Infertility is considered a disease by WHO which generates disability- Infertility in women was ranked the 5th highest serious global disability (under age 60).
- 1 in 6 couples face difficulty in conceiving - 121 million couples across the world.
In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is the most successful fertility treatment
- More than 8,000,000 babies have been born worldwide>
- More than 250,000 babies born in UK.
- More than 1,000,000 IVF treatments performed each year.
Aberdeen Fertility Centre is unique that it is under umbrella of University of Aberdeen but providing a clinical service to population of North East of Scotland. It also services as a secondary care centre for Grampian. The Reproductive Medicine Research Group in Aberdeen leads multicentre studies including trials and has extensive national and international collaboration. The excellent links between the University of Aberdeen and NHS Grampian give us a unique position to be a forefront of research in fertility.
Key research Areas
- Optimising preconception health
- When to treat and who to treat when facing subfertility
- Optimising treatment strategies for fertility
- Long term outcomes of children born as a result of fertility treatment
- Optimal ways of reporting results after fertility treatment
- Using fertility treatment as a screening test for future health
- Decision making in fertility treatments - patient choices
- Empowering women to make Reproductive Choices
- Cost effectiveness of various IVF treatments
- Evidence synthesis and literature Reviews