Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 3 of 3, 07 - 21 May 2020
Latest HERU Blog - Which pandemic response measures are right for the community? And how do we find
Our latest HERU Blog post looks at the valuation of community preferences. In the post Dr Ruben Sakowsky, who has recently completed a PhD in HERU, argues that health economics methods need to take greater account of community preferences. The example of the COVID-19 pandemic is used to discuss the...
April 2020 HERU newsletter
The April 2020 HERU newsletter has been published. In the newsletter we reflect on the relevance of some of our recent research to the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight studies around employment insecurity; individual and community values; and ICU decision making. We also consider some of the workforce planning issues facing...
Making decisions about who to admit to intensive care - latest HERU Blog
The latest HERU Blog post looks at our research, in collaboration with the University of Warwick Medical School, to develop a Decision Support Pack to guide doctors' decisions on which patients to admit to intensive care. HERU researchers ran a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to identify the factors important to...