Our Purpose

Since 1495, the University of Aberdeen has been open to all and dedicated to the pursuit of truth in the service of others. We still have that purpose. It defines our actions and underpins our ethos. We achieve our purpose through excellence in our core activities of education and research, which transform the world around us.
Our staff come from 80+ countries

We are the fifth oldest university in the English-speaking world. Established to serve the north-east of Scotland, our university is a global presence in higher education. A dual focus on our region and the wider world is as important to us today as it was five centuries ago. We welcome others with respect, and work with them in trust. We value freedom of thought and integrity of action.
Our students come from 130+ countries

Our foundational purpose continues to be our driving force. We are open to all, locally, nationally and internationally, and our pursuit of truth is shaped by our determination to act in the service of others.
If you would like to get involved in delivering Aberdeen 2040, contact us via email at: aberdeen2040@abdn.ac.uk.