Director (CHaRT)
- About
- Email Address
- g.maclennan@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 438147
- Office Address
Health Services Research Unit
2nd Floor Health Sciences Building
AB25 2ZD- School/Department
- School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
I am currently Professor of Medical Statistics and the Director of the Centre for Health Care Randomised Trials (CHaRT) which is the Clinical Trials Unit embedded within the Health Services Research Unit. My overarching research interest is in designing fair tests of health care treatments and policies, with a specifc interest in evaluating surgical and complex interventions. I'm also interested in improving the design, conduct, and analysis and reporting of clinical trials through the development and application of methodological research to clinical trials from CHaRT.
My undergrad degree is in Mathematics from the University of Aberdeen, graduating in 1997. After a year training as a Mathematics teacher I joined the Unit in September 1998 as a statistician. I studied part-time for an MSc in Applied Statistics with Sheffield Hallam University, graduating in 2004. In 2008 I was appointed Senior Statistican, and in 2016 was I Interim Programme Director for the Health Care Assessment Programme, until being appointment as CHaRT Director in April 2017.
- BSc Mathematics1997 - University of Aberdeen
- MSc Applied Statistics2004 - Sheffield Hallam University
- Research
Research Overview
The application of statistical methods to clinical trials. Recent example is JCE paper available here on using instrumental variables in a surgery trial to address non-compliance. Collaborators were Jonathan Cook (Oxford), Tom Palmer (Lancaster), and Richard Emesley (Manchester).
Research on making trials more efficient, collaborating with Trial Forge.
Current Research
A complete list of the CHaRT RCT portolio is available by clicking here
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
I teach on our MPH course module PU5031: EVIDENCE-BASED HEALTH.
- Publications
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The UK resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta in trauma patients with life-threatening torso haemorrhage: The (UK-REBOA) multicentre RCT
Health Technology Assessment, vol. 28, no. 54Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3310/LTYV4082
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/24578/1/Jansen_etal_HTA_The_UK_Resuscitative_VoR.pdf
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
RCT comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of various catheter washout policies
RCOG World Congress 2024Contributions to Conferences: PostersRCT comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of various catheter washout policies
The International Continence SocietyContributions to Conferences: PostersPublic perspective on potential treatment intervention harm in clinical trials-terminology and communication
Trials, vol. 25, no. 1, 573Contributions to Journals: ArticlesFeasibility of in-home monitoring for people with glaucoma: the I-TRAC mixed-methods study
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), vol. 28, no. 44, pp. 1-163Contributions to Journals: ArticlesText Messages With Financial Incentives for Men With Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA, vol. 332, no. 1, pp. 31-40Contributions to Journals: ArticlesEvaluating Primary Treatment for People with Advanced Glaucoma: Five-Year Results of the Treatment of Advanced Glaucoma Study
Ophthalmology, vol. 131, no. 7, pp. 759-770Contributions to Journals: ArticlesAssessment of depth of sedation using Bispectral Index™ monitoring in patients with severe traumatic brain injury in UK intensive care units
BJA Open, vol. 10, 100287Contributions to Journals: ArticlesLaparoscopic cholecystectomy versus conservative management for adults with uncomplicated symptomatic gallstones: the C-GALL RCT
Health Technology Assessment, vol. 28, no. 26, pp. 1-151Contributions to Journals: ArticlesBisoprolol in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease at High Risk of Exacerbation: The BICS Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA, vol. 332, no. 6, pp. 462-470Contributions to Journals: Articles