Senior Lecturer
- About
- Email Address
- flurina.wartmann@abdn.ac.uk
- School/Department
- School of Geosciences
- since August 2022: Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen
- June 2023 - August 2024 (80%): Researcher on Landscape Aesthetics at Oxford University's Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery
- since June 2023: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy / Advance HE (FHEA)
- August 2022 - present: Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen
- July 2020-July 2022: Lecturer Human Geography, Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen
- 2018 - 2020 PostDoc at the Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape on further developing the Swiss Landscape Monitoring Programme for the Federal Office of the Environment
- 2017 -2018 PostDoc at the Institute of Geography, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, UK. Project on mapping tranquillity as a landscape quality in a Scottish national park using interviews and social media data. Funded by SNSF.
- 2016 -2017: PostDoc at the Geography Department, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Project on combining quantitative and qualitative methods for assessing cultural landscape values from bottom-up descriptions. Funded by the cogito foundation.
- 2012 -2016: PhD in Geography at the University of Zurich. Title: From Space to Place in the Bolivian Amazon – Representing Landscape Perceptions with Ethnographic and GIS Approaches.
- 2009-2012 Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Development and Cooperation at nadel, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- 2009-2012 Programme Coordination at the NGO Biovision Foundation: coordination and monitoring of sustainable development projects in East Africa
- 2009 Master in Geographic Information Science at the University of Zurich, Switzerland
Latest Publications
Emotions shape attitudes towards wolf conservation management in the Italian Alps
European Journal of Wildlife Research, vol. 71, 7Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMessy natures: The political aesthetics of nature recovery
People and Nature, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 2564-2576Contributions to Journals: ArticlesUnderstanding decision-making in British restoration and rewilding initiatives: a science-driven or selective approach?
Rethinking Wild Europe: European Perspectives on Wilderness, Rewilding and Biodiversity ConservationContributions to Conferences: Abstracts- [ONLINE] Book of Abstracts
Extracting sensory experiences and cultural ecosystem services from actively crowdsourced descriptions of everyday lived landscapes
Ecosystems and People, vol. 20, no. 1, 2331761Contributions to Journals: ArticlesGeographies of landscape aesthetics: mapping landscape terminology in digitised historical travel accounts of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs
Scottish Geographical Journal, vol. 140, no. 1-2, pp. 210-232Contributions to Journals: Articles
- Research
Research Overview
Broadly, my research interests revolve around the relationship between society and nature, and addressing questions of social and environmental justice in nature conservation, protected area management, and rewilding.I have also got a track record in developing holistic methods for cultural ecosystem assessment and social impact monitoring in the context of nature conservation and landscape management.
In my research I use interdisciplinary approaches and a variety of data sources, including interviews, large public surveys, social media photographs, and digitised text sources (e.g. hiking blogs) that I anlyse using qualitative and quantitative approaches)
Research Areas
Research Specialisms
- Environmental Geography
- Human Geography
- Landscape Studies
- Social Sciences
Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.
Current Research
I am currently involved in a number of projects revolving around how understandings of rewilding in Scotland have changed over time using natural language processing and deep reading using historical archival sources (funded by the Carnegie Foundation).Together with colleagues in hydrology and at the James Hutton Institute I am working on delivering a project on evidence needs related to river woodland restoration in Scotland (funded by CREW).
I am also the lead for 'People and Nature' for our new NETGAIN doctoral focal award on biodiversity net gain and the science and practice of emerging nature markets funded by NERC across our four partner universities St Andrews (lead), Aberdeen, Glasgow and Durham.
Recently I been researching how landscape aesthetics enable and constrain nature recovery and rewilding in the UK at the Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery, University of Oxford.
Furthermore, I am currently the PI for a QUADRAT DTP funded PhD on decision-making in rewilding and ecological restoration in the UK and a QUADRAT DTP PhD on the cultural ecosystem services of beaver-modified landscapes.
I also collaborate nationally and internationally on a range of other projects on human-nature relations and cultural landscape values related to a socially just and ecologically meaningful way to address the biodiversity crisis.
My current supervision areas are: Geography and Environment.
I am interested to supervise students pursuing PhD dissertations on a range of topics, including, but not limited to: cultural landscape values, public attitudes on landscape change, rewilding, human-wildlife co-existence and social science conservation.
- Morris, G. (ongoing): Echoes of the Past: Reimagining Conservation Strategies through Archaeology, Creative Practice, and Sound. Co-supervisor with Dr. Gareth Beale and Prof. Michael Given, University of Glasgow.
- Webb, S. (ongoing): Cultural values of beaver-modified landscapes. A cross-cultural comparison between Scandinavia, Central Europe and the UK. Main supervisor. Co-supervisors: Prof. David Anderson (Anthropology, UoA) and Dr. Alan Law (Freshwater Ecosystems, University of Stirling).
- McIlvenny, H (ongoing): Coastal connections: Mapping the extent, health and connectivity of Northern Ireland’s Blue Carbon ecosystems. Co-supervisor with Dr. Sarah Helyar, Biological Sciences, Queen's University Belfast.
- Cary, E (ongoing): Factors influencing decision-making for rewilding and ecological restoration projects. Main supervisor. Co-supervisors: Prof. Xavier Lambin (School of Biological Sciences, UoA), and Dr. Paul Caplat (Biological Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast)
- Bär, M (2022): Capturing Perceived Everyday Lived Landscapes through Gamification and Active Crowdsourcing. Geocomputation Group, Geography Department, University of Zurich. Committee member. Main supervisor: Prof. R. Purves.
- Komossa, F. (2020): Outdoor Recreationists and Where To Find Them: Quantifying Outdoor Recreation Preferences In European Landscapes. PhD Thesis. Environmental Geography, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Co-supervisor.
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
I teach on nature-society relations, rewilding/nature recovery and social aspects of conservation across undergraduate and Master's level (see course list).
I am interested to supervise students pursuing UG/PG and PhD dissertations on a range of topics, including, but not limited to: cultural landscape values, integrated landscape assessments, use and perception of urban green spaces, public attitudes on landscape change, rewilding, and conservation.
I was student-nominated as best undergraduate dissertation supervisor in 2022 and as best PhD supervisor in 2024.Recent Master dissertations:
- Isaac, D.I.(2023): Retrofitting green infrastructure into areas of existing housing in deprived areas of Aberdeen City. MSc in Sustainability Transitions, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Baghel, P. (2022): Challenges for Sustainability Transitions in the Scottish Wedding Industry. Dissertation for MSc in Sustainability Transition, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- D’Aloia – Thompson, M. (2022): Waste management challenges in transition towards a circular economy – Case of Malawi with recommendation of a waste analysis and characterization study in Area 24, Lilongwe. Dissertation for MSc Sustainability Transitions, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Fulop, A. (2022): Aberdeenshire Council: An assessment of resource demand and opportunities for circularity. Dissertation for MSc Sustainability Transitions, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Mills, F. (2022): Funding Scottish rewilding: an assessment of current and future funding sources utilised by open-ended ecological restoration projects. Dissertation for MSc Land Economy, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- McLennan, C. (2021): Perceptions of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) reintroductions in Scotland. Dissertation for the Master in Land Economy, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Cumming, S. (2021): Investigating the relationship between new entrants to agriculture and diversification: a focus on Scotland's agritourism. Dissertation for the Mater in Land Economy, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
Recent Undergraduate dissertations:
- Pickering, K. (2024): Analysis of stakeholder attitudes and media regarding a recently designated Marine Protected Area near the Isle of Skye. MA in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Cross, A. (2024): Perception of the proposed Aberdeen Beachfront development and its effects on sense of place. MA in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Trebo S. (2023): Human-wildlife conflict: Attitudes on wolf conservation management in South Tyrol (Italy). Dissertation for BSc in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Cox Ellames J. (2023): Perceptions of ecological impacts and potential management strategies of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) in the Tayside catchment, Scotland. Dissertation for MA in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Robbie Moody (2023): Assessing the quality and accessibility of Urban Green Spaces in Glasgow, Scotland. Dissertation for MA in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Rory Shaw (2023): Attitudes Towards Electric Vehicle Adoption in Aberdeenshire and City. Dissertation for MA in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Ogg, G. (2022): Spatially analysing the use of aesthetic terminology in historical accounts of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs. Dissertation for MA in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Ritchie, E. (2022): Investigating sense of place experienced in greenspace locations on the Deeside Way. Dissertation for MA in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main Supervisor.
- McReal, C. (2022): Sense of place and use of outdoor spaces in Dundee: Investigating Covid-19’s impact. Dissertation for MA in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Smith, J.A. (2021): The role of green spaces in Aberdeen City during an ongoing pandemic. Dissertation for MA in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Leafstedt, E. (2021): Identity, Sustainability, and the Growth Machine - Discourse Analysis of Urban redevelopment– A Case Study of the 2015 Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan. Dissertation for MA in Geography, University of Aberdeen. Main supervisor.
- Publications
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Emotions shape attitudes towards wolf conservation management in the Italian Alps
European Journal of Wildlife Research, vol. 71, 7Contributions to Journals: ArticlesMessy natures: The political aesthetics of nature recovery
People and Nature, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 2564-2576Contributions to Journals: ArticlesUnderstanding decision-making in British restoration and rewilding initiatives: a science-driven or selective approach?
Rethinking Wild Europe: European Perspectives on Wilderness, Rewilding and Biodiversity ConservationContributions to Conferences: Abstracts- [ONLINE] Book of Abstracts
Extracting sensory experiences and cultural ecosystem services from actively crowdsourced descriptions of everyday lived landscapes
Ecosystems and People, vol. 20, no. 1, 2331761Contributions to Journals: ArticlesGeographies of landscape aesthetics: mapping landscape terminology in digitised historical travel accounts of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs
Scottish Geographical Journal, vol. 140, no. 1-2, pp. 210-232Contributions to Journals: ArticlesRewilding in the British policy landscape.: A qualitative analysis of policy documents related to rewilding
Scottish Geographical JournalContributions to Journals: ArticlesCharacterising and mapping potential and experienced tranquillity: From a state of mind to a cultural ecosystem service
Geography Compass, vol. 17, no. 11, e12726Contributions to Journals: Review articlesExploring knowledge production and integration in UK rewilding initiatives
The XXIXth European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, pp. 483Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts- [ONLINE] Conference Book of Abstracts
Landscape quality payments in Switzerland: the congruence between policy and preferences
Journal of Policy Modeling, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 251-265Contributions to Journals: ArticlesLandschaftsqualität in Regionalen Naturpärken. Ergebnisse der Landschaftsbeobachtung Schweiz LABES
Vol. 133, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL, Switzerland. 74 pagesBooks and Reports: Books