Chair in Economics
- About
- Email Address
- e.phimister@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 273855
- School/Department
- Business School
Euan Phimister's recent research focusses on links between agriculture, energy, rural development and finance, including understanding the interrelationships between access to energy, food production in Sub-Saharan Africa. His current research work involves research and management of externally funded inter-disciplinary projects involving international partners from Ethiopia.
He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and was the first Director of the School's MSc in Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance. He is an Honorary Associate of the James Hutton Institute and was a Panel member for Main Panel A: Sub-panel 6 (Agriculture) in the UK Research Excellence Framework 2020.
External Memberships
REF2014 & REF2021 Agriculture sub-panel member. Associate Editor Journal of Agricultural Economics.
- Publications
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Heating or eating?: The framing of food and fuel poverty in UK news media
Social Science and Medicine, vol. 360, 117297Contributions to Journals: ArticlesGully rehabilitation in Southern Ethiopia: value and impacts for farmers
SOIL, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 637–654Contributions to Journals: ArticlesStakeholder mapping to support invasive non-native species management in South America
NeoBiota, vol. 93, pp. 263-291Contributions to Journals: ArticlesChanges in soil properties with long-term organic inputs due to distance from homestead and farm characteristics in southern Ethiopian farmlands
Geoderma Regional, vol. 35, e00710Contributions to Journals: ArticlesImplications of changes in land use for ecosystem service values of two highly eroded watersheds in Lake Abaya Chamo sub-basin, Ethiopia
Ecosystem Services, vol. 64, 101564Contributions to Journals: ArticlesAssessing the Impact of Energy and Fuel Poverty on Health: A European Scoping Review
European Journal of Public Health, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 764-770Contributions to Journals: ArticlesWomen’s Empowerment in Households and the Use of Cleaner Cooking Fuel in Ghana
Working Papers: Discussion PapersHeating versus Eating: The framing of food and fuel poverty in UK media
17th World Congress on Public Health, pp. 466Contributions to Journals: Abstracts- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.18332/popmed/165730
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Repayment Performance of Joint-Liability Microcredits: Metropolitan Evidence on Social Capital and Group Names
Bulletin of Economic Research, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 287-311Contributions to Journals: ArticlesEvaluating capacity auction design for electricity: An experimental analysis
Energy Economics, vol. 115, 106370Contributions to Journals: Articles