Page 1 of 20Results 1 to 10 of 191, 20 June - 12 December 2024
AUCEL members contributed to the Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas Law
We are delighted to report the publication of the Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas Law edited by Tina Soliman Hunter (Macquarie University), Angela Dobb (Independent Subsurface Consultant), and Ernst Nordtveit (University of Bergen). AUCEL members contributed to this publication showcasing the expertise on energy regulation in the School of...
AUCEL hosts Professor Annalisa Savaresi for a seminar on just transition litigation
On 22 November, the AUCEL hosted Professor Annalisa Savaresi, who is the Professor of Environmental Law at the University of Stirling, UK and Professor of International Environmental Law at the Centre for Climate Change, Energy, University of Eastern Finland. Annalisa’s academic portfolio comprises more than 50 peer-reviewed articles and contributions to...
Dr Daria Shapovalova presents on just energy transition at the Arctic Circle Assembly 2024
In October 2024, Dr Daria Shapovalova participated in the Arctic Circle Assembly, both in her capacity as the Chair of the Scottish Arctic Network and to present her research on just energy transition. The Arctic Circle Assembly takes place in Reykjavik, Iceland, every October. It is the largest annual international gathering on...
Dr Muinzer convened the Energy Law section at the Society of Legal Scholars' Conference
Dr Thomas L Muinzer has convened the Energy Law section of a major UK legal conference - the Society of Legal Scholars’ Annual Conference. It was held this year at Bristol Law School, over Tuesday 3rd – Thursday 5th September. Energy Law section speakers and participants included Scott Styles and Dr...
AUCEL hosts Prof Anatole Boute for a book presentation on energy law and geopolitics
On 15 August 2024, the AUCEL hosted Professor Anatole Boute (Chinese University of Hong Kong). Professor Boute, who used to work at Aberdeen Law School in the past, presented his book Energy Dependence and Supply Security: Energy Law in the New Geopolitical Reality (Oxford University Press 2023). The book offers an...
New issue of AUCEL newsletter is published
The AUCEL Team have published the new issues of the newsletter. In this issue you will find updates on our research networks and projects, our team's latest publications, and upcoming events, and more. AUCEL_Newsletter_AUG2024.pdf
AUCEL hosted a Successful Workshop on Giant Pylons in NE Scotland
On Thursday, 18 July 2024, the Aberdeen University Centre for Energy Law hosted the workshop "Giant Pylons in NE Scotland, Why Here, Why Now and What Next?" bringing together academics across diverse fields, legal professionals, civil societies, and local community to examine the complexities surrounding the construction of pylons in...
AUCEL members contribute chapters to book on the Paris Agreement
Dr Daria Shapovalova (Director, Aberdeen University Centre for Energy Law) and Dr Mitchell Lennan have contributed chapters to an edited collection Research Handbook on the Law of the Paris Agreement edited by Professor Alexander Zahar and published by Edward Elgar. Adopted in 2015 and entering into force in 2016, the...
AUCEL researchers participate in the 8th UEF Law School Energy Transitions conference in Finland
Dr Thomas Muinzer, Dr. Tomilola Akanle Eni-ibukun and Soibi Bob-Manuel participated in the 8th University of East Finland (UEF) Law School Energy Transitions Conference, which took place from the 28th to the 30th of June 2024.The conference, hosted by was UEF Law School, in collaboration with the Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law...
Dr Shapovalova participated in the Annual Conference of the UK Environmental Law Association
AUCEL Director, Dr Daria Shapovalova participated in the Annual Conference of the UK Environmental Law Association. Daria contributed to the panel titled ‘Is Energy Law Ready for Net Zero’. Chaired by Stephen Hockman KC, the panel featured practicing lawyers – Ross Fairley and Odette Chalaby, as well the Commercial Director...