Student success at Scotland's premier Gaelic festival

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Student success at Scotland's premier Gaelic festival

Two students from the University of Aberdeen enjoyed success at the prestigious Gaelic Festival, the Royal National Mod 2013.

Lawrence Butler Perks, who graduated in Gaelic and Celtic Studies in 2011 and is now a PhD student was awarded first place in the Silver Pendant Heat men’s singing competition.

Lawrence, began competing at Mods in 2010 and has previously been placed second in the same category as he has now scooped first place in.

Lawrence said: “I was absolutely delighted to be awarded first place.  I first started singing in these competitions after I happened to mention to one of my tutors in first year that I used to sing at school – however singing in Gaelic was a whole new challenge for me!”

The ladies section of the competition was also well represented by the University, with Alison Gael Macrae coming second in both the Oban Times Gold Medal and Previous Mod Winner’s women’s category.

Alison, who has been competing in local Mods from a young age, had to stop in order to study for her Accelerated Law degree, but decided to make a comeback this year.

She said: “Everything seemed to be against me - my voice was not 100%, I hadn't used it in Gaelic singing for some time and I couldn't see my tutor, Mod Gold Medallist Alma Kerr, as I was working in Aberdeen over summer.

“However, I seemed to peak at the right time, and although I hadn't had the amount of preparation that I normally would like, I managed to get second! My Mod this year was topped off with my choir from home, Back Gaelic Choir, winning the Lorne Shield, which was a fantastic feeling.”

Both Lawrence and Alison are involved in the Aberdeen Gaelic Choir, which has been participating in Mods since 1952.

Alison and Lawrence would like to take this opportunity to thank Margaret MacIver, a former lecturer at the University, for all her help as Gaelic tutor.

For more information about studying Gaelic at the University of Aberdeen, please visit or email the Gaelic Development Officer at



 Gaelic version follows.


Soirbheas Oileanaich aig a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail

Bha soirbheas aig dithis oileanach à Oilthigh Obar Dheathain aig a’ Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail 2013.

Bhuannaich Lawrence Butler Perks an t-Àilleagan airgid  ann am farpais airson fir. Cheumnaich Lawrence le ceum ann an Gàidhlig is Ceiltis ann an 2011, agus an-dràsta ’s e oileanach PhD a th’ ann.

Thòisich Lawrence a’ seinn aig a’ Mhòd ann an 2010, agus bha e san darna àite roimhe san aon fharpais anns a bhuannaich e am bliadhna. 

Thuirt Lawrence: “Bha mi air mo dhòigh a bhith sa chiad àite. Thòisich mi a’ seinn anns na farpaisean seo an dèidh dhomh innse do fhear de na oidean agam sa chiad bhliadhna gum b’àbhaist dhomh a bhith a’ seinn nuair a bha mi san sgoil; co-dhiù, bha e na dhùbhlan ùr dhomh a bhith a’ seinn ann an Gàidhlig!”

Bha na fairpeasan son mhnathan riochdaichte leis an Oilthigh cuideachd, le Alison Gael NicRàth a bha san dàrna àite ann am Bonn Òir  An Òbanaich agus cuideachd ann an roinn airson mhnathan a bhuannaich aig a’ Mhòd roimhe.

Thòisich Alison a’ gabhail pàirt ann am Mòdan ionadail bho aois gu math òg, ach b’ fheudar dhi stad a chur air seo gus obrachadh air ceum ann an Lagh Luathaichte. Chuir i roimhpe tilleadh don fharpais am bliadhna.

Thuirt i: “Bha e coltach mar gun robh gach rud a’ dol nam aghaidh- cha robh mo ghuth 100%. Cha do chleachd mi airson seinn sa Ghàidhlig e airson greis agus cha robh e comasach dhomh ris an oide agam, Alma Kerr (aig a bheil Bonn ùir bhon Mhòd), fhaicinn, a chionns gun robh mi ag obrachadh ann an Obar Dheathain as t-samhradh.  

“Co-dhiù, thàinig a h-uile càil còmhla aig a’ mhithich, agus ged nach robh mòran uairean agam airson ullachadh a bu toil leam, thàinig mi san dàrna àite! Bha a’ chuairt agam aig a’ Mhòd am bliadhna dìreach sgoinneil, oir bhuannaich a’ Chòisir agam bho dhachaigh, Còisir Sgìre a’ Bhac, an Sgiath Latharna, is bha sin dìreach gasta.” 

Tha Lawrence agus Alison cuideachd a’ seinn ann an Còisir Ghàidhlig Obar Dheathain, a bha air a bhith a’ gabhail  pàirt ann am Mòdan o chionn 1952.

Alison agus Lawrence airson taing a thoirt gu Mairead NicIomhair, a bha na òraidiche aig Oilthigh Obar Dheathan, airson a cuideachadh a thaobh a Ghàidhlig


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh air ciamar is urrainn dhuibh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh aig Oilthigh Obar Dheathain, theirigibh gu, no cuiribh post-dealain don Oifigear Leaschaidh Gàidhlig aig

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