Professor Derek Sleeman

Professor Derek Sleeman
Professor Derek Sleeman
Professor Derek Sleeman

PhD FBCS FRSE Fellow European AI Societies

Emeritus Professor

Email Address
Office Address
Computing Science Department Meston Building The University ABERDEEN AB24 3FX Scotland UK
School of Natural and Computing Sciences


   University of Leeds (1965-1982)

  • Computing Assistant; Lecturer (Computing Science); Associate Director, Computer Based Learning Project.

 Visiting Positions/Sabbaticals

  • University of Texas (1972-73); Rutgers (1979); Carnegie-Mellon University (1980-81 & 1991); Edinburgh (1991)

 Stanford University (1982-86)

  • Senior Research Associate; Heuristic Programming Project; Associate Professor (AI & Education).

 University of Aberdeen

  • Professor of Computing Science (1986 – 2008); Head of Department, 1986-92, 1996-9; Emeritus Professor (2008 - )

 Academic Coordinator of the EC's Network of Excellence in Machine Learning & Knowledge Acquisition  (1992-95)

External Memberships

 Organizing of Conferences & Workshops


  • Program & Steering Committees for EKAW series of meetings (including the 2010 Lisbon Meeting)
  • Program & Steering Committees for KCAP series of meetings (including the 2011 Banff Meeting
  • Conference Chair, K CAP 2007: Whistler, Canada October 2007
  • Co-organizer of AAAI Spring Symposium  on "Semantic Web & Knowledge Engineering"  (SWKE), Stanford, March 2008 (details)



Research Overview


  • Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge-Base Refinement, Machine Discovery, Ontological Engineering
  • Semantic Web & Knowledge Engineering
  • Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) of Medical Datasets


  • Professor John Kinsella (Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Laura Moss (NHS, Glasgow &  School of Medicine, University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Wamberto Vasconcelos (Department of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen)
  • Dr David Corsar (Department of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen)

 Add List of Former Collaborators & Research students here?

Funding and Grants

EPSRC AKT (Advanced Knowledge Technologies) Inter Disciplinary Research Collaboration. 2000-2007.  £7.6M to consortium; £1.3M to Aberdeen.     This IRC comprised of groups from Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Open University, Sheffield & Southampton.

IPAS (Integrated Products & Services)  2005-2008  Funded by the DTI & Rolls-Royce. The Consortium involved Rolls-Royce, groups from the Universities of Aberdeen, Cambridge, Sheffield & Southampton, and several specialized companies. Total grant £2.35M (£223K Aberdeen).



Teaching Responsibilities

  • Undergrad projects
  • MSc Projects

Page 3 of 6 Results 21 to 30 of 52

  • IPAS Ontology development

    Fowler, D., Reul, Q. H., Sleeman, D.
    Formal Ontologies Meet Industry. Borgo, S., Lesmo, L. (eds.). IOS Press, pp. 120-131, 12 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • A Fine-Grained Approach to Resolving Unsatisfiable Ontologies

    Lam, S. C., Sleeman, D., Pan, J. Z., Vasconcelos, W. W. M. P. D.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Aberdeen University Ontology Reuse Stack

    Thomas, E. J., Sleeman, D., Pan, J. Z., Reul, Q. H., Lam, S. C.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Constraint capture and maintenance in engineering design

    Ajit, S., Sleeman, D., Fowler, D. W., Knott, D.
    Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 325-343
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Developing Knowledge-Based Systems using the Semantic Web

    Corsar, D., Sleeman, D.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • KBS Development on the (Semantic) Web

    Corsar, D., Sleeman, D.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
  • Matching sensors to missions using a knowledge-based approach

    Preece, A. D., Gomez, M., De Mel, G. R., Vasconcelos, W. W. M. P. D., Sleeman, D., Colley, S., Pearson, G., Pham, T., La Porta, T.
    Defense Transformation and Net-Centric Systems 2008. SPIE, pp. 98109-98109, 12 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Reports of the AAAI 2008 Spring Symposia

    Balduccini, M., Baral, C., Brodaric, B., Colton, S., Fox, P., Gutelius, D., Hinkelmann, K., Horswill, I., Huberman, B., Hudlicka, E., Lerman, K., Lisetti, C., McGuinness, D., Maher, M. L., Musen, M. A., Sahami, M., Sleeman, D., Thoenssen, B., Velasquez, J., Ventura, D.
    AI Magazine, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 107-115
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The role of ontologies in creating and maintaining corporate knowledge: A case study from the aero industry

    Sleeman, D., Ajit, S., Fowler, D., Knott, D.
    Applied Ontology, vol. 3, pp. 151-172
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • A fine-grained approach to resolving unsatisfiable ontologies

    Lam, S. C., Pan, J. Z., Sleeman, D., Vasconcelos, W.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
Show 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 results per page


Books and Reports

Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals