Semi-automated data provenance tracking for transparent data production and linkage to enhance auditing and quality assurance in Trusted Research Environments
O'Sullivan, K., Markovic, M., Dymiter, J., Scheliga, B., Odo, C., Wilde, K.
International Journal of Population Data Science, vol. 10, no. 2, 18
The impact of rurality and geographical accessibility on stroke care and outcomes
Turner, M.
Contributions to Journals: Articles
A pipeline for harmonising NHS Scotland laboratory data to enable national-level analyses
Gao, C., Mumtaz, S., Mccall, S., O’sullivan, K., Mcgilchrist, M., Morales, D. r., Hall, C., Wilde, K., Mayor, C., Linksted, P., Harrison, K., Cole, C., Jefferson, E.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 162, 104771
Health System Governance for Injury Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: a survey of policymakers and policy implementors
Ghalichi, L., D'Ambruoso, L., Equi-Injury Group, Davies, J., Chu, K., Bekele, A., Byiringiro, J. C., Razzak, J., Tabiri, S., Ignatowicz, A., Sitch, A., Amberbir, A., Bagahirwa, I., Sam, N. B., Alayande, B., Berhe, D. F., Konadu-Yeboah, D., Sarfo-Antwi, F., Atiq, H., Rahim, K. A., Ghalichi, L., Nkurunziza, L., Osei, R., MacQuene, T., Chand, Z. B., Wajidal, Z., Dramani, A., Acquaye, J., Amofa, E. K., Twizeyimana, E., Sahibjan, F., Umwali, G., Bukari, M., Mustafa, M., Mugisha, N., Nzasabimana, P., Jakhro, T.
Liquid biopsy to identify Barrett’s oesophagus, dysplasia and oesophageal adenocarcinoma: the EMERALD multicentre study
Miyoshi, J., Mannucci, A., Scarpa, M., Gao, F., Toden, S., Whitsett, T., Inge, L. j., Bremner, R. m., Takayama, T., Cheng, Y., Bottiglieri, T., Nagetaal, I. d., Shrubsole, M. j., Zaidi, A. h., Wang, X., Coleman, H. g., Anderson, L. a., Meltzer, S. j., Goel, A., FINBAR-EMERALD
Mortality Risk Prediction Models for People With Kidney Failure: A Systematic Review
Jarrar, F., Pasternak, M., Harrison, T. G., James, M. T., Quinn, R. R., Lam, N. N., Donald, M., Elliott, M., Lorenzetti, D. L., Strippoli, G., Liu, P., Sawhney, S., Gerds, T. A., Ravani, P.
Stakeholder prioritization preferences for individuals awaiting hip and knee arthroplasty: THE PRIORITIZATION OF THOSE AWAITING HIP AND KNEE ARTHROPLASTY (PATHWAY) STUDY
Farrow, L., Clement, N. D., Smith, D., Meek, D. R. M., Ryan, M., Gillies, K., Anderson, L.
The Bone & Joint Journal, vol. 107-B, no. 1, pp. 89–96
Comparison of intramyocellular lipid metabolism in patients with diabetes and male athletes
Mezincescu, A., Rudd, A. E., Cheyne, L., Horgan, G., Philip, S., Cameron, D., van Loon, L., Whitefield, P., Gribbin, R., Hu, M. K., Delibegovic, M., Fielding, B., Lobley, G., Thies, F., Newby, D. E., Gray, S., Henning, A., Dawson, D.
Individual and neighborhood-level social and deprivation factors impact kidney health in the GLOMMS-CORE study
Sawhney, S., Atherton, I., Blakeman, T., Black, C., Cowan, E., Croucher, C., Fraser, S. D., Hughes, A., Nath, M., Nitsch, D., Scholes-Robertson, N., Rzewuska Diaz, M.
Kidney International, vol. 106, no. 5, pp. 928-942
The Clinical Practice Integration of Artificial Intelligence (CPI-AI) framework: a proposed application of IDEAL principles to artificial intelligence applications in trauma and orthopaedics
Farrow, L., Meek, D., Leontidis, G., Campbell, M., Harrison, E. M., Anderson, L.
Bone & Joint Research, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 507-512
Cost of living/cost of smoking: a demonstration study of cooperative action learning to understand and address smoking in deprived communities within the cost-of-living crisis
D'Ambruoso, L., Stephen, A., Cowan, E., Innocent, W., Marathia, E., Littlejohn, C., Duffy, S., Cost of Living/Cost of Smoking Learning Partnership
Time To Act: A New Review of Kidney Health Inequalities
Sharma, S., Talabani, B., Dreyer, G., Caskey, F. J., Awan, F., Beadle, E., Altaher, M. T., Amin, T., Bucknal, K., Chetwynd, A., Denby, L., Farrington, K., Fraser, S., Hounkpatin, H. O., Lees, J. S., Mark, P., Major, R., Mistry, S. K., Ponnle, K., Sawhney, S., Sullivan, M., Veighey, K.
Mental health service use in children at risk of significant harm: A record linkage study of a child protection register
Ball, W. P., Anderson, C., Black, C., Gordon, S., Lackenby, M., Murchie, M., Ostrovska, B., O'Sullivan, K., Rowlands, H., Rzewuska Díaz, M., Butler, J. E.
Identifying key health system components associated with improved outcomes to inform the reconfiguration of services for adults with rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases: a mixed methods study.
Hollick, R., James, W. R., Nicoll, A., Locock, L., Black, C., Dhaun, N., Egan, A. C. E., Fluck, N., Laidlaw, L., Lanyon, P. C., Little, M. A., Luqmani, R. A., Moir, L., McBain, M., Basu, N.
The Lancet Rheumatology, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. e361-e373
The Social and Emotional Education and Development intervention to address wellbeing in primary school age children: the SEED cluster RCT
Blair, S., Henderson, M., McConnachie, A., McIntosh, E., Smillie, S., Wetherall, K., Wight, D., Xin, Y., Bond, L., Elliott, L., Haw, S., Jackson, C., Levin, K., Wilson, P.
A protocol for a critical realist systematic synthesis of ~interventions to~ promote pupils’ wellbeing by improving the school climate in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Abbott, P. A., Shanks, R., Stanley, I., D’Ambruoso, L.
A stakeholder analysis to prepare for real-world evaluation of integrating artificial intelligent algorithms into breast screening (PREP-AIR study): a qualitative study using the WHO guide
Newlands, R., Bruhn, H., Rzewuska Diaz, M., Lip, G., Anderson, L., Ramsay, C.
Understanding the health system utilisation and reasons for avoidable mortality after fatal injury within a Three-Delays framework in Karonga, Northern Malawi: a retrospective analysis of verbal autopsy data
Whitaker, J., Edem, I., Amoah, A. S., Dube, A., D'Ambruoso, L., Rickard, R. F., Leather, A. J. M., Davies, J.
Predicting the risks of kidney failure and death in adults with moderate to severe chronic kidney disease: multinational, longitudinal, population based, cohort study
Liu, P., Sawhney, S., Heide-Jørgensen, U., Quinn, R. R., Jensen, S. K., Mclean, A., Christiansen, C. F., Gerds, T. A., Ravani, P.
Equitable access to quality injury care; Equi-Injury project protocol for prioritizing interventions in four low- or middle-income countries: a mixed method study
Ongoing burden and recent trends in severe hospitalised hypoglycaemia events in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in Scotland: A nationwide cohort study 2016–2022
Berthon, W., McGurnaghan, S. J., Blackbourn, L. A., Mellor, J., Gibb, F. W., Heller, S., Kennon, B., McCrimmon, R. J., Philip, S., Sattar, N., McKeigue, P. M., Colhoun, H. M., Scottish Diabetes Research Network (SDRN) Epidemiology group
Morning exercise and pre-breakfast metformin interact to reduce glycaemia in people with type 2 diabetes: a randomized crossover trial
Peña Carrillo, B. J., Cope, E., Gurel, S., Traslosheros, A., Kenny, A., Michot-Duval, O., Mody, N., Delibegovic, M., Philip, S., Thies, F., Blana, D., Gabriel, B.
PUrE RCT 1: Clinical and cost-effectiveness of flexible ureterorenoscopy and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for lower pole stones ≤10 mm
Wiseman, O., Smith, R., Starr, K., Aucott, L., Hernández, R., Thomas, R., Maclennan, S., Clark, T., Maclennan, G., Mcrae, D., Bell, V., Cotton, S., Gall, Z., Turney, B., Mcclinton, S.
European Urology, vol. 85, no. Supplement 1, pp. S529
PUrE RCT 2: Clinical and cost-effectiveness of FURS and percutaneous nephrolithotomy for lower pole stones 10-25mm
Smith, R., Wiseman, O., Starr, K., Aucott, L., Hernández, R., Thomas, R., Maclennan, S., Clark, T., Maclennan, G., Mcrae, D., Bell, V., Cotton, S., Gall, Z., Turney, B., Mcclinton, S.
European Urology, vol. 85, no. Supplement 1, pp. S537
Recovery of Kidney Function After Acute Kidney Disease - a Multi-Cohort Analysis
Sawhney, S., Ball, W., Bell, S., Black, C., Christiansen, C. F., Heide-Jørgensen, U., Jensen, S. K., Lambourg, E., Ronksley, P. E., Tan, Z., Tonelli, M., James, M.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 426–435
Association between pre-stroke comorbidity and post-stroke prescribing in a Scottish ischaemic stroke survivor population:: A national data linkage study
Protective and risk factors of mental health of working age adults with adventitious total bilateral blindness and low vision: a scoping review protocol
Dike, N., D'Ambruoso, L., Morgan, H., Skea, Z., Tarburn, E.
The aetiology and burden of myeloproliferative neoplasms in the United Kingdom: the MyelOproliferative neoplasmS: an In-depth case-control (MOSAICC) study protocol.
Abutheraa, N., Tarburn, E., McShane, C., Duncombe, A. S., McMullin, M. F., Anderson, L.
Expanding Community Health Worker decision space: learning from a Participatory Action Research training intervention in a rural South African district
D'Ambruoso, L., Abruquah, N. A., Mabetha, D., Van Der Merwe, M., Goosen, G., Sigudla, J., Witter, S., Verbal Autopsy with Participatory Action Research (VAPAR)/Wits/Mpumalanga Department of Health Learning Platform
Vanholder, R., Annemans, L., Braks, M., Brown, E., Pais, P., Purnell, T., Sawhney, S., Scholes-Robertson, N., Stengel, B., Tannor, E., Tesar, V., van der Tol, A., Luyckx, V.
Trends in intracerebral haemorrhage admissions, prior anticoagulant use, acute stroke care, and mortality outcomes 2011-2018:: A national Scottish database study.
Sterling, K., Macleod, M., Turner, M., Barber, M.
8th World Intracranial Hemorrhage Conference (WICH 2023), pp. 1-107
The Impact of Rurality on Patient Experience and Diagnostic Pathway Intervals in Scotland’s Cancer Patients: Further Results from a National Cancer Diagnosis Audit Cancer Epidemiology
Maxwell, S., Pearce, C., Kynn, M., Anderson, L. A., Weller, D., Murchie, P.
Type 1 diabetes incidence in Scotland between 2006 and 2019
Thomson, I., Anderson, N., Bath, L., Kiff, S., Patterson, C., Philip, S., Waugh, N., Wild, S. H., Scottish Study Group for the Care of Diabetes in the Young and the Scottish Diabetes Research Network Epidemiology Group
Cognitive and Motor Decline in Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson's Disease Dementia
Gonzalez, M. C., Tovar-Rios, D. A., Alves, G., Dalen, I., Williams-Gray, C. H., Camacho, M., Forsgren, L., Bäckström, D., Lawson, R. A., Macleod, A. D., Counsell, C. E., Paquet, C., DeLena, C., D'Antonio, F., Pilotto, A., Padovani, A., Blanc, F., Falup-Pecurariu, C., Lewis, S. J., Rejdak, K., Papuc, E., Hort, J., Nedelska, Z., O'Brien, J., Bonanni, L., Marquié, M., Boada, M., Pytel, V., Abdelnour, C., Alcolea, D., Beyer, K., Tysnes, O. B., Aarsland, D., Maple-Grødem, J.
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 980-986
Natural history of long-COVID in a nationwide, population cohort study
Hastie, C. E., Lowe, D. J., McAuley, A., Mills, N. L., Winter, A. J., Black, C., Scott, J. T., O’Donnell, C. A., Blane, D. N., Browne, S., Ibbotson, T. R., Pell, J. P.
Dataset: A consolidated and harmonised Verbal Autopsy dataset from Health and Demographic Surveillance Sites in South Africa [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
Cowan, E., D'Ambruoso, L., Price, J., Fottrell, E., Herbst, K.
National initiative to promote public involvement in medicine safety: the use of a cross-sectional population survey to identify candidate behaviours for intervention development in Scotland
Gangannagaripalli, J., McIver, L., Abutheraa, N., Brewster, R., Dixon, D., Watson, M. C.
Study protocol for a Critical Realist pilot cluster-randomised controlled trial of a whole-school-based mindfulness intervention (SBMI) promoting child and adolescent mental wellbeing in Rwanda and Ethiopia
Abbott, P., D’Ambruoso, L., Yared, M., McNamee, P., Hailu, T., Nzabalirwa, W.
Consensus Recommendations for Sick Day Medication Guidance for People With Diabetes, Kidney, or Cardiovascular Disease: A Modified Delphi Process
Watson, K. E., Dhaliwal, K., Robertshaw, S., Verdin, N., Benterud, E., Lamont, N., Drall, K. M., McBrien, K., Donald, M., Tsuyuki, R. T., Campbell, D. J. T., Pannu, N., James, M. T., PAUSE (Preventing Medication Complications During Acute Illness Through Symptom Evaluation And Sick Day Guidance) Medication Safety Advisory Panel, Sawhney, S.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, vol. 81, no. 5, pp. 564-574
Wang, B., Gallagher, K., Bhatt, N., Clement, K., Zimmermann, E., Khadhouri, S., Kiciak, A., Kulkarni, M., Gaba, F., Anbarasan, T., Ng, A., Light, A., Asif, A., Chan, V., Nathan, A., Rossi, S., Geng, W., Cooper, D., Aucott, L., O’brien, T., Maclennan, S., Nielsen, M., Mariappan, P., Wollin, T., Kasivisvanathan, V.
Journal of Urology, vol. 209, no. Supplement 4, MP08-10
Major cardiovascular events and subsequent risk of kidney failure with replacement therapy: a CKD Prognosis Consortium study
Mark, P. B., Carrero, J. J., Matsushita, K., Sang, Y., Ballew, S. H., Grams, M. E., Coresh, J., Surapaneni, A., Brunskill, N. J., Chalmers, J., Chan, L., Chang, A. R., Chinnadurai, R., Chodick, G., Cirillo, M., de Zeeuw, D., Evans, M., Garg, A. X., Gutierrez, O. M., Heerspink, H. J., Heine, G. H., Herrington, W. G., Ishigami, J., Kronenberg, F., Lee, J. Y., Levin, A., Major, R. W., Marks, A., Nardkarni, G. N., Naimark, D. M., Nowak, C., Rahman, M., Sabanayagam, C., Sarnak, M., Sawhney, S., Schneider, M. P., Shalev, V., Shim, J., Siddiqui, M. K., Stempniewicz, N., Sumida, K., Valdivielso, J. M., van den Brand, J., Wang, A. Y. M., Wheeler, D. C., Zhang, L., Visseren, F. L., Stengel, B.
European Heart Journal, vol. 44, no. 13, pp. 1157-1166
INTERMED’s reliability to assess health complexity in primary care: a Brazilian cross-section study
Almeida de Oliveira, C., Weber, B., Laredo de Camargo, L., Marque Balco, E., Arantes Barros, M., Zanetti, A. C. G., Lobo, E., Rzewuska, M., Mazzoncini de Azevedo-Marques, J.
Prediction of major postoperative events after non-cardiac surgery for people with kidney failure: derivation and internal validation of risk models
Harrison, T. G., Hemmelgarn, B. R., James, M. T., Sawhney, S., Manns, B. J., Tonelli, M., Ruzycki, S. M., Zarnke, K. B., Wilson, T. A., McCaughey, D., Ronksley, P. E.
Acceptability of alternative technologies compared with Faecal Immunochemical Test and/or colonoscopy in colorectal cancer screening: A systematic review
Ali, O., Gupta, S., Brain, K., Paranjothy, S., Dolwani, S., Lifford, K. J.
Journal of Medical Screening, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 14-27
The Kidney Failure Risk Equation: Evaluation of Novel Input Variables including eGFR Estimated Using the CKD-EPI 2021 Equation in 59 Cohorts
Grams, M. E., Brunskill, N. J., Ballew, S. H., Sang, Y., Coresh, J., Matsushita, K., Surapaneni, A., Bell, S., Carrero, J. J., Chodick, G., Evans, M., Heerspink, H. J., Inker, L. A., Iseki, K., Kalra, P. A., Kirchner, H. L., Lee, B. J., Levin, A., Major, R. W., Medcalf, J., Nadkarni, G. N., Naimark, D. M., Ricardo, A. C., Sawhney, S., Sood, M. M., Staplin, N., Stempniewicz, N., Stengel, B., Sumida, K., Traynor, J. P., van den Brand, J., Wen, C., Woodward, M., Yang, J. W., Wang, A. Y., Tangri, N.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 482-494
Global variation in early recurrence after TURBT surgery in the RESECT study (NCT05154084): There is significant inter-site variation that is independent of differences in tumour factors
Gallagher, K., Bhatt, N., Clement, K., Zimmermann, E., Khadhouri, S., Kulkarni, M., Gaba, F., Anbarasan, T., Ng, A., Light, A., Asif, A., Chan, V., Nathan, A., Rossie, S., Geng, W., Cooper, D., Aucott, L., O’brien, T., Maclennan, S., Nielsen, M., Mariappan, P., Kasivisvanathan, V.
European Urology, vol. 83, no. Supplement 1, pp. S991-S992