Dr Rachelle Ho

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Dr Rachelle Ho
Dr Rachelle Ho
Dr Rachelle Ho

Teaching Fellow

Email Address
Office Address
G31 William Guild Building
Old Aberdeen Campus
110 St. Machar Drive
AB24 2UB

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School of Psychology


I received my PhD at McMaster University where I used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate brain networks in children with concussion or mild traumatic brain injury. Following my PhD, I conducted further research to evaluate intracortical myelin in drug-naive adults diagnosed with depression and the effects of depression during pregnancy on the development of child brain networks and behaviour. I was fortunate to join the University of Aberdeen in 2023 as a Teaching Fellow. 

My primary research and teaching interests are in mental health and child behaviour. Some of my current projects include child frustration and rejection sensitivity, maternal mental health on child wellness, exercise dependency, and rumination.

Please feel free to contact me about research and/or collaboration: rachelle.ho@abdn.ac.uk


Research Overview

My research surrounds mental wellness in both children and adults, particularly how mood impacts behaviour. Examples of research projects include studying the effects of rumination on social interactions, maternal mental health on child frustration, and rejection sensitivity on child behavioural difficulties.

Previous research included evaluations of mood and executive functioning in children with concussion, depression on brain function in pregnant individuals and new mothers, and intracortical myelin in adults diagnosed with depression using MRI. 

Research Areas

Research Specialisms

  • Developmental Psychology
  • Paediatrics
  • Quantitative Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Biomedical Sciences

Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.



Teaching Responsibilities

Students can find me teaching in lectures (PS1509, PS2517) or in small-teaching classes (PS2017, PS2517, PS3015, PS3518, PS3522, PS5529). My lectures focus on developmental psychology.