University of Aberdeen signs agreement with Pontes School, Beijing

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University of Aberdeen signs agreement with Pontes School, Beijing

Closer links have been forged between the University of Aberdeen and Pontes School in Beijing, following the signing of an agreement in China to promote Undergraduate Study at Aberdeen.

The agreement provides a scholarship equivalent to 10% of the tuition fees at Aberdeen for highly qualified students who complete the Pontes foundation programme. Students will receive the scholarship for each of their four years of study at Aberdeen in the areas of Arts and Social Sciences.

Pontes runs a one-year international foundation programme designed to help Chinese students successfully fulfil their academic aspirations at Aberdeen. The Pontes program extends far beyond simple language issues: students at Pontes explore a significant range of subjects and topics aimed at giving them a global perspective and intercultural understanding that will allow them to excel in all aspects of their academic experiences. Pontes is also the only foundation programme in China currently offering the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award for Young People.

Professor Christopher Gane, Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Arts and Social Sciences, said: “We are delighted to have signed this agreement and are looking forward to welcoming the first group of students into the College of Arts and Social Sciences at Aberdeen in September 2011”.

Mr Shaun Carver, a founder of the Pontes School, said: “The University of Aberdeen is a world class university and we are honoured to have such an agreement in place. We look forward to introducing the advantages of a Scottish education, and particularly studying at the University of Aberdeen, to Chinese students and parents over the coming years.”

Ms Gemma Smith, Senior International Officer at Aberdeen, is pictured signing the agreement with Mr Shaun Carver and Mr Deryk Fournier, Founders of Pontes School.

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