Postgraduate Research

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Postgraduate Research

We are a School with an industry-driven research perspective which is applied at all levels. Strong interdisciplinary collaborations exist between Departments, both within the School and with Departments and Schools across the wider University, leading to a strengthening of the research portfolio and, importantly, the range and experiences available for postgraduate researchers.

Students have the opportunity to undertake research at a range of levels, through either full-time or part-time study. It is possible to complete an MRes, MSc by research, or PhD through the School.

A comprehensive induction programme is provided to all new postgraduate research students through the Graduate School in conjunction with the School which gives new students a chance to meet key individuals in the School and College as well as other new postgraduates. This is followed by specialist and generic research skills courses during the period of study. In addition to centrally provided postgraduate training, Departments within the School organise seminar series, where students and staff make presentations of their research. Students are also encouraged to present their work at appropriate national and international conferences.

Research students normally have two supervisors, depending on the nature of their topic, and are allocated office space with computing facilities, with well-founded laboratories providing the equipment necessary for experimental work. There are also extensive opportunities for fieldwork in the UK and overseas as dictated by the nature of the research.

Postgraduate Research students are also often invited to contribute to teaching activities by providing paid laboratory or tutorial assistance to undergraduate students. Training for such activities is included in the induction programme and the follow-up sessions on demonstrating. As well as developing teaching skills, this is a means of supplementing income.

An excellent library provides the essential books and journals, and all students have direct access to electronic journals from their own computers. The College has its own information consultant within the Library whose subject knowledge and expertise is actively available to students to provide help in making effective use of the wide range of paper and electronic resources available. As the flagship project of the second phase of our Sixth Century Campaign, our £57 million library (opened September 2011) is the largest capital fundraising project undertaken to date by the University and is a landmark of learning, bringing high-quality students, researchers and academics to the University, supporting our academic ambitions and international reputation.