Study With Us

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Study With Us

Study with us

Education is an essential and integral part of the Aberdeen Cardiovascular & Diabetes Centre. It is one of the impact streams which underpin our mission.

By providing an educational environment centred on patient needs in cardiovascular disease and diabetes, training the next generation of researchers (clinical and non-clinical) with a new perspective on cardiovascular and diabetic research will lead to a shift towards a translationally focussed approach.

We have 2 programmes delivered within our centre:

  • Masters in Science (MSc) in Cardiovascular Science & Diabetes (1 year)
  • PhD in Cardiovascular Science & Diabetes research (3-4 years)

Masters in Science (MSc) in Cardiovascular Science & Diabetes

Our programme will provide you with a leading-edge view of cardiovascular and metabolic science through delivery of a research-led and clinically-focussed teaching experience that includes a laboratory research project supervised by leading cardiovascular and diabetes science researchers.

This research project will be at the cutting edge of cardiovascular and diabetes research. The clinical relevance of the programme is directly strengthened by the location of the teaching, with Aberdeen Royal Hospital on site, and by the input of cardiovascular and diabetes clinicians into our MSc training programme.

For further information, or to apply, please click here:

PhD projects in all aspects of Cardiovascular Science & Diabetes research

Within the Aberdeen Cardiovascular & Diabetes Centre, our PhD training programme is helping the next generation of researchers to work towards our mission of improving outcome in patients. You will be an integral part of our centre and will participate in research seminars and symposia.

Our PhD programme is typically 3-4 years in length and will provide you with research training in state-of-the-art laboratories and clinical research facilities. At certain times of the year, we will advertise fully-funded studentships.

Funded PhD studentships are now available.

Please click on this link for more details on projects and the application procedure.

We also welcome applications from self-funded students at any time.

To enquire about our educational programme, please feel free to contact the Centre directors: