Page 7 of 1061 to 70 of 97 Past Events
Creative Collections Lunchtime Doodle (JANUARY)
-Relax and enjoy some mindful moments as you investigate and draw selected specimens and artefacts from the University collections. You don't have to be an artist; these sociable sessions are more about having a go and enjoying seeing some of our collections close-up.
Zoology Museum Tour
-Brought to you by the Marine Society and the Zoology and Biological Sciences Society.
Friends of Aberdeen University Library Research Awards 2024
-Find out how to apply for a new series of Research Awards to support work with the collections.
The Big Draw: Sensing Animals - drawing session (Rescheduled Event)
-A facilitated drawing session including drawing using touch, with a colour-blind palette, and drawing animals which have unusual senses.
Gods and Monsters: The Gothic and Horror Fictions, 1760s to the present day
-For BOOK WEEK SCOTLAND 2023 Cults... ghosts... hauntings... unquiet minds... monsters - both human, and inhuman.
People and Books in Fifteenth-Century Scotland and England: Fresh Research Directions
-For BOOK WEEK SCOTLAND 2023 People and books in fifteenth-century Scotland and England.
Nan Shepherd and the Curse of Frankenstein
-For Book Week Scotland 2023 An animated lecture by Erlend Clouston, Nan Shepherd's Literary Executor, for Book Week Scotland.
TechFest: Museums & Special Collections LEGO TRAIL
-Coming along to TechFest Family Activity Day on Sunday 5th Nov? Have a go at the Museums & Special Collections LEGO trail!
Jacobite Imaginations
-In this relaxed discussion event, participants will be invited to explore and exchange creative questions and ideas on a Jacobite theme.
Talk: Slavery and Aberdeen Infirmary
-A talk by Matthew Lee on the philanthropic legacies of enslavement in Aberdeen and North East Scotland with an introduction by NHS Grampian Archivist, Fiona Musk.