Previous Owners
There are currently 1507 book owners listed in the provenance database.
The image icon indicates that the book owner has an image associated with their record, which you can view by clicking through into the detail page. The number in bold following the book owner's name shows how many books are connected to them.
Back to Top ^- A., A. W. - 2
- A., I. - 1
- A., M. D. - 1
- A., V. G. E. - 1
- A., W. - 1
- A......, Bella - 1
- Abercairny - 2
- Abercrombie, Robert - 2
- Abercromby, Alexander, of Glasshaugh (1677-1729) - 1
- Abercromby, Andrew - 3
- Abercromby, Jean - 1
- Abercromby, of Birkenbog, Bart. (1750-1831) - 4
- Abercromby, Thomas S. - 1
- Abercromby, Walter - 1
- Aberdeen Academy of Modern Languages - 1
- Aberdeen and Temair, Ishbel Maria Gordon, Marchioness of (1857-1939) - 26
- Aberdeen and Temair, John Campbell Gordon, Marquess of (1847-1934) - 1
- Aberdeen Church of Scotland Training College, Senior Female Students - 1
- Aberdeen Diocesan Library - 1
- Aberdeen Dominican Convent - 2
- Aberdeen Grammar School - 3
- Aberdeen Herald (1832-76) - 1
- Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society - 2
- Aberdeen Occupational Health Unit - 1
- Aberdeen United Free Church College (1900-36) - 2
- Aberdeen University Department of Natural Philosophy, Senior Physics Class - 1
- Aberdeen, Collegiate Church of (Church of St Nicholas) - 1
- Aberdeen, Franciscans (Greyfriars or Observant Franciscan Friars) (c.1461-1560) - 5
- Aberdeen, St. Machar's Cathedral - 6
- Aboyne, John Gordon, 3rd Earl. (d.1732) - 1
- Adam, James - 1
- Adams, Duke - 1
- Adams, Francis (1796-1861) - 2
- Adamson, John (d.1523) - 1
- Adamsonus - 1
- Adamsonus, Joannes (1576-1651/3) - 2
- Aidy, Andrew (fl.1616-20) - 1
- Aird, Bethnal - 1
- Albenacius, Petrus - 1
- Albertus, Bernardus - 1
- Alexander, Lady - 1
- Alexander, Mrs - 1
- Allan, James - 1
- Allardes, Alexander (fl. 1548) - 1
- Altemps, Giovanni Angelo von (Bibliotheca Altempsana) (d.1620.) - 1
- Altenhovius, Henricus - 1
- Amassius, Dominus - 1
- Anderson, Alexander (d.1577) - 22
- Anderson, Alexander (fl.1792) - 1
- Anderson, George (ca.1635-ca.1710.) - 1
- Anderson, James (1739-1808) - 3
- Anderson, Matthew P (fl. 1609-1624) - 1
- Anderson, Patrick (1579-c.1660, fl. 1618-1635) - 1
- Anderson, Peter John - 1
- Anderson, Rev. Dr. - 1
- Anderson, Richard - 1
- Anderson, Robert (fl.1518-1557) - 1
- Anderson, William (fl. 1584-1631) - 9
- Andersone, Andreas - 1
- Andersone, James - 2
- Andersoune, Walter (fl.1601) - 1
- Andreae - 1
- Andreansky, Baron - 1
- Andson, D - 1
- Angelo, James - 1
- Angelo, Martin - 1
- Angus, Andrew - 1
- Angus, Charles - 1
- Annand, John (1516-c.1550) - 3
- Annand, Thomas - 2
- Annand, W. - 1
- Anncorne, Ambrose - 1
- Anorfortius, Petrus Joannes - 1
- Antonius, Mr - 1
- Aragon, Johannes - 1
- Arbuckle, Alexander (fl.1525 -) - 2
- Arbuthnot, Alexander (1538-1583) - 35
- Arbuthnot, Alexander (fl. 1616) - 1
- Arbuthnot, Robert (fl.1600.) - 1
- Ardes, David - 1
- Arnold, George - 1
- Arthur, Robert (fl. 1581-82) - 1
- Arundel, Henry Fitz Alan, Earl of, (1511-1580) - 4
- Asheby - 1
- Assendelft, Hugo de, - 1
- Attewell, Roger, - 1
- Auchinleck, Patrick (d. 1581) - 2
- Aymeric, Bernard - 1
Back to Top ^- B., A. - 1
- B., G. W. - 1
- B., I. - 1
- B., J. - 1
- B., M. P. - 1
- B., W. - 1
- Babington - 1
- Bachelor, James (fl.1531-1548) - 1
- Backhouse, Isaac - 1
- Bacon, Francis (1561-1626) - 4
- Bagg, James - 1
- Baine, James (1710-1790) - 1
- Baird, George, of Auchmedden (fl.1642) - 1
- Baker, Thomas. (1623 - 1689) - 1
- Balcanquall, Walter - 1
- Balcarres, Earl of - 1
- Baldowny, Anthony (fl. 1522) - 1
- Baldwin, John (1560-1615) - 1
- Balfour, David (1754-1813) - 1
- Balfour, Joannes - 1
- Balfour, John - 1
- Balfour, Sir Andrew (1630-1694) - 1
- Balfour, Sir James, Lord Pittendreich (c.1525-1583) - 5
- Balfour, Sir James, of Denmylne and Kinnaird (1600-1657) - 1
- Balnaves, Henry (d.1570) - 1
- Bancroft, Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury (1544-1610 ) - 1
- Bannerman, Charles (fl. 1767-1806) - 1
- Bannerman, Robert (1526-1539) - 1
- Baptis.., Joh. - 1
- Barber, Robert (fl.1723-1753) - 1
- Barclay, Alexander (fl.1530-60.) - 3
- Barclay, Patrick (fl.1653) - 1
- Barksdale, Clement (1609-87) - 1
- Baron, Joannes (Rait, Robert Sangster: The universities of Aberdeen.) - 1
- Baronsdale, Gul. (d.1608) - 1
- Bartlet, Benjamin, jun. (1714-1787) - 1
- Barwell - 1
- Barwell, Gul., de Ravenston - 1
- Bassus, Wolfgang - 1
- Bathurst, Benjamin (1711-1767.) - 1
- Bayer, Theophilus Sigefridus (1694-1738) - 1
- Baysham, Joannes (fl. 1572) - 1
- Beaton, Alexander - 1
- Beaton, James, Archbishop of Glasgow (1524-1603) - 7
- Beattie, James (1735-1803) - 14
- Beattie, James Hay (1768-1790) - 3
- Beattie, Montagu (1778-96) - 1
- Bellenden, John (c.1495-1587) - 2
- Benatt, Johannes (c.1582) - 1
- Benedict, Thomas - 1
- Benn, John - 1
- Bentley, James (fl. 1787-1846.) - 7
- Berka [von Duba und Leipa or z Dubรฉ a Lipรฉ], Zbinco [Zbynko or Zbynek] (1551-1606) - 1
- Bernhere, Augustine - 1
- Bernhere, Thomas - 1
- Bersman, Gregor (1538-1611.) - 1
- Bertie, Charles, Hon. (1640/1-1711) - 1
- Bethune, Maximilien de - 1
- Bibliothecae Facultatis Juridicae Edinburgi - 1
- Bickford, William George Tomalin (1842-1907) - 1
- Bignon, Jerome - 2
- Billingsley, James - 1
- Bindly, James - 1
- Birny, James - 1
- Birrell, E. - 1
- Black, John (c.1520-1587) - 1
- Black, Katherine - 1
- Blackburn - 1
- Blackburn, Archibald - 1
- Blackburn, John (1694-1786) - 1
- Blackburn, Patrick (fl.1637) - 3
- Blackburn, Peter (fl.1582-1616) - 26
- Blackhall, Alexander (fl. 1640-1648) - 8
- Blackwell, Samuel (1643-1719) - 1
- Blackwell, Thomas (1701-1757) - 5
- Blackwell, Thomas, the elder. (1660-1728 ) - 2
- Blount, Charles (1654-1693) - 2
- Blum, Johannes (1599-1629) - 1
- Blyenburch, Jo. (fl. 1577) - 1
- Blyenburch, Vincent (fl. 1571) - 1
- Boece, Arthur (fl.1502-1518.) - 3
- Boece, Hector (c.1465-1536) - 15
- Boece, John - 1
- Bog, William - 1
- Bohiney, John - 1
- Boissellus, J. - 1
- Boithuel, A. - 1
- Booth, Williamson (1857-1908) - 1
- Borgarucci, Giulio (d.1581) - 1
- Boswell, Alexander (Lord Auchinleck) (1707-82) - 16
- Boswell, David - 1
- Boswell, James - 1
- Bothwell, John - 1
- Boutourlin, Dimitri Petrovich, Count of (1763-1829) - 1
- Bowcher, John - 1
- Bowlaeus, Richardus - 1
- Bowmaker? - 1
- Boyle, John, 5th Earl of Cork and 5th Earl of Orrery, 2nd Baron Marston. (1707-62) - 1
- Boyle, Robt. Fred. - 1
- Boyne, John (fl.1750-1810) - 1
- Brabner, Alexander. - 4
- Brabner, Robert - 1
- Bracer, Prof. - 1
- Bradford, Thomas - 1
- Braidwood Collection - 1
- Brasbridge, Henrie - 1
- Breadalbane, Earl of - 1
- Brebner, J. - 1
- Brewster, Jacobus (fl.1758-62.) - 1
- British Museum - 1
- Brocheton - 1
- Brodie, Sir T. Dawson - 1
- Brodie, William (fl.1658) - 1
- Brooks, Hugh Cecil (b.1885) - 25
- Brown, George - 3
- Brown, Henry (fl.1766) - 1
- Brown, Littleton (fl. 1736) - 1
- Browne, C., - 1
- Browne, Edward - 1
- Browne, Thomas (fl.1525.) - 3
- Brownsea Castle - 1
- Broxys or Broxup, Nathanaell, of Manchester - 1
- Bruce, John - 1
- Bruges, Societe Medice-Chirurgicale - 1
- Brus, Laurentius - 1
- Bryan, Jacob. - 1
- Brys, Hendr., - 1
- Buchan, Henry David Erskine (Earl of) (1710-1767) - 1
- Buchanan, John Lanne (fl. 1780-1816) - 1
- Bรผhlmann, Johannes (1520-1582) - 1
- Burlamaelus, Fabritius - 1
- Burmannus, P., the elder. (1668-1741) - 1
- Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715) - 1
- Burnet, James (fl.1718-1723 ) - 30
- Burnett, Alexander (fl. 1779, d.1802) - 1
- Burnett, Rev. G. - 1
- Burton, Edward (1596-1661) - 1
- Bute, John Stuart, Earl of (1713-1792) - 95
Back to Top ^- C., A. - 2
- Cairns, Andrew (fl.1493-1543) - 1
- Cairns, David, the younger (1904-92) - 2
- Caius, Thomas (c.1505-1572) - 1
- Caldecott, G. - 1
- Calendar, Alexander - 1
- Calvertus, Georgius - 1
- Cambridge, Mr. - 1
- Camellus, Symon - 1
- Cameron, John (fl.1540s ) - 3
- Caminaeus, Balthasar (d.1613) - 1
- Campbell - 1
- Campbell, Donald, of Duchernan (1665-1722) - 1
- Campbell, George (1719-1796) - 6
- Campbell, John, 4th Earl of Loudoun (1705-82) - 1
- Campbell, Peter Colin (1810-76) - 1
- Cardonnel-Lawson, Adam de (1746-1820) - 1
- Cargill, James (1565-1616?) - 20
- Cargill, Thomas (fl. 1580-1601) - 6
- Carlisle, William - 1
- Carmelite Friars Aberdeen - 2
- Carmichael, William (1671-1759) - 1
- Caron, Philippe (1750-18--) - 1
- Carr, Robert - 1
- Cary, Walter - 1
- Caselius, Johannes (1533-1613) - 2
- Cassillis - 1
- Cassino, Monte - 1
- Castellanus, Petrus (1585-1632) - 1
- Catanius, Matthaeus - 1
- Catnach family - 1
- Catt ..., Jacobus - 1
- Cay, John - 1
- Cessoles, Henry de. - 1
- Challis, Edward - 1
- Chalmer, Patrick (fl.1630-46) - 2
- Chalmers, Alex c.1759-c.1834 - 1
- Chalmers, George - 1
- Chalmers, James (bap. 1686, d.1744) - 5
- Chalmers, John - 2
- Chalmers, Patrick - 1
- Chalmers, Patrick, d.c. 1727 - 1
- Chalmers, Thomas (1780-1847) - 1
- Champelays, Philippe de. - 1
- Chaplain, Peter (fl.1495-1551) - 2
- Charke, William (fl.1566-1597, d.1617) - 17
- Charles I (1600-1649) - 2
- Charles, Michael - 1
- Charost, Ch. - 1
- Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Earl of (1755-1815) - 1
- Chevallier, Jean (1588/9-1675) - 1
- Cheyne, Alexander - 1
- Cheyne, Gilbert - 1
- Cheyne, John (fl. 1587-1599) - 1
- Cheyne, Patrick (fl. 1590s) - 1
- Cheyne, Rev. T. - 1
- Chillingworth, William (1602-1644) - 1
- Chisholm, William (1525/6-1593) - 4
- Chorley, Richard (fl. 1697-1762) - 1
- Christman, James (fl.1537-1613) - 1
- Clark, Alexander - 1
- Clark, James (1737-1819) - 4
- Claro, Thomas (fl.1655) - 1
- Clavering, Robert - 1
- Clerk, Al. - 1
- Clerk, George (fl.1605-1656) - 26
- Clerk, James - 1
- Cloppenburg, Johannes (1592-1652) - 1
- Coblenz, College of St. John the Baptist - 1
- Cock, Alexander (fl.1665) - 1
- Cockburn, James - 1
- Cockburn, Patrick (d.1568) - 1
- Coe, Mathew - 1
- Coke, Thomas - 1
- Colden, John - 2
- Cole, John (1792-1848) - 1
- Colen, Nicolaus, de Burmania - 1
- College of Fort William (Calcutta, India) (1800- 1854) - 36
- Collie, William - 1
- Colville, James (c.1551-1629) - 1
- Common Library of New Aberdeen (1585-1632) - 86
- Comper, Rev. John (1823-1903) - 1
- Conrad, Jacob (1735-1812) - 1
- Constable, family of. (of Edinburgh?) - 1
- Constance, Capuchins of - 1
- Cook, Nicolas - 1
- Cooke, John - 1
- Cool, Jacob (1563-1628) - 1
- Cooper, James, D.D. (1846-1922) - 2
- Cope, Sir, Bart. - 1
- Copinger, Walter Arthur (1847-1910) - 1
- Copland, Thomas - 1
- Cordel, Mr. - 1
- Cornwall, Thomas - 1
- Corroius, Dr. - 1
- Coryn, M - 1
- Cosseus, Petrus - 1
- Cottingham, John (Either: 1784-1807 or fl.1859) - 1
- Court, Benoรฎt de (d. 1559?) - 1
- Cox, Rebekah - 1
- Craig, John (Either d.1620 or d.1655) - 1
- Craig, Robert - 2
- Crane, Edward (1721-49) - 1
- Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556) - 2
- Cranston, John (fl.1507?) - 2
- Cranston, Thomas (1760-1836) - 1
- Cranston, William (c.1513-1562) - 1
- Cranstonne, William, Lord - 1
- Cranstoune, Alexander - 1
- Crashawe, Tho. - 2
- Craven, James Brown (fl.1855-1920) - 3
- Crawhall, Hugh - 1
- Crichton, James, Viscount Frendraught (c.1620-64/5.) - 3
- Cristan, Laurentius - 1
- Crosbie, Andrew (1736-1785) - 1
- Cross, Thomas - 2
- Croyer, Franciscus - 1
- Cruickshank, Charles - 1
- Cuff, Henry (1563-1601) - 1
- Cuik, Chr. - 1
- Cullen, Alex (fl.1590-1610) - 1
- Culverley, John - 1
- Culverley, Rauffe - 1
- Cumine, Adam - 1
- Cumine, George - 1
- Cumming, William, of Inverallochy - 2
- Cunninghame, D. - 1
- Currie, Adam - 1
Back to Top ^- D - 1
- D. I. R. P. M. G. - 1
- D., C. A. - 1
- D., D. R. - 1
- D., T. H. M. - 1
- D., W. - 1
- Danielston, Robert (fl.1535-47) - 1
- Danson, John Raymond (1893-1976) - 1
- Dauid (David) Raitt. - 1
- Dauney, Francis (1719-1800) - 1
- Daunus, Nicolaus - 1
- Davidson, Alexander Dyce (1807-1872) - 1
- Davidson, Andrew - 2
- Davidson, Capt. Thomas, - 1
- Davidson, Charles Brown (fl. 1866) - 1
- Davidson, Charles J. (1874-1941) - 4
- Davidson, James - 1
- Davidson, John (fl.1547-1556) - 1
- Davidson, William (fl.1549) - 1
- Davidson, William Leslie (1848-1929) - 1
- Davidsoneus - 1
- Davies, George (20th century) - 1
- Davies, Rhys (1901-1978) - 1
- Davisone, William - 1
- Dawes, Thomas - 1
- Day, William (c.1605-1684) - 1
- Deane, Thomas - 1
- Demostenis, Hbrandus (?) - 1
- Deygenus, Joannes Valentinus - 1
- Dick-Lauder, Sir Thomas North, of Grange and Fountainhall, Baronet - 1
- Dickens, Charles (1812-1870) - 1
- Dickie, George (1812-1882) - 1
- Dickson, Robert - 1
- Dietrichstein, Franz von (1570-1636) - 1
- Digby, Sir Kenelm (1603-1665) - 1
- Dillon, Hon. Arthur - 1
- Dobree, Peter Paul (1782-1825) - 1
- Dodsworth, J.E. - 1
- Dolben, William (1588(?)-1631) - 1
- Donaldson, Andrew (fl.1682) - 1
- Donne, John (1572-1632) - 1
- Dorhie, Petrus van, Ghelensis (?) - 1
- Douglas, Alexander (1561-1623) - 1
- Douglas, Francis (1710(?)-1790(?)) - 2
- Douglas, Gavin (fl.1618-20) - 1
- Douglas, George - 2
- Douglas, John (c.1500-74) - 2
- Douglas, William - 1
- Douglas, William (1637-1695) - 1
- Douglass - 1
- Dousae, Stephanus (?) - 1
- Dover, George James Wellbore Agar-Ellis, 1st Baron of (1797-1833) - 1
- Dowden, John (1840-1910) - 2
- Downy, James - 1
- Drummond - 1
- Drummond, C. H. - 1
- Drummond, Patrick (c.1551-1602) - 1
- Drummond, William, of Hawthornden (1585-1649) - 4
- Drury, Heber (1819-1905) - 1
- Drury, Henry (1778-1841) - 4
- Du Bouchet, Jean (1599-1684) - 1
- Du Moulin, Pierre (1568-1658) - 1
- Duff, Andrew - 1
- Duff, John Wight. (1866-1944) - 1
- Duff, Robertus (1721-1787) - 1
- Duff, William (fl. 1721-50) - 1
- Duguรฉ, Francois - 1
- Dulmen, Petrus a, - 1
- Dun, Patrick (bap. 1581-1652) - 8
- Dunbar, Alexander - 1
- Dunbar, I. - 1
- Dunbar, John - 1
- Dunbar, Patrick, c. 1504 -c.1596 - 1
- Dunbar, William (1749-1810) - 1
- Duncanson, John (fl.1556-1566) - 1
- Duncanus, Benedictus (fl.1814.) - 1
- Dundee, John Grahame of Claverhouse, Viscount of (1648-89) - 1
- Dunfermline, a priest of - 1
- Dunlop, James - 2
- Dunlop, John - 2
- Dunn, Francis - 1
- Dunn, George, of Woolley Hall, Maidenhead (1865-1912) - 1
- Durie, Andrew (fl.1525-1558) - 1
Back to Top ^- Eberhardsklansen, Abbey of our Lady - 2
- Eccles, F.C. - 1
- Edgar, M. - 1
- Edinburgh Theological Library - 1
- Edinburgh, Museum of Science and Art - 1
- Edmond, Fr. - 1
- Edwardes, Annie (d.1896) - 1
- Eggebrecht, Nicolaus (1593-1665) - 1
- Eglinton, Archibald Montgomerie, 11th Earl of (1726-1796) - 1
- Elder, Adam (fl. 1529 - 1558) - 2
- Elgin, Dominicans - 2
- Elgin, Franciscans (Minor friars) (c.1281-c.1559) - 1
- Ellis, John - 1
- Elphinstone, Robert (fl. 1511-1529.) - 1
- Elphinstone, William (1431-1514) - 30
- Erlam, Josua or Joseph - 1
- Erroll, Willam Harry Hay, 19th Earl of - 1
- Erskine, Elizabeth? - 1
- Erskine, Marie - 1
- Erskine, Robert (fl. 1530-1547.) - 6
- Erskyne, Adamus - 1
- Ettenheimmรผnster (Baden-Wรผrttemberg), Benedictine - 1
- Everardus, Stephanus - 1
Back to Top ^- F., H. - 1
- Faber, Iulianus - 1
- Fabricius, Johann Albert (1668-1736) - 1
- Fairlie, David (fl.1515-35 ) - 2
- Farmer, Richard (1735-97) - 1
- Farquhar, Robert - 1
- Featherstone, Henry (1608-1647) - 1
- Fernel, Jean (1497-1558) - 1
- Ferrerio, Giovanni (1502-1579) - 3
- Ferron, Jacobus - 1
- Feydeau de Brou - 1
- Finch, Robert (1783-1830) - 1
- Findlater, Dominus de - 1
- Finlayson, James - 1
- Fintray House Library - 5
- Fitz-william, John (d.1699) - 1
- Flautin - 1
- Fleming, John (Either: 1747-1829 or: 1785-1857) - 1
- Forbes - 1
- Forbes-Leith, A.J., of Fyvie. - 1
- Forbes-Leith, Col. J.J and Mrs Willamina Helen Stewart (Mrs W.H.S: d.1866) - 1
- Forbes-Leith, J., of Whitehaugh (d.1781) - 2
- Forbes-Leith, of Whitehaugh, family. - 1
- Forbes, Alexander - 1
- Forbes, George - 2
- Forbes, James - 1
- Forbes, James - 1
- Forbes, John - 4
- Forbes, John, of Corse (1593-1648) - 3
- Forbes, Robert (fl. 1643-87) - 2
- Forbes, Sir John (1787-1861) - 16
- Forbes, Thomas - 1
- Forbes, William - 3
- Forbes, William, of Belnabodach - 1
- Forbes, William, of Tolquhone (1528-1596) - 5
- Fordyce, David (1711-1751) - 3
- Fordyce, I (J?) (1720-1796) - 1
- Fordyce, John (1716-60) - 5
- Fordyce, Sir William (1724-1792/4) - 24
- Forman, Robert (fl. 1503-29) - 1
- Forster, Richard (c.1546-1616) - 1
- Forster, William Edward (1818-1886) - 1
- Forsyth, William (fl. 1537-1565) - 1
- Foulis, Sir James (d.1549) - 2
- Fox, Samuel (1560-1630) - 1
- Franciscans (c.1207 - Present) - 1
- Franciscus, Joannes, de Ripon - 2
- Franeker, University of. - 1
- Franquavalli, Anthone - 1
- Fraser, Alexander (Either: 1537(?)-1623 or: fl.1590-3 or fl.1604) - 2
- Fraser, Alexander (fl. 1590-3) - 6
- Fraser, Alexander Campbell (1819-1914) - 1
- Fraser, Alexander, of Philorth. (1527-1623) - 3
- Fraser, Angus - 1
- Fraser, J.M. - 1
- Fraser, James (1645-1731) - 538
- Fraser, James (fl. 1929) - 1
- Fraser, Lachlan (fl. 1732-1750) - 1
- Fraserus, Lilias Elizabeth - 1
- Fratres Resurrectionis - 1
- Frederick, Hieronymus, Isebrandi - 1
- Frederick, Wilhelm - 1
- French, George (1752-1833) - 1
- Friese, Johann Bernhard (1643-1726) - 1
- Fugenius, T. - 1
- Fugger, Anton (1563-1616) - 1
- Fullarton, John - 1
- Fysher, M. - 1
Back to Top ^- G., A. M. - 1
- G., A. V. - 1
- G., D. B. - 1
- Gabriel, Alexander - 1
- Gacus, Jacobus - 1
- Gadderar, William (c.1520-90) - 2
- Galhorn, Christoph: a, de Aldengrotkaw. - 1
- Galileius, Antonius Franciscus - 1
- Galloway, Alexander (fl.1493-1552) - 15
- Galloway, Lady - 1
- Galloway, Mary - 1
- Garden, Alexander - 5
- Garden, David (fl. 1534-1540) - 2
- Garden, George (1649-1733) - 2
- Garden, Gilbert (fl. 1557-8) - 7
- Garden, James (1645/7-1726) - 2
- Garden, M. - 1
- Garden, Thomas (fl.1662-1719) - 41
- Gardine, Patrick - 1
- Gardiner, William (c.1531-1597) - 1
- Gardyn, David (fl.1619) - 1
- Gardyn, Gilbert (fl. 1557-8) - 7
- Gartlye, John - 1
- Gascoigne, Thomas (1404-1458) - 3
- Gatford, Lionel (fl.1618-1665) - 1
- Gatherer, William - 1
- Gawton, Richard (fl.1612) - 1
- Geddes - 1
- Geddes, Andrew (fl.1667) - 1
- Geddes, Sir William Duguid (1828-1900) - 3
- Gelius, Jacobus - 1
- George, James - 1
- Georgius, Hyppolitus de. - 1
- Gerard, Alexander (1792-1839) - 1
- Gerard, Arnold (fl.1556-57) - 1
- Gerard, John (1564-1637) - 1
- Gesly, M. J. - 1
- Gibson, William - 1
- Gibson, William - 1
- Gidsden, H. M. - 1
- Gilbert, Thomas - 1
- Gillan, John (d.1735) - 1
- Gimson, George Stanley (1915-2003) - 1
- Gjรธe, Henning (1538-1617 ) - 1
- Gnollon, J. - 1
- Goad, Roger (1538-1610) - 1
- Gomperz, Heinrich (1873-1942) - 1
- Goodday, William - 1
- Goodman, Christopher (1521/2-1603) - 1
- Gordon, Archibald - 2
- Gordon, Arthur (fl.1674) - 1
- Gordon, D.M., Rev. - 1
- Gordon, Francis (d.1643/44) - 33
- Gordon, George - 2
- Gordon, James (b.c.1514) - 1
- Gordon, James, of Banchory (b.1640-1714) - 6
- Gordon, James, of Pitlurg, Dr. - 1
- Gordon, John - 1
- Gordon, John Thomson (d.1865) - 1
- Gordon, Patrick (1613-93/1706?) - 6
- Gordon, Reverend Cosmo R. - 1
- Gordon, Robert - 3
- Gordon, Robert, of Straloch (1580-1661) - 6
- Gordon, Robt. (bap.1668-1731) - 1
- Gordon, Thomas - 2
- Gordon, Thomas (1714-1797) - 3
- Gordon, William (fl.1540-1577) - 26
- Gordoune, Besse (fl. 1590?) - 1
- Gourgeo, J - 1
- Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of (1735-1811) - 1
- Grant, Alex Thomson (fl.1852-56) - 1
- Grant, Dr. Gregory - 1
- Grant, Francis [Sir, Lord Cullen] (1658x63-1726) - 1
- Grant, I.C. - 1
- Grant, John Lyall - 1
- Grant, Sir Archibald, of Monymusk (1696-1778 ) - 58
- Grant, Wm., Lord Prestongrange (1700/01-1764) - 1
- Granville, Mary (1700-1788) - 1
- Graunt, Thomas - 1
- Gray, Charle - 1
- Gray, John - 2
- Gray, Robert (fl.1507-1549) - 5
- Gray, William - 2
- Gray, William, of Rayne (fl. 1645) - 1
- Greenlaw, John (1505-1566) - 6
- Gregor, Johannes - 1
- Gregory Library - 2
- Gregory, David (fl.1663-69) - 5
- Gregory, James (1674-1733) - 1
- Gregory, John (1724-1773) - 20
- Grierson, John (c.1486-1564) - 4
- Groat, Alexander G. - 1
- Grob, Heinrich (Either: 1812-1889 or: fl.1758) - 1
- Groddeck, Gabriel (1672-1709) - 1
- Grollius, Ioachim - 1
- Grub, George (1812-92) - 1
- Grynaeus, S. (Either: 1564-1628 or: 1539-82) - 1
- Gryphus, Sebastien - 1
- Guรฉnaud, Franciscus (d.1667) - 1
- Guild, James Wyllie - 2
- Guild, William (1586-1657) - 6
- Guilner, Antonius - 1
- Gulston, Joseph (1744/5-1786) - 1
- Gunn, Neil M. (1891-1973) - 120
- Guzmรกn, Ramiro de, duque de Medina de las Torres (c. 1600-1668) - 1
Back to Top ^- H., D. - 1
- H., G. - 1
- H., I. S. - 1
- Haddo House - 1
- Haies, H. - 1
- Hall, Andrew (d.1664) - 1
- Hallsteade, William - 1
- Halton, James - 1
- Hamilton, Alexander, Sir (d.1641) - 2
- Hamilton, Andrew - 1
- Hamilton, Christine (d.1653) - 1
- Hamilton, Jacobus - 1
- Hamilton, Joan. - 1
- Hamilton, John (fl.1548-70) - 1
- Hamilton, Robert (1743-1829) - 5
- Hammiltoune, M. J(onathan?) - 1
- Hand, J. Y. (fl.1834) - 1
- Har, Conradus von. - 2
- Hare, Henry, 2nd Baron Coleraine (1636-1708) - 1
- Hariel, Joannes - 1
- Harper, John - 1
- Harrington, Robert - 1
- Hart, F.J.A. - 1
- Hart, W. - 4
- Harvey, Andrew (fl.1550) - 1
- Haryngton, Robert - 1
- Hasentodter, Johannes (1517-86) - 1
- Hatton, Sir Christopher (d.1619) - 1
- Hauf, George - 1
- Haumaeus, D.M. - 1
- Havelt, Joannes (fl.c.1542) - 1
- Hawretoune, Joannes - 1
- Hay, Alexander (fl. 1585) - 5
- Hay, Andrew - 1
- Hay, George - 2
- Hay, George - 1
- Hay, James - 1
- Hay, John - 1
- Hay, Nicholas (fl. 1555-1592) - 1
- Hay, Thomas (fl.1517-1542, d. 1542) - 1
- Hay, Walter - 1
- Hay, William [principal] (c.1465-c.1542) - 15
- Hay, William [rector of Turriff] (fl.1545-48) - 9
- Hearding, Thomas - 1
- Heath, Benjamin (1704-1766) - 1
- Heath, Dr. - 1
- Heatherly, Seawell (fl.1721-29) - 1
- Heathiana, Bibliotheca (1704-66) - 1
- Heber, Richard (1773/4-1833) - 14
- Heilijeustadt, Collegium Societato Jesu - 1
- Heinsius, Johan. - 1
- Heinsius, Nicolas (1620-1681 ) - 1
- Hemmingius - 1
- Henderson of Caskieben Collection (c. 1794-c. 1850) - 1
- Henderson, Alexander - 2
- Henderson, J. - 1
- Henderson, William - 1
- Hendrisone [or Henderson], Joannes - 4
- Henneke, Johannes ( 1540-1595) - 4
- Henryson, Alexander (fl.1567) - 2
- Henryson, J. (fl.1730-58) - 1
- Henryson, Simon (fl.1541) - 2
- Henryson, Thomas (d.1638) - 2
- Hepburn, Alexander - 1
- Hepburn, F. (T?) - 1
- Hepburn, Francis - 1
- Hepburn, James (d.c.1566) - 2
- Hepburn, M.A. - 1
- Hepburn, Robert, of Rickarton - 1
- Heriot, Adam (1514-1574) - 9
- Hervey or Hervy, James, of Boyndie. (Either: fl.1617-2- or: fl. 1621 or: fl.1705) - 1
- Hervie, Patrick, of Boyndie (fl. 1665-69) - 1
- Hewyson, Andrew - 1
- Hierr, W.P. - 1
- Hilson, George - 1
- Hoby, Sir Edward (1560-1617) - 1
- Hodgson, Samuel - 1
- Holden, Henry (1596/7-1662) - 1
- Holland House Library - 4
- Hollis, Thomas (1720-1774) - 20
- Homelberg, Gabriel - 1
- Hope, H. - 1
- Hope, John (1725-1786) - 1
- Hopetoun House Library - 1
- Horne, James - 1
- Houlis, William - 1
- Houm, Alexander - 1
- Howard of Effingham - 1
- Howard, William - 1
- Howe [neรฉ von Kielmansegg], Mary Sophia Charlotte, Viscountess Howe (1703-1782) - 1
- Howeson, Jo. - 1
- Howeson, Thomas - 1
- Howesone, Alex. - 1
- Howlatson, William - 1
- Hrangwayu, John - 1
- Hubberd, Peter - 1
- Hubert, Richard - 1
- Huet, Peter Daniel (1630-1721) - 1
- Hugonis, Joannes (1563-1611, fl.1604) - 1
- Hume, Alexander - 1
- Hume, Patrick (1641-1724) - 1
- Hummelberger, Gabriel (ca. 1490-1544) - 1
- Hunter, John - 1
- Husey, Laurence - 1
- Hutchinson, William (1732-1814) - 1
- Huth Library - 1
Back to Top ^- I. E. R. - 1
- I. F. R. D. - 2
- I. R. I. M. D. - 1
- Ibotson, John - 1
- Innes, Alexander (fl.1732-9, d.1742) - 4
- Innes, Carolus - 1
- Innes, George - 1
- Innes, Walter (Either: fl.1631 or: fl.1669) - 2
- Irlande, W. - 1
- Irvin, John - 1
- Irving, Alexander - 1
- Irving, Gulielmus - 1
- Irving, Joannes - 2
- Irving, Patricius - 1
- Irving, Richard - 1
- Irving, Robert - 1
- Irwing, Sml. - 1
Back to Top ^- J., M. S. S. - 1
- Jack, Adolphus Alfred, Prof. (1868-1945) - 2
- Jack, Gilbert (1585-1628) - 2
- Jack, Patrick (fl.1651) - 1
- Jacobus - 1
- Jaffray, Alexander (1614-1673) - 1
- James, A.J. - 1
- Jameson, Alexander - 1
- Jameson, Jo. - 2
- Jamesone, Williame (d.1632) - 6
- Janseinus, D., Brixiensis - 1
- Jefrus?, Alexander (fl. 1584) - 1
- Jhonston, T.M. - 1
- Jhonstonus - 1
- Jhonstoun, George - 2
- Johnestone, John - 1
- Johnestoun, Adam. - 1
- Johnson, Fr. - 1
- Johnson, Lancelot - 1
- Johnston, Arthur (1587-1641) - 1
- Johnston, David - 1
- Johnston, James - 2
- Johnston, William (fl.1609-1640) - 13
- Johnston, William (fl. 1865) - 5
- Johnstone, Henry (d.1723) - 1
- Johnstone, James Fowler Kellas (1846-1928) - 5
- Johnstone, Joseph Henry (d.1723) - 1
- Johnstoune, William - 1
- Jolley, Thomas (fl.1809, d.1844.) - 1
- Jonge, de (15--?) - 1
- Jonson, Ben (1572/3-1637) - 1
- Jonston, D.G.J. - 1
- Jonston, G.D. - 2
- Jonston, W.D. - 2
- Joy, James (fl.1740-1) - 1
- Julianus. - 1
Back to Top ^- K., I. - 2
- K., M. Q. - 1
- K., W. - 1
- Kames, Henry Home, Lord (1696-1782) - 1
- Kandin..?, Robertus - 1
- Kay, Arthur (1861-1939) - 1
- Kechely, Samuel C. - 2
- Keith, Alexander - 2
- Keith, George - 1
- Keith, James - 1
- Keith, John (of Inverurie) (1698-1758) - 1
- Keith, M? - 1
- Keith, Robert - 3
- Keith, William, 6th Earl Marischal (1614-1671) - 1
- Kendall, John (1726-1815) - 1
- Kennedy, Alexander - 1
- Kennedy, Hugo - 1
- Kennedy, Jacobus - 2
- Kennedy, John (c.1570-c.1589) - 20
- Kennedy, John - 2
- Kennedy, Quintin - 1
- Kent, Gregory - 1
- Ker, William, of Cessford (d.1600) - 5
- Kerchmerus, Jacobus - 1
- Kerr, George (1771-1826) - 1
- Kersdenstein, Ernest - 1
- Kershaw, John (1792-1870) - 1
- Keyth, M. - 1
- Keyth, Paul - 2
- Keythe - 1
- Kilgour, Robert (fl.1733) - 1
- Kincaid, Sir John (1787-1862) - 1
- Kincaid, Caroli - 1
- Kloss, Georgius, M.D. - 3
- Knight, Dr. - 1
- Knowler, Robert - 1
- Kyd, Alexander (fl.1533-1563) - 4
- Kyngsly (?), James - 1
- Kynman, Richard (fl.1492) - 1
Back to Top ^- L., N. - 1
- La Ramรฉe, de. - 1
- Laing, B. - 1
- Laing, David (1793-1878) - 1
- Lambe, James - 1
- Lambinus - 1
- Lamoignon Library (1658-1791) - 1
- Lamoignon, G(uillaume). de. (1617-77) - 1
- Lampugnanusi, Laurentius - 1
- Lamrich, Michael - 1
- Lancaster, Dominicans of, - 1
- Lancaster, Hich Charles - 1
- Landau, Horace de (1824-1903) - 1
- Langton, Thomas - 3
- Lapworth, Edoardus (1574-1636) - 1
- Law, John (fl.1525-1552/6) - 1
- Lawson, Alexander - 1
- Lawson, Charles (1795-1873) - 1
- Lawson, Henry (1774-1855) - 1
- Lawson, James (1538-1584) - 2
- Lawtie, James - 2
- Le Clerc de Lesseville, Nicholas - 1
- Le Fevre, Albertus - 3
- Le Roux, F. - 1
- Le Tellier - 1
- Lee, Frederick - 3
- Lee, John (1779-1859) - 3
- Leech, David. (1600/5/8-1657/64) - 2
- Leeds, (of Goxton?) - 1
- Leghe, Z. (J.?) - 1
- Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of (1532/3-88) - 1
- Leith of Fyvie, Lord (1847-1925) - 2
- Leith, George - 1
- Leith, Henricus - 1
- Leith, John - 1
- Leith, Patrick - 3
- Leo, Robertus - 1
- Leochaeus [Leech], Andreas (fl.1621) - 1
- Leopold de la Tour, Franciscus - 1
- Leslaeus, G. (d.c.1654) - 2
- Lesley [Leslie] John (1571-1671) - 1
- Lesley, Alexander - 1
- Lesley, William (d.1654) - 13
- Leslie, Alexander - 3
- Leslie, Andrew (Either: fl.1560-7; or fl.1608; or: fl.1595-1652; or: fl.1629) - 1
- Leslie, George - 1
- Leslie, I. - 1
- Leslie, James - 1
- Leslie, John (1527-96) - 4
- Leslie, Thomas - 1
- Lesly, Thomas - 1
- Letherland, J. (1699-1764) - 1
- Levingston, Alex. (d.1621) - 1
- Levingston, James - 1
- Lewes, T. - 1
- Liddale, Patris - 1
- Liddel, Duncan (1561-1613) - 444
- Liliat, Thomas - 1
- Lindesay, David (Either: c.1566-1627 or: c.1575-1639/40) - 1
- Lindesias, Johannes - 1
- Lindsay, Archibald (mid 16c) - 1
- Lindsay, Earl of Crawford - 1
- Linsay - 1
- Lippe, Robert (fl. 1856-1895) - 1
- Littlejohn, George - 1
- Livingstone [Livingston], Alexander (d.1621) - 2
- Livingstone, A.G. - 1
- Lloyd, R. - 1
- Llwyd, Humphrey (1527-1568) - 2
- Locke, Thomas - 1
- Lockhart, Andrew (fl.1535-49) - 1
- Lockhart, George - 2
- Logane, Johannes (Either: 1671-1724 ) - 1
- Logie, M.J. - 1
- Lomeau, M. de. - 1
- Lorimer, Charles - 1
- Lorimer, G. (fl.1667-71) - 1
- Louis de France "Le grand Dauphin" (1661-1711) - 1
- Louis XIII, King of France (1601-43) - 1
- Lumisdane, A. - 1
- Lumisdanus, Gulielmus - 1
- Lumisden, Alexander - 3
- Lumley, John, Lord (c.1533-1609) - 16
- Lumsden, Charles (c.1561-1630) - 17
- Lumsden, Robert, of Clova (fl.1542-1592) - 12
- Lumsden, Thomas (d. 1613) - 3
- Lumsdene, Walter - 1
- Lundie, Alex - 1
- Lundie, John (c.1600-52/55) - 2
- Lundie, M. - 1
- Luthirdale, David (fl. 1474-86) - 4
- Lyell, James Patrick Ronaldson (1871-1948) - 1
- Lyndesius, Johannes - 2
- Lyndsay, Sir David, of the Mount (c.1486-1555) - 1
- Lyon, Alexander - 1
- Lyons-Jesuit College - 1
Back to Top ^- M., A. M. - 1
- M., M. T. - 1
- M., W. - 1
- M'Conechy, James - 1
- MacAlpine, Christian (1541-98) - 1
- MacDonald, Colin, of Boisdale (fl. 1772) - 1
- Macdonald, James - 1
- MacDowell, John (fl.1525-35) - 1
- Macfie, Robert Andrew Scott (1868-1935) - 1
- MacGillivray, Angus - 1
- MacGregorius, Joannes - 1
- Machen, Jacobus - 1
- Mackaile, Matthew (fl. 1657-1696) - 17
- Mackenzie, John Whitefoord, Esq. (1794-1884) - 2
- Mackenzie, Sir George (1636/8-91) - 1
- Mackenzie, William Leslie, Sir (1862-1935) - 1
- Mackenzie, William, Commissary of Orkney (fl. 1679-1694) - 1
- Mackinnon, Donald M. (1913-94) - 1
- Macleod, Hugh (fl.1755-1791) - 9
- Macmath, William (1844-1922) - 1
- Macneill, Andrew (fl. 1539) - 1
- Maddocke, Cha. - 1
- Mahieu, Stephen - 1
- Maidment, James (bap.1793-1879) - 1
- Maijetus, Jo. Ja. - 1
- Maillard, Nicolas (fl. 1522-1565) - 1
- Maitland (or Forbes), Arthur, Major, of Pittrichie, Esq. (fl.1754-1757) - 1
- Maitland, R. - 3
- Maitland, Thomas - 1
- Makgee, John - 1
- Malbye, Henry - 1
- Maltbe, Johem - 1
- Malton, George - 1
- Man, Thomas - 1
- Manchen, Jacobus - 1
- Manderston, William (1485-1552) - 2
- Mann, Horace Kinder (1859-1928) - 1
- Manwayring, Sir Henry (1587-1653) - 1
- Marduel, Jean-Baptiste (1762-1848) - 1
- Mariet, Fr. - 1
- Marino, Francesco - 1
- Marischal College. (1593 - 1860) - 1
- Marjoribanks, Joannes (fl.1555) - 1
- Marne, Robert - 1
- Marriott, H.S. - 1
- Mart., Guil. - 1
- Martini, Cornelis (1568-1621) - 2
- Mas, James - 1
- Masguelier, P.A. - 1
- Mason, David - 1
- Mason, J. A. - 1
- Mason, John - 1
- Massie, Andrew - 2
- Mather, Richard (1596-1669) - 1
- Matheson, Andrew - 1
- Maurice, William (1619/20-1680) - 1
- Maxwell - 1
- Maxwell, Robert - 2
- Mayrus - 1
- Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal (1602-1661) - 1
- McB., Y. - 1
- McCombie, William - 1
- McGhie, Johannes (fl.1574) - 3
- McHardy, W.D. (fl. 1963) - 1
- McKinnon, Thomas - 1
- McMaster, Peter, Rev. - 1
- Meerman, Gerard (1722-1771) - 2
- Meersburg Seminary Library - 1
- Meldrum House Library - 2
- Meldrum, John (alias Marchemond herald) (fl.1515-1554) - 1
- Meldrum, Thomas - 1
- Meldrum, William - 3
- Melfort, John Drummond, Earl of (1649-1715) - 2
- Melville, John - 2
- Melville, Thomas - 2
- Melvin Collection - 19
- Melvin, Cristin - 1
- Melvin, James (1795-1853) - 1
- Menzes, William - 1
- Menzies, Jo. - 1
- Menzies, John (1624-1684) - 1
- Menzies, Robert H. - 1
- Menzies, Walter (fl.c.1598) - 1
- Mercer, Jean - 1
- Mercer, Robert - 1
- Merser, Thomas (fl.1613-31) - 3
- Methven, David - 1
- Mettayer, Jean (1557-1618) - 2
- Meyssonnier, Lazare (1602/11-72/3) - 1
- Mezon, Thomas - 1
- Michell, [Jacobus?] (d.1678) - 1
- Michell, Thomas - 1
- Middleton, Alexander (fl.1634-1686) - 6
- Middleton, Joannes - 1
- Middletoune - 1
- Mill, Patrick - 1
- Millbank, Hamilton - 2
- Miller, Jacobus - 1
- Miller, William Galbraith (1848-1904) - 1
- Milne, James - 2
- Mission, Deeside - 1
- Mitchel, Andrew, of Thainstoun - 1
- Mitchell, Alexander - 1
- Mitchell, James (fl.1661) - 1
- Mitchell, James (1702-73) - 1
- Moir - 1
- Moir, James (fl.1674-1713) - 1
- Moir, William - 2
- Molinei, Petrus - 1
- Mollison, Laurence (fl.154-) - 6
- Monastery of St. Peter and St. Paul at Ingasiate - 1
- Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord (1714-1799) - 3
- Monepenny, P. - 1
- Monreale, Archbishop of. - 1
- Monro, John - 1
- Monson, William John, The Honourable. (Either: 1796-1862 or: 1812-98) - 1
- Montbrey, lands of - 1
- Montgomerie, Anna (Either: fl.1612-32 or: fl.1653-1687) - 1
- Montmaur, Pierre de (1576-1648) - 1
- Montolieu, Lewis (c.1762-1817) - 1
- Montrose, James Graham, Marquis of (1612-1650) - 1
- Moor, Thomas, Sir (c.1600-42) - 1
- Moray - 1
- Moray, Gilbert - 1
- Moray, James Stewart, Earl of, (1531/2-70) - 3
- Moray, Thomas - 1
- More, John - 1
- More, William - 1
- Moreson, Alexander - 1
- Morgan, Thomas - 1
- Morin, Etienne (1624/5-1700) - 1
- Morinus, Joannes - 1
- Morison, James - 5
- Morison, Thomas (c.1558-1603) - 3
- Morisone, H. - 1
- Morrellanus, Thome - 1
- Morrison, Hew - 1
- Mortimer, George - 1
- Morton, Sir William (bap.1605-1672) - 1
- Moubray, James - 1
- Muller, Jac. (fl. 1647) - 1
- Munchausen, Benjaminus a (fl.1650) - 1
- Munday, Anthony (bap.1560-1633) - 1
- Munro, Hugh - 1
- Mure, Adam - 1
- Mure, William (1718-1776) - 2
- Murray, John (c.1575-1632) - 1
- Murray, Thomas - 2
- Myles, Arch. - 1
- Mylius, Andreas (1527-1594) - 1
- Myll, Andreas - 2
- Myrton, Patrick (1525-76) - 1
Back to Top ^- Napper [Napier?], W. - 1
- Napper, Edward - 1
- National Library of Scotland - 1
- Naunton, Sir Robert (1563-1635) - 1
- Navarre, College de. - 1
- Newcastle, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, Duke of (1785-1851) - 1
- Newham, John - 1
- Nicholls, James - 1
- Nicolaides, Johannes (1660-1726) - 1
- Nicolaui - 1
- Nicolson, Thomas (fl.1608-162?) - 1
- Nimptsch, Faustinius - 1
- Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of (1538-1572) - 2
- Norwood, Richard (c.1590-1675) - 1
- Nott, George Frederick - 1
Back to Top ^- Ogilvie, James (d.1518) - 1
- Ogilvie, Joseph - 1
- Ogilvie, Walter - 1
- Ogilvie, William (1736-1819) - 4
- Ogilvy, Alexander - 1
- Ogilvy, Alexander (fl 1545) - 1
- Ogilvy, George - 1
- Ogilvy, Gilbert - 1
- Ogilvy, Johannes - 3
- Oglander, John, Sir. (1585-1655) - 1
- Ogstone, George - 1
- Oppermannus, B. - 1
- Ord, Joannes - 1
- Orde, lands of, - 1
- Orleans, Mademoiselle de. (?) - 1
- Ormerod, George (1785-1873) - 2
- Orustam? - 1
- Osborn, D. - 1
- Oswald, John (d. 1698) - 1
- Othmar - 1
Back to Top ^- Paddie, William - 2
- Page, Gresham - 1
- Paine, C. - 1
- Paineter, William - 1
- Paip, Alexander - 1
- Panter, David (d. 1558) - 1
- Panton, George (fl.1758-63) - 1
- Paris, Jesuit College. - 1
- Paris, Scots College - 4
- Parr, Samuel (1747-1825) - 7
- Parrasio, Aulo Giano (1470-1522) - 1
- Paschasius, Heinrich (fl. 1609-1631) - 1
- Paterson, George (fl.1569-1608) - 1
- Paterson, John - 1
- Paterson, John (1632-1708) - 2
- Paterson, Robert (d.1717) - 2
- Patersone, Alexander - 1
- Patersone, Thomas - 1
- Patirson, M.G. - 1
- Paton, J.M. - 1
- Patten, William Richard - 1
- Patton, John (fl.1669-1682) - 1
- Pauli, Joan. - 1
- Paulus, Joannes - 1
- Peacock, George (fl.1666-1717) - 1
- Peacock, George (fl. 1596-1619.) - 1
- Peiresc, Nicolas Claude Fabri de. (1580-1637) - 1
- Pelzerius, And. - 1
- Pemberton, Thomas (1667-1703) - 1
- Pembrook, William James - 1
- Pendrick, Robert - 1
- Pennisak, Johann (1573-91) - 1
- Pentland, Lady Marjorie Adeline Gordon, Baroness (1880-1970) - 21
- Perth - Carthusian monastery - 1
- Perth Cathedral Library - 1
- Pesaro, Manicomio Provinciale - 1
- Petau, Paul (1568-1614 ) - 3
- Petrus a Dulmen - 1
- Pettinbrinzane, lands of - 1
- Philip, Thomas - 1
- Philippe Emmanuel Maximilien Marie Eudes (1872-1931) - 1
- Philipson, William - 1
- Phillipps, Sir Thomas (1792-1872) - 2
- Pigott, Baptista - 1
- Pilkington, Abraham - 1
- Pirie, George - 1
- Pirie, P. - 1
- Plummer, Andrew, of Middlestead (1748-99) - 1
- Poirier, J du. - 1
- Pollard, Graham - 1
- Pollock, Robert (1708-1759 ) - 1
- Pont, James - 2
- Pontchartrain, Jerome Phelypeaux de (1674-1747) - 1
- Pope, Alexander (1688-1744) (1688-1744) - 1
- Pope, Alexander (1706-82) (c.1706-1782) - 1
- Porson, Richard (1759-1808) - 1
- Portinari, Sir Giovanni ( or after 1572.) - 1
- Potinius, Joannes (1567-1611) - 1
- Prat, Alexander (fl. 1602) - 1
- Prestoun, David - 1
- Prieferus, Laurentius - 1
- Primatt, Humphrey (c.1735-1777) - 41
- Pryngill, Wilheme - 1
- Purdue, William - 1
- Pyot, Thomas - 1
Back to Top ^R
Back to Top ^- R - 1
- R., I. F. - 3
- R., M. P. - 1
- Radcliffe, Lady - 1
- Radley, Abraham - 1
- Rae, Patrick (fl.1645) - 1
- Raedus [Rait], Johannes - 1
- Rait, David (fl.1580-1632) - 23
- Rait, William (c.1615-1679) - 54
- Ramsay, Peter - 1
- Ramsay, Sir Alexander, of Balmain, Baronet. - 1
- Ramsay, William (17th century) - 1
- Ramsay, William, chaplain (16th century) - 1
- Ratisbon [Regensburg] - Locus Capucinorum - 1
- Ratisbon, Jesuit College at - 1
- Rattray, William (fl.1822) - 1
- Rawlinson, Richard (1690-1755) - 1
- Rawlinson, Thomas (1681-1725) - 3
- Ray, Hector - 1
- Ray, Thomas (fl. 1511-16) - 1
- Read, John - 4
- Reade, H.V. - 1
- Regnauld, Theodore - 1
- Reid, Adam (fl. 1609 ) - 1
- Reid, Alexander (c.1570-1641) - 97
- Reid, James (d.1602) - 4
- Reid, Patrick (fl. 1607-1610) - 1
- Reid, Robert (c.1500-1558) - 8
- Reid, Thomas (d.1624) - 25
- Reid, Thomas (1710-1796) - 5
- Reid, Walter (d.c.1588) - 1
- Reisacher, Hans Adam - 1
- Renouard, George Cecil (1780-1867) - 1
- Rhueden, Hieronymus (fl.1600) - 1
- Riant, Count Paul Edouard Didier (1836-88) - 1
- Riddoch, James - 1
- Rieger, Mattheus, Wurmlingen - 3
- Ritius, Archangelus - 1
- Riviere, P. - 1
- Robert Gordon's Hospital - 1
- Robertoun, Robert - 1
- Robertson, Christian - 1
- Robertson, Constantine - 1
- Robertson, David (fl. 159-) - 1
- Robertson, Jacobus - 2
- Robertson, John - 2
- Robertson, John (d. 1601) - 1
- Robertson, Joseph - 1
- Robertson, N. - 1
- Robertson, R. - 1
- Robertson, Will - 1
- Robertson, William (fl. 1626-46) - 57
- Robin, Henricus - 1
- Roe, James - 1
- Roe, Robert (fl. 1786) - 1
- Roger, John, Friar (fl.1550) - 1
- Rogers, Hester (1756 - 1794) - 3
- Rollock, Hercules (c.1546-1599) - 2
- Rolsone, William - 2
- Rose, James - 1
- Ross, Alexander (1591-1654) - 1
- Ross, Ant. - 1
- Ross, James - 2
- Ross, John (Either: 1763-1837 or: fl.1793-1807 or: fl. 1767-90) - 2
- Ross, Robert - 1
- Ross, Robert (1819-1905) - 2
- Ross, Thomas (c.1525-c.1595) - 1
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-82) - 1
- Roul, John (fl.1542-9) - 1
- Roux, P. des - 1
- Row, John (c.1598-c.1672) - 5
- Roxburgh, Duke of - 1
- Rud, Thomas (1668-1733) - 1
- Rudd, Anthony, Bishop of St David's (1549-1615) - 1
- Ruddiman, Thomas (1674-1757) - 9
- Ruland, Martin (1532-1602) - 1
- Rule, Gilbert (c.1629-1701) - 3
- Rupeus, Hieronymus (G. De la Roche) - 1
- Rutgerus, Winandus - 1
- Rutherford, Alexander (fl.1580-1620) - 1
- Rutherford, John. c.1520-1577 - 1
- Ruthven, George (b.1546) - 1
- Rutland - 1
Back to Top ^- S., P. - 1
- Samon, Joh. - 1
- Sampson, Thomas (?) (c.1517-1589) - 1
- Sanderson, Joannes (John) - 1
- Sandilands, James (c.1620-34 ) - 2
- Sandilands, James, Sr. (c.1620-34 ) - 2
- Sandilands, Patrick (fl.1643-73 ) - 2
- Sandilands, Thomas (fl. 1626-69) - 43
- Sauchieburn Manse Library - 1
- Sayer, Thomas - 1
- Scalan College (1716-1799) - 12
- Scharpe, George (c.1583-1638) - 1
- Schelwig, Gottlieb (1683-1727) - 1
- Schep, G. - 1
- Scheves, William ( or before 1440, d.1497) - 3
- Scheyll, Johannes - 1
- Schรถnberg, Philipp - 2
- Schonborn, Johann Philipp von (1605-73) - 1
- Schulenborch, Daniel van der - 1
- Scot, Miss - 1
- Scott, H. (1597) - 1
- Scott, Joannes - 2
- Scott, John (1585-1670, or 1614-1658) - 1
- Scott, John - 1
- Scott, Rev. William Major. (fl.1907) - 1
- Scougal, Patrick; Scougal, Henry (d.1682 ; 1650-1678) - 10
- Seafort, Frances Mackenzie, Countess of (1660-1732) - 1
- Seaton - 1
- Seguinus, Gabriel - 1
- Selbie, John - 1
- Seripandi, Antonio (1486-1531) - 1
- Seton, Alexander. (d. 1542 ) - 1
- Setoun, William (fl.1520) - 1
- Sharp, Alexander (fl.1660) - 1
- Sharp, John - 1
- Sharp, Patrick (d.1615) - 1
- Shepherd, Mary - 1
- Sherard, Rowland (1634?-95) - 1
- Sherrington, Charles Scott, Sir (1857-1952) - 2
- Shewan, William (16th Century) - 1
- Sidserfe, Thomas - 1
- Signet Library - 4
- Simpson, William Douglas - 1
- Simson, I. (J.) - 1
- Sinclair, D. - 3
- Sinclair, Henry (1508-65) - 12
- Sinclair, John (1706-1753) - 1
- Sinclair, John (d.1566) - 6
- Sinclair, Robert (d.1742) - 1
- Sinclair, William - 1
- Singleton, William - 1
- Skene, Alexander (Either: fl. 1565 or: 1621?-94 or: fl. 1580-1) - 2
- Skene, John (c.1543-1617) - 6
- Skene, John (fl. 1733-1750) - 1
- Skenius, Nicolaus - 1
- Skram, Anna (fl. 1567-1589) - 1
- Smith, R. - 1
- Smyth, Sir Nicholas. - 1
- Snecanus, Adamus - 1
- Society of Jesus (1540-Present) - 1
- Solimannus - 1
- Sotheby, Charles William Hamilton (1820-87) - 1
- Souter, Alexander (1873-1949) - 1
- Southey, Robert - 1
- Southwell, R. - 1
- Spencer-Churchill, George, Marquess of Blandford, 5th Duke of Marlborough (1766-1840) - 1
- Spencer, George John, 2nd Earl [Althorp Library] (1758-1834) - 1
- Spens, John (fl. 1512-46) - 2
- Spillich [?], Erasmowe - 1
- Spottiswood, John (fl. 1534-1543) - 1
- St Andrews Cathedral Priory - 1
- St. Andrews, Dominican Monastery (Blackfriars) (c.1450-1567) - 3
- St. Cuthberts' College - 1
- St. John, Rowland (d.1682) - 1
- St. John's College, Oxford - 2
- St. Omer Jesuit College - 1
- Stafford, Earl of. - 1
- Staingeden, Premonstratensian Abbey - 1
- Stanhope, George (1660-1728) - 1
- Steevens, George (1736-1800) - 1
- Steger, Johann (fl. 1581-94) - 1
- Steinninger, Johann Christoph von. - 1
- Steinson, Sigismundus (fl.c.1604-20) - 1
- Steinston, John (fl.1552-1564) - 9
- Stephani, Thomae - 1
- Steuart, Henricus - 1
- Stevenson, Alexander (fl. 1548) - 3
- Stewart, Alexander - 2
- Stewart, Bernard (fl.1560) - 1
- Stewart, N. - 3
- Stewart, Theophilus (fl. 1529-76) - 11
- Stewart, Walter (1558-1592/3) - 13
- Stewart, William (c.1490-1545) - 4
- Stewkley, L. (1687-1765) - 1
- Stiles, Gulielmus - 1
- Stirling, J. - 1
- Stirton, Rev. John (1871-1944) - 1
- Stiven, Alexander - 1
- Storour, Andrew ( fl.1498-1519) - 1
- Strachan, Alexander (fl. 1625) - 1
- Strachan, Andrew (fl.1604-1635) - 30
- Strachan, George (fl.1592-1634) - 1
- Strachan, Gulielmus (c. 16th) - 1
- Strachan, James (1536-76) - 6
- Strachan, John - 2
- Strachan, Patrick (Either: fl.1657-1665 or: fl.1656) - 1
- Strachan, Rev. J. - 1
- Strachan, Robert Francis - 6
- Strauch, Egiolius - 1
- Stringer, Samuel (fl. 1713) - 1
- Stromhe, Thomas - 1
- Stronoch, Anthony (fl. 1552. ) - 1
- Strother, William (c.1627-1702) - 3
- Stuart, Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales (1594-1612) - 1
- Stuart, John - 1
- Stuart, John, of Inchbreck (1751-1827) - 1
- Stubenrauch, J. L. (17th century) - 1
- Sunderland Library, Bleinheim Palace - 2
- Susteren, Henri Joseph van (1668-1742) - 1
- Sutherland, Alexander - 2
- Sutherland, George (fl. 1754-58) - 3
- Sutherland, James - 1
- Sutherland, John, of Forse (fl. 1753) - 1
- Sutherland, Mr., and Miss - 1
- Sutton, Cornelius - 1
- Symson, Alexander (fl. 1478-1526) - 1
Back to Top ^- Tabourot, Jean (1520-95) - 1
- Tarnowsky - 1
- Tassinus, Euortius - 1
- Tayler, Thomas - 1
- Taylor Institution - 1
- Teaist?, Thomas - 1
- Tetlow, Robert - 1
- The Royal Society (?) - 1
- Thicknesse, Philip (1719-92) - 1
- Thimble, William - 1
- Thomson, Andrew - 2
- Thomson, James - 1
- Thou, Jacques Auguste de (1609-77) - 5
- Thurburn, Al. (fl. 1818) - 1
- Tisenhau, Gothardus Iohannes a - 1
- Todd, Hugh - 1
- Tolmie-Masson, Donald (fl. 1848) - 1
- Toullieri, P de. - 1
- Traherne, John Montgomery (1788-1860) - 1
- Traill, Alexander (fl. 1563-9) - 1
- Trajectinus, Georg (1578-92) - 1
- Tredenyck, Cha. - 1
- Triphook - 1
- Tristram, Henry Baker (1822-1906) - 1
- Trotter. (fl.1760) - 1
- Tubner, Caspar - 1
- Tuke, Katharine - 1
- Tullidaff, John (fl.1541) - 2
- Tulloch, Dns. (Dominus?) Nicholas - 1
- Turk, Ad., Rhet[or]. - 1
- Turke, Thomas - 1
- Twisden, Dominus - 1
Back to Top ^- Uijthage, Corrilius - 1
- Urquhart, Alex., A.M. - 1
- Urquhart, Patrick (c.1632-1725.) - 1
- Ursin [or Osini], Peter Wock (1539-1611) - 1
Back to Top ^- V., T, c. - 1
- Valentine, Margaret - 1
- Valla, Petrus - 1
- Valois, Adrien de (1607-92) - 1
- Vaughan, William (1730-1790 or poss. 1800 or 1808?) - 1
- Vaus [or Vascus], John (1484 or 90?-1538?) - 26
- Vaus, M. A. - 1
- Vend, Ioannes - 1
- Vendengez, Richard de. - 1
- Vesperdi. - 1
- Vessey, N. - 1
- Vestring, Heinrich (1563-1650) - 1
- Vienna, Bibliotheca Scholarum Piarum. - 1
- Vienne, Louis de. - 1
- Vincent, Matthew - 1
- Vinet, Elie (1509-87) - 1
- Vivens, Robert - 1
- Volandis, Joann. Melchior - 1
- Vryt, Francis - 1
- Vulcanius, Bonaventura (1538-1614) - 1
Back to Top ^- W., M. - 1
- Wadlande, William - 1
- Waldemar Christian (fl.1622-56) - 1
- Walkare, Johannes - 1
- Walker, Alexander (1825-1903) - 1
- Walker, F. - 1
- Wallace, James (1642-1688) - 1
- Wallace, Robert (1697-1771) - 1
- Walsh, Right Rev. Bishop F. - 1
- Wand [Ward?], R. (fl.1878) - 1
- Wardlaw, David - 1
- Warenius, M. - 1
- Watkins, Thomas - 1
- Watson, John (fl.1547) - 5
- Watson, William (1559-1603.) - 1
- Watz, Petrus Nicolus - 1
- Webster, Alexander - 1
- Wedaeus, Jacobus - 1
- Wedderburn, David (bap. 1580, d.1646 ) - 3
- Wedderburn, Sir Alexander (1672-1710) - 1
- Wedderburn, William (c.1582-1659/60) - 1
- Wedderburne, M. - 1
- Weinber, Henricus รข (fl.1593-1621) - 1
- Weldon, Anthony W. - 1
- Weldon, Tommy B. - 1
- Weldon, Winifred - 1
- Weyre, David - 1
- Wheler, Ric. - 1
- White, Patrick - 1
- Whitelaw, Archibald. (c.1415 -1498) - 2
- Whitelocke, John - 1
- Whitelocke, Samuel - 1
- Whittacare, Steven - 1
- Wigtown, William Fleming, 5th Earl of. - 1
- Wilkie, James - 1
- Wilkie, John (d.1762) - 1
- Williams, Robert - 1
- Williamson, Ludovicus (fl. 154?) - 1
- Willis, Richard (c. 1690) - 1
- Willox, James (fl.1674) - 1
- Wilson, William (fl.1533) - 2
- Wilsonne, John - 1
- Wilvear, N. - 1
- Wimmers, Martin - 1
- Winzett, Ninian (1518/9-1592) - 1
- Wiskert [Wishart], Wolter (fl.1584) - 1
- Wistowe, Rychard (ca. 1550-1586) - 1
- Wodhull, Michael (1740-1816) - 3
- Wolfgang, Duke of Bavaria (1526-1569) - 1
- Wood, John (fl.1661) - 1
- Worly, Bridgett - 1
- Worreus, Godeschalcus - 2
- Worthington, I. H. - 1
- Wressell, Nicholas - 7
- Wright, James - 1
- Wright, Rev. Maxwell - 1
- Wyat, W. - 1
- Wylie of Carswell - 1
- Wylly, Thomas - 1
Back to Top ^- Young, John - 1
- Young, Laurence (fl.1519) - 1
- Youngson, Andrew (1619-1679) - 2