
A digital to-do-board to organise tasks, research or your studies

Ditch the sticky notes, spreadsheets, email, and clunky software for managing your projects, and become one of the millions of people to fall in love with Trello.

For those of you already familiar with Kanban boards or to-do lists, Trello is the next step in time management. You can add as many boards and people as you want with your free account, giving you the ability to manage both your personal and collaborative projects.

Trello is also a collaboration tool that organizes your projects. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process. Imagine a white board, filled with lists of sticky notes, with each note as a task for you and your team.

Trello can be used for free on the website or as an app for mobile devices.

Related resources | MindGenius | Workflowy | CrashCourse Study Skills

Last updated on 24 August 2023