Family fun events to take place at university library

Family fun events to take place at university library

A series of family fun events will kick off at the University of Aberdeen’s Sir Duncan Rice Library this weekend.

With the arrival of two new sculptures outside the library, families are encouraged to come along and create their own masterpieces.

Afterwards, there is the opportunity for participants to take a sculpture map and head off around campus to see how many sculptures they can spot.

The free drop in session will run from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday, February 23. For further information email or phone 01224 273047 / 273048. Large groups should phone to arrange prior to the event.

Continuing the series of family events, an area of the library will be turned into an artist’s studio on Saturday, March 16, with adults and youngsters encouraged to try their hand at creating a 3D box construction art piece or producing a collage. Those who take part will also have the option of taking their work home or adding it to a sketchbook wall.

The family fun events run into April, with a ‘Float Your Boat’ drop in session on Wednesday, April 3, giving youngsters the chance to learn about tying knots, making boats float and to find out about the Thermopylae, one of the fastest sailing ships in the world, which was built in Aberdeen.

Bringing the series to a close, on Wednesday, April 10, families will be able to learn about the mysteries of the Picts, who used to inhabit Scotland more than a thousand years ago. 

All the events in the series are free of charge and are drop in sessions. For further information email or phone 01224 273047 / 273048.

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