sophia Nicol, Marlena Nuernberger-Walle, Radostin Stoyanov, Julia Vallius, and Carlos G. Spalding Araujo.
  • Vicky Gray Armstrong for making available her photos of the registers for use on this website.
Search Aberdeen Registers, and other related sites & projects

Websites and projects related to Aberdeen Registers Online include:

  • The Aberdeen Registers blog maintained by the Aberdeen Burgh Records Project
  • Search Aberdeen Registers is a prototype web application to facilitate search within the XML corpus of the Aberdeen Registers Online resource. Citation of the whole resource or specific entries should follow the guidelines given above. Copyright in the web application itself is vested in the University of Aberdeen. It is based on the application created under the supervision of Adam Wyner by Radostin Stoyanov, Marcel Zak, Cameron Bek, Jack Burn, and Jan Siemaszko, and published in 2017 under licence at Github . Council Register Images used in Search Aberdeen Registers are copyright © Aberdeen City Council. Used by permission.
  • The Aberdeen Burgh Court Roll of 1317 on the Stair Society digitised manuscripts site.
  • The website of TALH , one of our precursor projects
  • The Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives

ARO Resources and Publications

This collection of supplementary resources for the ARO will be updated from time to time:

Supplementary resources are licenced under the same arrangements as indicated above.

Selected publications related to the project, updated from time to time:

Jackson W. Armstrong, Edda Frankot, eds, Cultures of Law in Urban Northern Europe: Scotland and its Neighbours c.1350-c.1650 (Routledge, 2020)

Andrew R. C. Simpson and Jackson W. Armstrong, 'The Roll of the Burgh Courts of Aberdeen, August-October 1317', in Miscellany Eight, ed. by A. M. Godfrey, Stair Society 67, (Edinburgh, 2020), 57-93, see The Roll of the Burgh Courts of Aberdeen, August-October 1317 (stairsociety.org).

Jackson W. Armstrong, 'The Financial Accounts of Provost Andrew Alanson of Aberdeen for the year 1470-1, held in the Beinecke Library, Yale', The Scottish Historical Review 102:3 (2023), 440-452 (https://doi.org/10.3366/shr.2023.0624 )

A list of related publications is at the Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums website.