Topic outline

  • Course description

    ‘Art’ is a controversial category. In museums, you might see urinals and cardboard boxes exhibited – but what earns them this accolade? Is it about skill? Creativity? Beauty? Who decides what counts as ‘good’ art? And why are museums full of stuff made by white men? This course discusses these and related questions. It will introduce you to a wide range of historical definitions of art, and discuss key works, from antiquity to Instagram - many of which challenged the boundaries of ‘art’.  

    Through analysis of texts and artworks, we explore the historically contingent nature of what counts as ‘art’. We will also address the ethical implications of the term, e.g. its Eurocentrism. The course also serves as an introduction to some of the key methodologies and critical debates that inform art-historical interpretation. 

    Course coordinator Dr Hans Hones

    • What skills will I develop?

      Intended learning outcomes

      Develop ability to search for and critically appraise relevant primary and secondary sources

      Demonstrate an awareness of the intersections of artistic productions and art writing, developed through class discussion and measured through written assessments.

      Demonstrate an understanding of the historically contingent nature of the category ‘art’.

      Demonstrate an understanding of key methodologies and critical debates that inform art-historical interpretation.

      • What will the timetable look like?

        1x 1hr lecture each week

        1x 2hr workshop each week

        • How will I be assessed?

          Class Participation 10%

          Essay 2500 words 90%

          • What do previous students think?

            This is a new option for medical humanities 23-24