Following in the Footsteps of the J. M. Carpenter Folk Song Collection

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Following in the Footsteps of the J. M. Carpenter Folk Song Collection

This is a past event

Carpenter Coach Tour, Saturday 9 September 2017

The James Madison Carpenter folk song collection goes online in summer 2017, as part of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library digital archive, thanks to a collaboration between the Elphinstone Institute at the University of Aberdeen, the English Folk Dance and Song Society, and the Library of Congress.

Made in the 1930s, this highly significant collection contains hundreds of songs from the North-East of Scotland, including rare and unique items, plus many new versions of well-known songs and ballads. To celebrate, the Elphinstone Institute will be running a coach tour to introduce the riches of North-East traditional song contained in the collection, and to highlight its many connections to the region.

Join a group of guest singers, descendants of some of those who gave their songs to Carpenter, and researchers working on the collection for a ballad bus excursion through Aberdeenshire. We will visit some of the sites associated with the songs and Carpenter’s fieldwork, all the while singing songs and ballads from the collection. Learn more about the songs, the people who sang them and Carpenter’s work, and explore some little-known corners of North-East Scotland.

This project has been made possible through a grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council. For more information, see Carpenter Folk Online.





Book your free place at or tel: 01224 272996

Depart 9:00am, Car Park at MacRobert Building, University of Aberdeen

Return 5:30pm.

(There will be refreshment stops and lunch break, at own cost)