Dr Mari Imamura

Dr Mari Imamura
Dr Mari Imamura
Dr Mari Imamura

Research Fellow



Mari Imamura is a Research Fellow (Systematic Reviewer).  She completed a PhD in sociolinguistics from the University of Aberdeen.  She joined the Dugald Baird Centre for Research on Women's Health (University of Aberdeen) for the external evaluation of a national demonstration project on teenage sexual health in Scotland, Healthy Respect.  She then gained experience in systematic reviews in the area of reproductive health in EU countries as part of an EC-funded project, REPROSTAT2 (2004-2005), and in developing countries as part of Initiative for Maternal Mortality Programme Assessment (IMMPACT) (2005-2006).  She joined the Health Services Research Unit in 2007 and led a couple of systematic reviews of clinical effectiveness of health care interventions commissioned by the UK Health Technology Assessment programme.  She then moved to Academic Urology (2008-2013) to conduct a series of reviews on urological cancers funded by a Scottish urological cancer charity, UCAN, and then to IMMPACT (2013-2016) to conduct a review of complex interventions for guideline implementations to improve obstetric care in low- and middle-income countries.  She then re-joined HSRU in 2016 to conduct clinical effectiveness reviews as part of Health Technology Assessments.  She has experience of both quantitative and qualitative research methods and fieldwork experience of surveys and in-depth interviews.


Current Research

  • Health Techonology Assessment of surgical interventions for stress urinary incontinence in women
  • Health Technology Assessment of interventions for interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome)


Funding and Grants

  • Apr-Dec 2006 NHS Scotland (with van Teilingen E, Tucker J, Poobalan A, Philip K, Spratt J, Pitchforth E and Astin M).  'Sex and Relationship Education – Review of Programmes and Supporting Materials' (Project Reference 2005/2006 RE044) £59,872



Page 7 of 8 Results 61 to 70 of 77

  • Corrigendum to "systematic review of oncological outcomes following surgical management of localised renal cancer" [Eur Urol 2012;61:972-93]

    MaClennan, S., Imamura, M., Lapitan, M. C., Omar, M. I., Lam, T. B., Hilvano-Cabungcal, A. M., Royle, P., Stewart, F., MaClennan, G., MaClennan, S. J., Canfield, S. E., McClinton, S., Griffiths, T. R., Ljungberg, B., N'Dow, J.
    European Urology, vol. 62, no. 1
    Contributions to Journals: Comments and Debates
  • Systematic review of oncological outcomes following surgical management of localised renal cancer

    MacLennan, S., Imamura, M., Lapitan, M. C. M., Omar, M. I., Lam, T. B. L., Hilvano-Cabungcal, A., Royle, P., Stewart, F., MacLennan, G. S., MacLennan, S., Canfield, S., McClinton, S., Griffiths, T. R. L., Ljungberg, B., N'Dow, J. M. O.
    European Urology, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 972-993
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Assessing risk of bias in non-randomised studies and incorporating GRADE: Initial experience with a new Cochrane ‘risk of bias’ tool under development

    MacLennan, S., Imamura, M., Dahm, P., Nueberger, M., Reeves, B. C., MacLennan, G. S., Omar, M. I., McClinton, S., Griffiths, T. R. L., N'Dow, J. M. O.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
  • Initial experience with a pilot Cochrane tool for assessing risk of bias for non-randomized studies applying a web-based survey of content experts to derive criteria for imbalance

    Palmer, D., MacLennan, S., Imamura, M., Reeves, B. C., Clubb, A., Duboy, A., Nueberger, M., Dahm, P.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
  • The hazards of extracting hazard ratios from survival curves for meta-analyses in observational studies

    Imamura, M., MacLennan, S., Dahm, P., Nueberger, M., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, G. S.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
  • Evidence for partial nephrectomy

    Lam, T. B. L., MacLennan, S., Imamura, M., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, G.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
  • Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness of surgical management for localised renal cell carcinoma

    Imamura, M., MacLennan, S., Lapitan, M. C. M., Omar, M. I., Lam, T., Hilvano-Cabungcal, A. M., Royle, P. L., Stewart, F., MacLennan, G., MacLennan, S., Canfield, S. E., McClinton, S., Griffiths, T. R. L., Ljungberg, B., N'Dow, J., UCAN Systematic Review Reference Group, EAU Guideline Group for renal cell carcinoma
    Commissioned by European Association of Urology. University of Aberdeen: Academic Urology Unit
    Books and Reports: Commissioned Reports
  • Systematic review and economic modelling of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of non-surgical treatments for women with stress urinary incontinence

    Imamura, M., Abrams, P., Bain, C., Buckley, B., Cardozo, L., Cody, J., Cook, J., Eustice, S., Glazener, C. M. A., Grant, A., Hay-Smith, J., Hislop, J., Jenkinson, D., Kilonzo, M., Nabi, G., N'Dow, J., Pickard, R., Ternent, L., Wallace, S., Wardle, J., Zhu, S., Vale, L.
    Health Technology Assessment, vol. 14, no. 40, pp. 1-506
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Systematic review and economic modelling of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of non-surgical treatments for women with stress urinary incontinence

    Imamura, M., Abrams, P., Bain, C., Buckley, B., Cardozo, L., Cody, D. J., Cook, G. J., Eustice, S., Glazener, C. M. A., Grant, A. M., Hay-Smith, J., Hislop, J. M., Jenkinson, D. J., Kilonzo, M. M., Nabi, G., N'Dow, J. M., Pickard, R., Ternent, L., Wallace, S., Wardle, J., Zhu, S., Vale, L.
    Health Technology Assessment, vol. 14, no. 40, pp. 1-215
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Evidence-based urology in practice: heterogeneity in a systematic review meta-analysis

    Imamura, M., Cook, J. A., MacLennan, S., N'Dow, J., Dahm, P., Evidence-Based Urology Working Group
    BJU International, vol. 105, no. 6, pp. 770-773
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
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Books and Reports

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals