Chair in The Institute for Education in Medical and Dental Sciences
- About
- Email Address
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 437820
- Office Address
Biomedical Physics Building
Room A2
Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD
- School/Department
- School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
I graduated from the University of Southampton with a first class honours degree in Physics in 1987 and went on to obtain a PhD in Medical Physics at the University of London (Royal Marsden Hospital) in 1990. After a brief spell in industry (working as a systems analyst for an oil company) I returned to academia, taking up a postdoctoral position and then a faculty position at the University of Utah (USA). In 1997 I returned to the UK, as a lecturer, senior lecturer then Professor at the University of Aberdeen. I was Director of the John Mallard Scottish PET Centre from 1997-2012 and have been programme coordiator for the MSc programmes in Medical Physics and Medical Imaging since 2016.
- PhD Medical Physics1990 - University of London
- BSc Physics1997 - University of Southampton
Memberships and Affiliations
- Internal Memberships
- University of Aberdeen, Radiation Hazards Sub-committee, Chair
- Postgraduate Research Coordinator (Institute of Education in Healthcare and Medical Sciences)
- Athena Swan Lead (Institute of Education in Healthcare and Medical Sciences)
- External Memberships
- Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, Corporate Member
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), Registered Clinical Scientist.
- HEE/ NIHR ICA Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship Panel Member
- Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Excellence (SINAPSE) Member
- Research
Research Overview
My research has focussed on the tomographic radiotracer imaging techniques of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) as well as Computed Tomography (CT) in general.
Current Research
Developing novel image reconstruction and image processing techniques for use in Nuclear Medicne.
Past Research
Developing PET methods to detect changes in brain function. This includes the use of Statistical Parametric Mapping and other statistical tools to detect changes in brain metabolism as measured with FDG-PET.
Measuring changes in cardiac metabolism with PET. This includes developing methods to measure glucose, oxidative and fatty acid metabolism.
Using medical CT scanners to study spontaneous imbibition in rocks. Applications include enhanced oil recovery.
Developing novel tomographic radiotracer imaging techniques to study fluid flow in porous and fractured rocks. Applications may include: enhanced oil recovery, carbon capture and storage and shale gas recovery. Current work uses Monte Carlo simulation techniques to compare PET and SPECT and to develop the optimum hardware and software for the task.
Current PhD Students:
Nora Almuqbil "Radiomic Analysis of PET Hypoxia Markers" Started October 2018
Ahmad Tawfiq Alenezi "Investigating synchrony and entropy parameters derived from nuclear ventriculography to predict cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patients" Started March 2019
Funding and Grants
A. Awarded as Principal Investigator (15 awards totalling £2.6M)
Funding Body: Principal’s Interdisciplinary Fund
Title: A feasibility study on tomographic radiotracer techniques for imaging reactive transport in rocks
Applicants: A. Welch, D. Healy, Y. Tanino & D. Vega-Maza
Dates of Award: November 2014 – November 2015
Total Costs: £3,000
Funding Body: MRC
Title: Transfer of Fluorinase Technology for Imaging by PET
Applicants: A. Welch, L. Schweiger, H. Deng & D. O'Hagan
Dates of Award: June 2009 - June 2010
Total Costs: £89,484
Funding Body: TMRI Ltd
Title: Development of molecular imaging ligands for imaging Histamine H3 receptors, based on compounds within the Wyeth development programme
Applicants: A. Welch, S. Pimlott, D. Dewar, L. Schweiger, G. Reidel, R. Ross, & D. Wyper.
Dates of Award: February 2008 – July 2009
Total Costs: £735,976
Funding Body: TMRI Ltd
Title: Imaging dopamine levels as a biomarker of a 5-HT2c mediated effect
Applicants: A. Welch, G. Reidel, L. Schweiger & T. Smith
Dates of Award: Feb 2007 -Jan 2008
Total Costs: £164,842Funding Body: Scottish Enterprise Grampian
Title: Pre-clinical PET Installation grant
Applicants: A. Welch & E. Rattray
Dates of Award: February 2007 – December 2007
Total Costs: £24,000Funding Body: Wista Ltd
Title: Development of novel PET ligands for mental illness
Applicants: A. Welch & L.Schweiger
Dates of Award: January 2007 – December 2008
Total Costs: £350,236Funding Body: Scottish Executive Health Department
Title: Development of an FDG production facility
Applicants: A. Welch & P. Sharp
Dates of Award: March 2006-March 2007
Total Costs: £175,000Funding Body: Scottish Enterprise (Proof of Concept fund)
Title: Development of a novel miniaturized solid state sensor for tracer imaging
Applicants: A. Welch & S. McCallum
Dates of Award: April 2001 – April 2003
Total Costs: £192,771Funding Body: Chief Scientist’s Office (Scottish Office)
Title: The use of positron emission tomography to aid in the development of
new anti-cancer therapies
Applicants: A. Welch, J. Cassidy, I. Smith, S. Waikar, D. Bissett and P. F. Sharp
Dates of Award: October 2000 – October 2003
Total Costs: £161,000Funding Body: Aberdeen Royal Hospitals Endowments Trust
Title of Project: The application of C-11 choline and Positron Emission Tomography in
the investigation of prostate cancer
Applicants: A. Welch, D. Soloviev and L. Moffat
Dates of Award: March 1999 – March 2000
Total Costs: £8,000Funding Body: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Title of Project: Development of attenuation correction schemes for PET that do not
require transmission measurements
Applicants: A. Welch
Dates of Award: December 1999 – December 2002
Total Costs: £51,983Funding Body: Scottish Higher Education Funding Council
Title of Project: Development of a Radiochemistry Facility for Positron Emission Tomographic (PET) Imaging
Dates of Award: May 1998 – May 2001
Applicants: A. Welch and P. Sharp
Total Costs: £450,218Funding Body: Aberdeen Royal Hospitals Endowments Trust
Title of Project: Development of a Data Analysis Package for Multi-bed Dynamic PET
Dates of Award: April 1998 – April 1999
Applicants: A. Welch, I.C. Smith, O. Eremin and P. Sharp
Total Costs: £8,000Funding Body: Benning Trust
Title of Project: High-sensitivity FDG imaging using a clinical gamma camera
Dates of Award: March 1996 – March 1998
Applicants: A. Welch
Total Costs: $20,000Funding Body: Whitaker Foundation
Title of Project: Development of an accurate and clinically-relevant non-uniform scatter
correction scheme for SPECT
Dates of Award: April 1996 – April 1999
Applicants: A. Welch
Total Costs: $206,758B. Awarded As Named Investigator (25 awards totalling £12.2M)
Funding Body: SMA Europe
Title: Determining the Temporal, Spatial and Molecular Signature of Hypoxia in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Applicants: S. Parson, J.M. Collinson, I. Fleming, A. Welch & M. Zanda
Dates of Award: October 2016 – September 2018
Total Costs: £92,899Funding Body: NHSG Endowments
Title: Investigation of 18f Fluro Deoxy Ribose (FDR) as PET Tracer for Cardiac Pathologies
Applicants: S. Dall’Angelo, D. Dawson, M. Zanda & A. Welch
Dates of Award: August 2014 – July 2015
Total Costs: £11,968Funding Body: Chief Scientist’s Office (Scottish Office)
Title: Detection of hypoxic regions in Oesophagogastric Carcinomas with 18F-fluoroazomycin-arabinofuranoside (FAZA) Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging.
Applicants: R. Petty, I. Flemming, M. Zanda, A. Denison, G. Murray, A. Welch, L.
Schweiger & E. Collie-Duguid
Dates of Award: February 2014 – December 2015
Total Costs: £159,797Funding Body: NHS Grampian Endowment Research Fund
Title: [N-methyl-11C] Methylene Blue: A Novel Biomarker for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease ?
Applicants: L. Schweiger, A. Welch, B. Platt & G. Riedel
Dates of Award: April 2013 – April 2014
Total Costs: £11,954Funding Body: ARUK
Title: Upgrade of preclinical MRI facilities at Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging Centre
Applicants: B. Platt, H. Seton, G. Riedel & A. Welch
Dates of Award: October 2012 – September 2013
Total Costs: £80,000Funding Body: MRC
Title: Effect of Inorganic Nitrite on Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle: Physiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutic Potential (Programme Grant)
Applicants: M. Frenneaux, D. Dawson, J. Brittenden, A. Welch, M. Zanda, C. Selman & J. Speakman
Dates of Award: October 2011 - September 2016
Total Costs: £1,799,947Funding Body: SULSA/BBSRC BioSkape Industry Interchange Programme
Title: Development of New Markers to Apply Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging to Therapeutic Drug Targetting
Applicants: M. Zanda, W. Eldridge, A. Murray & A. Welch
Dates of Award: January 2011 - December 2011
Total Costs: £140,401Funding Body: Scottish Funding Council
Title: Novel and Collaborative Approaches to Knowledge Exchange in Translational Imaging
Applicants: J Wardlaw, T. McCarthy, C. Cunningham, S. Pittard, J. DeWilde, A Murray, J. Owens, R. Lerski, J. vanHemest, B. Condon, A Welch, I. Marshall, J. Clark, F. Gilbert, N. Roberts, C. Gilmour, D. O'Hagan, M. Zanda, M. Bradley, A. Sutherland, D. Steele, K. Muir, C. Santosh
Dates of Award: October 2010 – September 2013
Total Costs: £1, 124,928Funding Body: EU FP7 (251482)
Title: Novel Mapping the brain with PET radiolabeled cannabinoid (CB1) ligands (PET BRAIN)
Applicants: M. Zanda, A. Welch & R. Ross
Dates of Award: June 2010 – May 2014
Total Costs: €930,577Funding Body: BBSRC
Title: Fluorinase derived fluorine-18 biotrans products as imaging agents for PET
Applicants: D. O'Hagan, A. Welch & M. Carroll
Dates of Award: June 2010 - June 2011
Total Costs: £119,993Funding Body: Chief Scientist’s Office (Scottish Office)
Title: Assessing the Potential Clinical Application of FDG-PET/CT to the Management of Breast Cancer, in Particular, Staging the Axillary Lymph Nodes. A multi-centre Study (Aberdeen/Glasgow)
Applicants: S. Heys, F. Gilbert, & A. Welch
Dates of Award: February 2009 – January 2012
Total Costs: £218,267Funding Body: TMRI Ltd
Title: EEG and PET markers in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease
Applicants: B. Platt, G. Riedel, & A. Welch
Dates of Award: April 2008 – March 2010
Total Costs: £1,054,046Funding Body: TMRI Ltd
Title: Phenotypic analysis of Disc1 transgenic mice
Applicants: G. Riedel, B. Platt, A. Welch, S. Shen & D. St Clair
Dates of Award: April 2008 – March 2010
Total Costs: £368,739Funding Body: TMRI Ltd
Title: In vivo 18-FDG PET imaging and atherosclerotic plaque inflammatory biomarkers in mouse models of atherosclerosis - a randomized controlled trial.
Applicants: J. Brittenden, H. Wilson, S. Shaikh, A. Welch, G. Small, P. Brown,
F. Thies, & A. Barker
Dates of Award: April 2008 – September 2009
Total Costs: £258,571Funding Body: Scottish Funding Council
Title: SINAPSE Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Excellence
SFC Pooling Initiative in collaboration with the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrew & Stirling
Applicants: J Wardlaw, A Murray, A Welch, D Hadley, D Wyper, A Astell, R Lerski, A Coughtrie, D Donaldson, R Sellar, PAG Sandercock, D McGonigle
Dates of Award: May 2007 – April 2012
Total Costs: £5,586,906Funding Body: Arthritis Research Council
Title: Effect of surgical approach on femoral head viability following hip resurfacing: A quantitative study using positron emission tomography
Applicants: G.P. Ashcroft, A. Welch, A. Murray, A. Lee & J. Hutchison
Dates of Award: April 2007 – March 2010
Total Costs: £205,899Funding Body: TMRI Ltd
Title: Imaging argerosclerotic plaque inflammation with flurodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and CT angiography
Applicants: J. Brittenden, K. Cassar, M.J. MacLeod, F. Thies, A. Welch & A. Murray
Dates of Award: January 2007 – December 2008
Total Costs: £344,163Funding Body: Chief Scientist’s Office (Scottish Office)
Title: The Prediction of Response to Chemotherapy in Patients with Oesophageal Cancer Using Positron Emission Tomography
Applicants: K. Park & A. Welch
Dates of Award: July 2004 – July 2005
Total Costs: £17,905Funding Body: Grampian University Hospitals Endowment Fund
Title of Project: The application of C-11 PK11195 and positron emission tomography for the investigation of multiple sclerosis
Applicants: S. Waikar, A. Welch and R. Coleman
Total Costs: £10,500Funding Body: British Orthopaedic Association Wishbone Trust
Title of Project: Assessment of biological activity around hip replacements with aseptic and septic loosening using positron emission tomography
Applicants: G.P. Ashcroft, P. Hopwood, A. Welch and D. Hukins
Start Date: October 1999 – October 2000
Total Costs: £25,795Funding Body: ARH Endowments
Title of Project: Staging of malignant melanoma: comparison of PET with clinical outcome and histopathology of excised locoregional lymph nodes
Applicants: A. Murray, M. Davis, J. Holmes, K. Blessing, A. Welch, M. Nicholson and M. White
Start Date: March 1999 – March 2000
Total Costs: £9,600Funding Body: ARH Endowments
Title of Project: Language mapping using positron emission tomography in normal volunteers and in patients with brain tumours for preoperative planning
Applicants: A. Murray, A. Venneri, A. Welch, D.G. Currie, G. Kaar, R. Staff
Start Date: March 1999 – March 2000
Total Costs: £7,500Funding Body: ARH Endowments
Title of Project: The evaluation of Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) combined with Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration in the evaluation of groin nodes associated with vulval cancer.
Applicants: G. Narayansingh, D. Parkin, T. Sarkar, H. Deans, F. Wallis, A. Welch and I. Miller
Start Date: March 1999 – March 2000
Total Costs: £5,000Funding Body: Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland
Title of Project: Prediction of hibernating myocardium: a PET comparative study
Date of Award: December 1998 – December 2000
Applicants: S. Walton, A. Al-Mohammad, A. Welch, T. Redpath and P. Sharp
Total Costs: £26,050Funding Body: British Heart Foundation
Title of Project: Validation of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Surrogate Markers for Hibernating Myocardium
Date of Award: May 1998 – May 2000
Applicants: S. Walton, A. Al-Mohammad, A. Welch, T. Redpath and P. Sharp
Total Costs: £75,000Funding Body: Cancer Research Campaign
Title of Project: PET in-vivo tumour cell metabolism and breast cancer: Novel assessment of tumour volume, metastatic spread, response to chemotherapy and prediction of prognosis
Date of Award: August 1997 – August 2000
Applicants: O. Eremin, I. Smith, A. Welch, P. Sharp, A. Hutcheon, L. Walker, S. Heys, I. Miller, F. Gilbert, A. Ah-See, and F. Smith
Total Costs: £251,801 - Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
Programme Coordinator for MSc in Medical Physics
Programme Coordinator for MSc in Medical Imaging
Course Coordinator for BP5008 Radiation In Medicine
Course Coordinator for BP5011 Radiation in Medical Imaging
Course Coordinator for BP5501 Radiotherpay
Course Coordinator for BP5502 Nuclear Medicine and PET
Course Coordinator for BP5506 Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Protection
Course Coordinator for MP5501 Comparative Imaging
- Publications
Page 1 of 1 Results 1 to 67 of 67
Development and Validation of Prognostic Models Using Radiomic Features from Pre-Treatment Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Images in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) Patients
Cancers, vol. 16, no. 12, 2195Contributions to Journals: ArticlesComparison of semi-automatic and manual segmentation methods for tumor delineation on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) positron emission tomography (PET) images
Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 69, no. 9, 095005Contributions to Journals: ArticlesA systematic review and meta-analysis of predictive and prognostic models for outcome prediction using positron emission tomography radiomics in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients
Cancer Medicine, vol. 12, no. 15, pp. 16181-16194Contributions to Journals: Review articlesMetabolic alterations in a rat model of Takotsubo syndrome
Cardiovascular Research, vol. 118, no. 8, pp. 1932–1946Contributions to Journals: ArticlesModeling Mixed Vascular and Alzheimer’s Dementia Using Focal Subcortical Ischemic Stroke in Human ApoE4-TR:5XFAD Transgenic Mice
Translational Stroke Research, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 1064-1076Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Standardization of preclinical PET/CT imaging to improve quantitative accuracy, precision and reproducibility: a multi-center study
Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 461-468Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Preclinical Evaluation of [18F]LCATD as a PET Tracer to Study Drug-Drug Interactions Caused by Inhibition of Hepatic Transporters
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging, vol. 2018, 3064751Contributions to Journals: ArticlesCharacterization of viability, scarring and hibernation of the myocardium supplied by epicardial coronary arteries with low flow grades
Nuclear Medicine Communications, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 657-665Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Gated metabolic myocardial imaging, a surrogate for dual perfusion-metabolism imaging by positron emission tomography
Open Heart, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1-6Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
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Design, synthesis, in vitro characterization and preliminary imaging studies on fluorinated bile acid derivatives as PET tracers to study hepatic transporters
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 963-976Contributions to Journals: ArticlesNeuronal human BACE1 knock-in induces systemic diabetes in mice
Diabetologia, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 1513-1523Contributions to Journals: ArticlesTumour expression of leptin is associated with chemotherapy resistance and therapy-independent prognosis in gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinomas
British Journal of Cancer, vol. 110, no. 6, pp. 1525-1534Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Comparison of fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in symptomatic carotid artery and stable femoral artery plaques
British Journal of Surgery, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 363-370Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Glucose uptake by the brain on chronic high-protein weight-loss diets with either moderate or low amounts of carbohydrate
British Journal of Nutrition, vol. 111, no. 4, pp. 586-597Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Mapping Changes in Mouse Brain Metabolism with PET/CT
Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 1946-1953Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
18F-barbiturates are PET tracers with diagnostic potential in Alzheimer's disease
Chemical Communications, vol. 49, no. 8, pp. 792-794Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Adipocyte-specific protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B deletion increases lipogenesis, adipocyte cell size and is a minor regulator of glucose homeostasis
PloS ONE, vol. 7, no. 2, e32700Contributions to Journals: ArticlesOptimized response prediction in esophagogastric junction adenocarcinomas (EGJAc) with combination of molecular biomarkers and FDG-PET
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 30, no. Suppl. 4, 1Contributions to Journals: AbstractsAbnormal cognition, sleep, EEG and brain metabolism in a novel knock-in Alzheimer mouse, PLB1
PloS ONE, vol. 6, no. 11, e27068Contributions to Journals: ArticlesFDG-PET imaging, EEG and sleep phenotypes as translational biomarkers for research in Alzheimer's disease
Biochemical Society Transactions, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 874-880Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
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F-18-FDG and C-11-choline positron emission tomography in human esophago-gastric cancer: prediction of response to therapy
World Journal of Oncology, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 66-77Contributions to Journals: ArticlesAn enzymatic route to 5-deoxy-5-[18F]fluoro-D-ribose, a [18F]-fluorinated sugar for PET imaging
Chemical Communications, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 139-141Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Positron emission tomography for monitoring response to neoadjuvant therapy in patients with oesophageal and gastro-oesophageal junction carcinoma
European Journal of Surgical Oncology, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1019-1029Contributions to Journals: Review articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Physical health-related quality of life predicts stroke in the EPIC-Norfolk
Neurology, vol. 69, no. 24, pp. 2243-2248Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Decreased [18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose incorporation and increased glucose transport are associated with resistance to 5FU in MCF7 cells in vitro
Nuclear Medicine and Biology, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 955-960Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Synthesis of (E)-2,3´,4,5´-Tetramethoxy[2-11C]stilbene
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, vol. 50, no. 13, pp. 1206-1210Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Monitoring primary breast cancer throughout chemotherapy using FDG-PET
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 75-84Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
[Methyl-3H]-choline incorporation into MCF-7 Cells: Correlation with Proliferation-Choline Kinase and Phospholipase D Assay
Anticancer Research, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 901-906Contributions to Journals: ArticlesDevelopment of a Monte Carlo simulation for APO-based PET detectors using a continuous scintillating crystal
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 2563-2569Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Baseline MRI delivery characteristics predict change in invasive ductal breast carcinoma PET metabolism as a result of primary chemotherapy administration
Annals of Oncology, vol. 17, pp. 1393-1398Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Femoral head viability after birmingham resurfacing hip arthroplasty: Assessment with use of [F-18] fluoride positron emission tomography
Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (US Volume), vol. 88A, no. Suppl 3, pp. 84-89Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
A four-layer attenuation compensated PET detector based on APD arrays without discrete crystal elements
Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 50, no. 17, pp. 4187-4207Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Respiratory function and self-reported functional health: EPIC-Norfolk population study
European Respiratory Journal, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 494-502Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
[methyl-3H]Choline incorporation into MCF7 tumour cells: correlation with proliferation
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 660-667Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Positron Emission Tomography
Practical Nuclear Medicine, pp. 35-49, 14 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: ChaptersA multilayer detector for PET based on APD arrays and continuous crystal elements
Contributions to Journals: Conference Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Development of a Monte Carlo simulation for APD based PET detectors using continuous scintillation crystal
Contributions to Journals: Conference Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
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The relationship between vascular and metabolic characteristics of primary breast tumours
European Radiology, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 2038-2045Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Methods of [ 11C] Radiolabelling Phenothiazine and Phenothiazine-Like Compounds
Patents: PatentsThe correlation between FDG PET and the vascular characteristic of breast tumours measured using dynamic contrast enhanced MRI
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, vol. 31, no. Suppl., pp. S231Contributions to Journals: ArticlesCorrelation of MRI/PET rim enhancement in breast cancer: a delivery related phenomenon with therapy implications?
The Lancet Oncology, vol. 4, no. 12, pp. 759-759Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Detection of scarred and viable myocardium using a new magnetic resonance imaging technique: Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) MRI
Heart, vol. 89, no. 7, pp. 738-744Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Accurate Attenuation Correction in PET using Short Transmission Scans and Consistency Information
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 427-432Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Instrumentation for Measuring Metabolism
Molecular Nuclear Medcine - The Challenge of Genomics and Proteomics to Clinical practice ISBN 3-540-00132-8, pp. 99-120, 21 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: ChaptersRadiosynthesis of [N-methyl-C-11]methylene blue
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, vol. 46, pp. 1221-1228Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
The suitability of gamma camera coincidence systems for nitrogen 13-labeled ammonia myocardial perfusion imaging: a quantitative comparison with full-ring PET
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 633-643Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Simulation of the Output from a Scintillator/Photodiode Detector using Monte Carlo Techniques and Spice Circuit Simulation
Contributions to Conferences: Papers- [ONLINE] DOI:
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A digital phantom of the axilla based on the visible human project data set
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 48, pp. 1418-1422Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Attenuation correction in PET using consistency conditions and a three-dimensional template
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 48, pp. 1371-1377Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) MRI for the detection of scarred and viable myocardium, a PET comparative study
European Heart Journal, vol. 23, pp. 305Contributions to Journals: ArticlesDoes the presence of hibernating myocardium in patients with impaired left ventricular contraction affect QT dispersion
American Heart Journal, vol. 141, pp. 944-948Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
[F-18]fluorodeoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography may predict the pathological response of breast cancer to primary chemotherapy
British Journal of Surgery, vol. 88, pp. 761-767Contributions to Journals: ArticlesDos the presence of hibernating myocardium in patients with impaired left ventricular contraction affect QT dispersion?
American Heart Journal, vol. 141, pp. 944-948Contributions to Journals: ArticlesAttenuation correction using a three-dimensional template and the consistency conditions
Contributions to Conferences: Papers- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Regional myocardial wall thickening assessed at rest by ECG gated 18F-FDG positron emission tomography and by magnetic resonance imaging
Heart, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 332-333Contributions to Journals: Letters- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Language mapping in a left handed patient with glioma using H215O positron emission tomography
Neuroimage, vol. 11, no. 5 Suppl. , pp. S321Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
A digital phantom of the axilla based on the Visible Human Project® data set
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
A three-dimensional ray-driven attenuation, scatter and geometric response correction technique for SPECT in inhomogeneous media
Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 45, pp. 3459-3480Contributions to Journals: ArticlesPositron emission tomography using [F-18]-fluorodeoxy-D-glucose to predict the pathologic response of breast cancer to primary chemotherapy
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 18, pp. 1676-1688Contributions to Journals: ArticlesRegional myocardial wall thickening assessed at rest by ECG gated F-18-FDG positron emission tomography and by magnetic resonance imaging
Heart, vol. 84, pp. 332-333Contributions to Journals: ArticlesEvaluation of 18f-FDG Positron Emission Tomography in Gastric and Oesophageal Carcinoma
British Journal of Radiology, vol. 72, no. 858, pp. 525-529Contributions to Journals: ArticlesGated metabolic imaging: A single agent method in detecting hibernating myocardium
Heart, vol. 81, no. SUPPL. 1Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Can the surface electrocardiogram be used to predict myocardial viability?
Heart, vol. 82, pp. 663-667Contributions to Journals: ArticlesComparison of three applications of ConTraSPECT
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 46, pp. 2146-2153Contributions to Journals: ArticlesAttenuation correction in PET using consistency information
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 45, no. 6 PART 2, pp. 3134-3141Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
3D attenuation correction in PET
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference ProceedingsAn investigation into the effect of input function shape and image acquisition interval on estimates of washin for dynamic cardiac SPECT
Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 2193-2213Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI:
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus