International Requirements

International Requirements

We have 19 Overseas places available at Aberdeen.  Applications will be considered if candidates have achieved, or are predicted to achieve our minimum academic requirements. All examination results must be obtained at the first sitting of each subject.  Medical Councils around the world may have different requirements to practice medicine.  Please check with regards to what these may be.

Advice for Completion of UCAS Form

Applications will not be considered unless all areas of the UCAS form have been completed including:

  • The names of schools, colleges and universities attended
  • All secondary school qualifications completed, giving names of qualifications and grades achieved
  • Qualifications not yet completed giving names of qualifications
  • Predicted grades: The referee must include predicted grades of all individual qualifications not yet taken
  • The Personal Statement: This must be written by the applicant and no areas should be copied from any other source
  • The Reference: Information must be supplied on the UCAS form - we will not send for a reference following receipt of the UCAS form. Applicants must not alter the reference in any way
  • All applicants for medicine must take the UCAT prior to application.  Please see

English Language Requirements

Candidates whose first language is not English, must ensure they meet our requirements.  Please visit our website for more information, noting the requirements for the MBChB programme.

Typical Offer for Overseas Applicants

  • A typical offer will be Conditional upon achieving the minimum requirements for GCE / SQA / IB / EB applicants or a minimum of the predicted grades below.
  • There may be an English requirement also.

Acceptable qualifications for Overseas applicants

Applications to the Medical degree course are very often made on the basis of GCE A-Level, Scottish Higher, International Baccalaureate or European Baccalaureate qualifications.

If in doubt about the acceptability of other qualifications, please click on the links below for information or contact the Medical Undergraduate Admissions Office before completing your UCAS form.

Important note for all applicants whose examination results are not available at the time of application:


Please click on the country below for information about required qualifications:

Africa America:
North America
Latin and South America
North Asia
South Asia
South East Asia
Russia Middle East
Other Countries Norway European Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate


Please click on the links below for information about individual qualifications:

Angola Egypt Ghana Kenya
Namibia Nigeria South Africa Other African Countries

Angola: Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Habilitação Literárias)

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Egypt: Egyptian General Secondary School Certificate

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Ghana: West African Senior School Certificate (WASSC)

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Kenya: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Namibia: Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education (HIGCSE)

AAAAA required including Chemistry plus two of Physics, Maths or Biology plus two other subjects excluding English. Qualifications on their own cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable additional/alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Nigeria: WAEC Senior School Certificate

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

South Africa: South African Senior Certificate (SA NSC)

NSC/IEB - 7 subjects required to include grades 7777 in Maths, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and one other subject.

Plus grades 666 in the other 3 subjects to include English

Other African Countries

Please contact Medical Admissions Office directly at: information about other qualifications

America – North America

Please click on the links below for information about individual qualifications:

Canada USA USA - AP

Canada: High School Certificate

To be considered: Achieve / be predicted to achieve average grades of minimum 80% over 6 subjects in Grade 12.Due to the individual State qualifications, potential applicants from Canada should contact the Medical Admissions Office for information prior to submission of an application.

USA: High School Certificate / SAT achievements

To be considered: Achieve /be predicted to achieve a minimum High School GPA of 3.5.

  • Minimum of B grades in Mathematics and Science classes
  • SAT I:
    • Scores of minimum 700 in each part plus
  • SAT II:
    • Scores of minimum 700 in each part
    • Chemistry is required
    • One subject out of Biology, Physics or Mathematics
    • One further subject.
  • High School Diploma must be obtained prior to entry.

USA: High School Certificate / AP achievements

To be considered: Achieve /be predicted to achieve a minimum High School GPA of 3.5.

  • Minimum of B grades in Mathematics and Science classes.
  • SAT I:
    • Scores of minimum 700 in each part plus
  • AP:
    • Three AP Tests to achieve 5, 5, 4
    • Chemistry is required
    • One subject out of Biology, Physics or Mathematics
  • High School Diploma must be obtained prior to entry.

America - Latin and South America

Please click on the links below for information about individual qualifications:

Caribbean Columbia Venezuela Other South American Countries

Caribbean: Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)

To be considered: Achieve /be predicted to achieve three two-course units at Grades 1, 1, 2.

  • Chemistry is required.
  • One subject from Biology, Mathematics and Physics is required.

Columbia: Columbian ICFES university entrance examination

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Venezuela: Bachillerato

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Other South American Countries

Please contact Medical Admissions Office directly at: information about other qualifications

Asia – North Asia

Please click on the links below for information about individual qualifications:

China Hong Kong South Korea
Taiwan Other North Asian Countries

China: Chinese University / College Entrance Examination (Gao Kao)

To be considered: Achieve /be predicted to achieve a minimum total score of 650 in 5 subjects:

  • Chemistry is required at minimum 135.
  • Two subjects out of Biology, Physics or Mathematics each at minimum 135.
  • Two other subjects.

Hong Kong: A-Levels

Directly equivalent to UK A-Levels. To be considered: Achieve /be predicted to achieve grades of AAA.

  • Chemistry is required
  • One subject out of Biology, Physics or Mathematics
  • One other subject

Hong Kong Diploma in Secondary Education (HKDSE)

  • Pass all four core subjects including:
    • English to level 3 or better
    • Maths to level 4 or better (including minimium of 4 in both Compulsory and Extended parts)
  • Undertake 3 elective subjects
    • Chemistry compulsory to level 5
    • 2 further subjects out of Biology (level 5), Physics (level 5) or Maths (to include complulsory part to 5* and extended part to 5)

South Korea: High School Diploma from Specialised High Schools

To be considered: Minimum of ‘soo’ required in 5 subjects to include Chemistry plus two from Biology, Maths and Physics. Qualifications on their own cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable additional/alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Taiwan: Taiwan Senior High School Leaving Certificate

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Other North Asian Countries

Please contact Medical Admissions Office directly at: information about other qualifications

Asia – South Asia

Please click on the links below for information about individual qualifications:

Bangladesh India Nepal
Pakistan Sri Lanka

Bangladesh: Secondary School Certificate (SSC)

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

India: India Higher Secondary Certificate (CBSE/Standard 12)

To be considered: Minimum of 85% or above at first sitting AND 85% or above in a minimum of three subjects (including Chemistry and at least one of Maths, Biology or Physics). 

Nepal: Nepal Higher Secondary Certificate

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Pakistan: Higher Secondary School Certificate, Pre-Medical or Pre-Engineering streams

To be considered: HSSC minimum of 80% required in 5 subjects to include Chemistry plus two from Biology, Maths and Physics. Qualifications on their own at Higher level with matriculation endorsement cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable additional/alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Sri Lanka: Sri Lankan A-Levels

Students who wish to work in Sri Lanka:

  • Prospective medical students must possess the mandatory educational entry qualifications stipulated by the SLMC and obtain an Eligibility Certificate.
  • To be registered by the SLMC, the Sri Lankan Parliment require students to have passed the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination of Sri Lanka or an equivalent examination, in the subjects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics in one sitting.  Please visit the SLMC website for more information.
  • The University of Aberdeen MBChB is recognised by the SLMC

To be considered: Achieve / be predicted to achieve: Grades of AAA:

  • Chemistry is required
  • One subject out of Biology, Physics or Mathematics
  • One other subject

Asia - South East Asia

Please click on the links below for information about individual qualifications:

Brunei Indonesia Malaysia
Singapore Thailand

Brunei: Brunei/Cambridge GCE A-levels

Directly equivalent to UK A-Levels. To be considered: Achieve / be predicted to achieve grades of AAA:

  • Chemistry is required
  • One subject out of Biology, Physics or Mathematics
  • One other subject, excluding General paper

Indonesia: Certificate of Completion of Academic Secondary School (STTB – SMA)

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Malaysia: STPM

Directly equivalent to UK A-Levels. To be considered: Achieve / be predicted to achieve grades of AAA:

  • Chemistry is required
  • One subject out of Biology, Physics or Mathematics
  • One other subject

Singapore: Singapore/Cambridge GCE A-Levels

Directly equivalent to UK A-Levels. To be considered: Achieve / be predicted to achieve grades of AAA:

  • Chemistry is required
  • One subject out of Biology, Physics or Mathematics
  • One other subject

Thailand: Maw 6 with a score of 50% and above

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate


Russia Federation: Attestat – Certificate of Secondary Education at Grade 11

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Middle East

Please click on the links below for information about individual qualifications:

Kuwait Iraq Jordan
Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates

Kuwait: Kuwaiti General Secondary School Certificate

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Iraq: Iraqi Certificate of Preparatory Education / Sixth Form Baccalauréat

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Jordan: Certificate of General Secondary Education

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Qatar: Qatar General Secondary Education Certificate

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Saudi Arabia: Saudi General Secondary Education Certificate (GSEC)

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

United Arab Emirates: UAE Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Tawjihiyya)

Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate

Other Countries

Please click on the links below for information about individual qualifications:

Australia New Zealand Norway Ukraine Other Countries


Due to the individual State qualifications, potential applicants from Australia should contact the Medical Admissions Office for information prior to submission of an application.

New Zealand: National Certificate of Educational Achievement at Level 3

To be considered: Achieve /be predicted to achieve Certificate taken at Level 3, with grades of E, E and M:

  • Chemistry is required
  • Two subjects out of Biology, Physics or Mathematics
  • English to Level 2 is also required


To be considered: Achieve /be predicted to achieve six subjects at Grade 5 in Specialisation Subjects + Average of Grade 5 in common core subjects.

  • Chemistry is required
  • One of Biology, Physics or Mathematics

Norwegian applicants are regarded as overseas students, unlike applicants from EU countries.


Qualifications cannot be considered for Medicine. Suitable alternative qualifications would be:

  • GCE A-Level
  • Scottish Higher
  • International Baccalaureate


Other Countries

Please contact Medical Admissions Office directly at: information about other qualifications.

European Baccalaureate

European Baccalaureate

To be considered: Achieve / be predicted to achieve a minimum grade of 80% overall:

  • Chemistry is required at 80% or more
  • Mathematics plus either Physics or Biology at 80% or more

International Baccalaureate

International Baccalaureate

To be considered:

Achieve /be predicted to achieve 3 subjects at Higher Level (HL) at Grade 6 or better:

  • Chemistry is required
  • One of Maths/ Biology/Physics 
  • One other subject

plus 3 other subjects (including one science if 3 not offered at HL) at Standard Level at an average of Grade 6:

  • IB must offer Chemistry plus one further science at HL and one further science at SL
  • We will accept SL and HL grades for both the ‘Analysis and approaches’ and ‘applications and interpretation’ pathways to meet our entry requirements.

Note: At least 36 points to be achieved overall (not including core).