Schools Philosophy - help needed?

Schools Philosophy - help needed?

Secondary school pupils from throughout Scotland have been invited to attend a special Higher Philosophy Revision Day at the University of Aberdeen next week (Monday March 31, 2003).

The annual Revision Day has been organised by the Department of Philosophy as part of an ongoing programme to assist schools and teachers in the delivery of the new Higher and Advanced Higher in Philosophy. Over 100 pupils and their teachers attended a similar event last year.

Since its introduction in 1999 Higher Philosophy has proved unexpectedly popular with schools and pupils, resulting in a continuing increase in candidate numbers. However, the latest Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) report shows that candidates are often inadequately prepared for the study of Philosophy at Higher, and that the need for expert teacher and classroom support is pressing.

It is in response to this need that the University of Aberdeen Philosophy for Schools Unit, the only such unit in Scotland, has developed an extensive range of specialist services and facilities designed to help teachers and pupils across the country. In addition to the annual Revision Day, the Unit offers a Schools Service of classroom visits, monitored assessment and advice; Video conferencing and Monitoring Services for schools unable to contemplate the complete service; and a range of Study Days for Teachers.

Mark McLean, Philosophy for Schools Unit Coordinator and Tutor in Extramural Philosophy said: "It is an excellent thing for Scottish education and society at large that philosophy is available to school pupils. Philosophy has a vital role to play in developing clear thinking and reasoning skills, and encourages and enables constructive engagement with others. As such it contributes to the formation of good citizens. However, the subject can only yield these valuable results if it is taught confidently and well. Although many schools offer the new subject (1000 pupils now, and rising), there is still no teaching qualification in philosophy, and staff are crying out for more help. We see our role as enabling schools to link up to existing subject expertise, and providing teachers with the means to enhance their professional excellence. This is what our Revision Day and all our schemes are about, and why they are so important."

As part of ongoing development and encouragement for the subject, the University will later this year launch a brand new Certificate in Philosophical Studies. This two year, part time course will be run in conjunction with the University's KEY Learning Opportunities. Although based in Aberdeen, this course will also be available by distance learning utilising the latest videoconferencing technology.

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