Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 7 of 7, 24 - 31 October 2019
Professor John Paterson gave a lecture at the National Decommissioning Centre
On Thursday 24 October, our Professor John Paterson gave a lecture on the legal and regulatory dimension of decommissioning to the first intake of PhD students to the National Decommissioning Centre at Newburgh. On Friday 25 October, he hosted a session at the NDC featuring Uisdean Vass, Head of Oil and...
Professor Abbe Brown launches new book "Intellectual Property, Climate Change and Technology"
Written by Professor Abbe Brown from the School of Law, '' Intellectual Property, Climate Change and Technology: Managing National Legal Intersections, Relationships and Conflicts'' has been published.
University offers Local Content Law training to Mozambique's National Oil Company
A group of specialists from Mozambique's National Hydrocarbons Company (Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos - ENH) have completed a two-week advanced 'Local Content Masterclass' training at the University.
"Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law 2018: In Pursuit of Peace and Prosperity"
Edited by Professor Zeray Yihdego from the School of Law, the third volume of "Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law 2018: In Pursuit of Peace and Prosperity" has recently been published by Springer. The book focuses on important accomplishments and challenges in Ethiopia, the Horn and the continent of Africa...
Aberdeen University Mooting Society to host Inaugural national conference and networking event
A student group from the University of Aberdeen will host a conference and networking event for all law students who are keen to pursue a career in litigation this week.
Dr Catherine Ng visiting Canada
Dr Catherine Ng will be visiting Ontario from the 21-29 October 2019. Dr Ng would be delighted to meet with you at your convenience and would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about studying at Aberdeen, or indeed in Scotland School Visits Catherine will be conducting a number of school...
Dr Daria Shapovalova at the 'Beyond Oil 2019: Deep and Rapid Transformations' conference in Bergen
Last week Dr Daria Shapovalova presented her work on energy and climate change at the 'Beyond Oil 2019: Deep and Rapid Transformations' conference in Bergen. She discussed avenues for better integration of energy decarbonisation into the international climate change regime. Find more information about the conference here: