Workshop: When you look at me, what do you see?

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Workshop: When you look at me, what do you see?

This is a past event

An Eldin&Love multidisciplinary and multigenerational workshop.

This workshop will include a presentation on the Powis Gate project ‘Quasheba’, and the performance and exhibition, ‘Loved Seeds’, spoken word performance, craft activity, and discussion time with the artists Noon Salah Eldin and Helen Love.


  • A presentation on the Powis Gate project; 'Quasheba', about an enslaved woman from 1800s Jamaica with connections to Aberdeen. The film can be seen as part of the current Legacies of Slavery exhibition. It centres on Noon's poem 'The Violence of Identity' which references classical African playwright, Terentius Publius Afer and Indian philosopher, Amartya Sen.
  • A presentation on Eldin&Love's more recent performance and exhibition, 'Loved Seeds', about Quasheba's family tree, her nine children and more on Aberdeen's colonial connections.
  • Spoken word performance of a newer work by Noon on motherhood/resilience.
  • There will be costumes and ceramics for attendees to look at.
  • Helen will be inviting attendees to try their hands at clay press moulding to make anti-slavery tokens - referencing Wedgewood but with a modern twist.
  • Discussion and Q&A. 

All welcome. Attendees are welcome to bring their children.

Workshop: When You Look At Me, What Do You See?

Legacies of Slavery: Transatlantic Slavery and Aberdeen

This event is part of a programme of talks, workshops and discussions accompanying the 'Legacies of Slavery' exhibition.

The exhibition will be on display in the Library Gallery until 2 December 2023.

The content and images of the exhibits can also be viewed online.

Legacies of Slavery - Transatlantic Slavery and Aberdeen

Noon Salah Eldin and Helen Love
Hosted by
University of Aberdeen Museums & Special Collections
The Sir Duncan Rice Library, Craig Suite, Floor 7

For further details/enquiries email 

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