Accessibility for Authors/Creators

Guidance about making your content accessible

The web offers many opportunities to people with disabilities that are unavailable through any other medium. It offers independence and freedom. However, if a web page, document or video is not created with accessibility in mind, it may exclude a segment of the population that stands to gain the most from the technology.

This resource intends to provide straightforward, simple guidance for authors, designers and creators of content. You can find specific information about different types of content in our Guides section, and useful tools and further information in the Links section.

  • For specific information about Accessibility in Panopto, please see our Panopto resource.
  • OpenText Web Editors will find guidance on the Digital Resources Hub.
  • For guidance on Accessibility in Adobe products, please see the Links section.

Related resources | Accessibility for Users | MS Word | Adobe Acrobat DC | Assistive Technology

Last updated on 20 September 2024