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60 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course will support you to frame, specify, plan, implement and report an academic or work-related research-based investigation or development. The course is available if you have successfully completed a postgraduate diploma and allows you to complete your Masters degree. Normally your diploma should have included courses which introduced the process and methods of conducting research. The work based project/dissertation course requires sustained independent research and you will receive individual or small group supervision. You will also have the opportunity to engage with workshops and online resources as part of a community of researchers in education and related areas.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This module is offered to all who wish to enhance knowledge and skills in this area in order to advance their professionalism in working with young people. This includes specifically class room teachers, existing principal teachers, faculty heads and senior managers within schools as well as community educationalists, health and social workers.
The module covers aspects of all areas below:
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course provides an opportunity for participants to follow an interest of their own and explore an area of specialism. Individuals are supported to identify a challenge in their own professional practice and to use action research processes to understand it better. Participants will develop their own practice though practitioner enquiry and will contribute to the knowledge base of the field of practice.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
The course will develop the capabilities of engaging and working with communities to plan in partnership and seeks to develop the critical understandings and attitudes that underpin these capabilities. Participants will be introduced to a variety of creative means of engaging with diverse perspectives. The course assessment will require them to work with others in their professional context to compile a community profile.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course provides the opportunity to engage in an extended, context-specific classroom-based (action) research project to enhance the learning of pupils, self and others. Aligning with aspects of current discourse in education, participants will demonstrate a respect for evidence, in turn evaluating the impact of their project on self/others. Through an enquiry based approach participants will work with others (in learning communities) to identify and carry forward their professional knowledge in a specialist area of interest with a particular emphasis on pupil learning gains.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course addresses a number of the key methodological strands in the programme (such as the nature of educational research, the relationship amongst: research, policy and practice, critical reading of texts, research and policy, and different views of knowledge).
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course is designed to enable participants to begin to link educational practice, evidence and theory in order to design, deliver and evaluate courses and programmes for both undergraduates and taught postgraduates. It encourages participants to experiment with, and take a critical, scholarly stance on, different approaches to learning, teaching and assessment. Course workshops are designed to facilitate participants’ engagement with pedagogical literature, to challenge current approaches to teaching and to encourage planning for their further professional development in the learning and teaching arena.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course is for students undertaking postgraduate study which requires a good standard of critical reading and writing skills.
The essential aim of the course is to provide participants with a working knowledge of what is required to appraise journal and other material, and be able to present a reasoned argument based on evidence. By the end of the course you will be able to demonstrate the capability to
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The course is focussed on social science research and applications in professional / work contexts. Participants make critical connections between policy, theory, research and practice in the context of investigating their own practice. Course coverage includes research philosophy and methodology, research implementation (design, methods, data collection and ethics), data analysis and interpretation, and reflective evaluation. Participants conduct a small scale research activity to enable exploration and evaluation of the application of research in their own context. The course offers a supportive, formative learning experience in preparation for a larger project.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course introduces students to key issues integral to educational research (such as the nature of practitioner enquiry in educational research, the relationship amongst: research, policy and practice, critical reading of texts, research and policy, and different views of knowledge). The course aims to explore the links between educational research, policy and practice and to develop the skills associated with the critical reading and evaluation of policy documentation and research texts.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The course provides students with an opportunity to develop a specific understanding of issues in the design and implementation of research, and the analysis and interpretation of research, within a social/educational context. A variety of methodological orientations are studied: mixed methods analysis; narrative enquiry; phenomenology, advanced quantitative research design and multivariate analysis. It aims to provide the knowledge, skills and understanding required for the dissertation stage of the programme.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course introduces students to all aspects of the educational research design process, main research methods and terminologies. It will briefly introduce students to educational research resources including textual and digital resources. The course aims to engage students in the process of critical analysis of published research literature of relevance to various educational audiences, in particular the evaluation of design approaches.
20 credits
Level 5
Full Year
This is the first module in the Into Headship PG certificate Programme. The aim of the course is to enable participants to understand their role as head teachers in applying the principles and practices of strategic leadership to frame and conceptualise educational problems and issues. The course provides opportunities for students to develop and to demonstrate knowledge and understanding, skills, qualities and other attributes in the following areas. It is based upon the model of professional learning which comprises four interdependent components: critical reflection, knowledge building, experiential learning and social learning processes.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This module focuses on the middle levels of leadership. Formal and informal roles will be explored from a practical and research perspective. The role of the Head Teacher’s in facilitating and building teachers’ capacity to lead will be reviewed. Participants can focus on the concept of leadership, related to the different models of leadership that prevail in schools today with some accent on the impact and delivery of Distributed Leadership. The values and principles of leadership will be reviewed within the context of the participant's own professional context, and by open exchange of ideas with others in the group.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
The concept of Inclusive Pedagogy has been developed by studying the practice of primary and secondary classroom teachers who think about learning and teaching in a novel way. This approach acknowledges and responds to difficulties that children may face in their learning in ways that respect the dignity of the child in the community of the classroom. This approach leads to innovative partnerships between classroom teachers and other specialists such as additional support needs (ASN). It offers a framework for thinking about learning and teaching that can support planning and classroom practice.
20 credits
Level 5
First Term
This module will focus on the role of research and evaluation in counselling and examine how the effectiveness of counselling is assessed and the impact of research and evaluation in the counselling profession. In terms of the development of clinical competence, the supervision groups will continue to look at key clinical themes that are emerging. In terms of personal development, Encounter Groups will be introduced into the process element of the programme.
The theoretical themes of the module will focus on:
The Research Process
The role of research in the development of counselling
Assessment and outcomes measures in counselling
The Impact of context on the counselling process
Ethical issues in counselling research
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This programme aims to engage learners in taking a critical overview of the Scottish Education system, current policy and curriculum drivers that impact on professional practice of teachers.
0 credits
Level 5
Full Year
The School of Education has existing experience of successful collaborations in marketing and recruitment through the DLITE Primary and Secondary (PGDE) programmes. Previous marketing has included joint marketing open evenings; sharing of flyers which the Local Authorities have distributed and feedback from Local Authority based events to support interested applicants. The University has already created calendar statements which can be released at any time onto the School website for interested applicants. In some Local Authorities potential participants are already known for consideration. Further in discussion with GTCS, it is intended that a redirection will be possible from the GTCS website for suitable candidates to the University of Aberdeen. This is also currently advertised on the GTCS website.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This module provides opportunities for participants to investigate current theories and research in school-improvement, and further explore those theories in relation to practices in their own school/work environment, along with the principles and practices of self-evaluation that inform them. A seminar format will be followed providing participants the opportunity to contribute to discussion and actively input ideas relating to ways and means of initiating and leading school improvement. Participants will meet regularly in a virtual, online learning environment which facilitates discussion and inter-action with others. Many of the principals and practices of school improvement are transferable to other organizations.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
ED505A Mindfulness is the first course in the MSc in Studies in Mindfulness. The course introduces the three elements of the Programme: mindfulness practice, the study of mindfulness (and associated concepts) and the relevance of mindfulness to a self-selected professional, work or voluntary context. An introduction to developing a sustained, formal mindfulness practice, based upon a unique approach, is encompassed within the course. Within the course there are two residential weekends of teaching, study and practice.
The course is assessed through the submission and assessment of a written assignment (6000-8000 words).
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
Many registered teachers throughout Scotland have undertaken courses in mindfulness, and are practicing and teaching mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness can have a positive impact, personally and professionally, this can be evident in subtle, implicit enhancements to professional practice. Furthermore, some teachers are explicitly teaching mindfulness to children and young people and/or introducing mindfulness practice to colleagues.
As mindfulness increasingly features in the curriculum and in approaches to learning and teaching and as mindfulness initiatives are developed to promote health and well-being at school and work, the programme will allow teachers to gain GTC(S) Professional Recognition in mindfulness as an area of expertise.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course follows the same teaching approach as the first two courses. Its distinctive feature is understanding how and why we get caught up in habitual patterns of thinking and behaviour. Mindfulness and Compassion provide the foundation for clear seeing into the hidden mechanisms that give rise to conditioned reactions; and seeing how these have their roots in the subliminal level of mental activity. Practice is developed through Insight meditation and reflection. The module also draws on insights from evolutionary psychology, neuroscience and Buddhism.
The course is assessed by a written assignment (6000-8000 words).
20 credits
Level 5
Full Year
This module will form participants' first engagement with the 'In Headship' programme and be undertaken for the duration of the full programme. During this module participants will engage critically and reflect on their transition to headship as they pursue equity and excellence through building capacity in self and others.
The unit will consist of an initial intensive study one night residential for the national cohort which includes a series of online critically reflective tasks pre-and post this event which draw on academic reading and experiences in practice).
20 credits
Level 5
First Term
This module will provide focused challenge, requiring new head teachers to undertake a situational analysis and write action plans specifying what they want to achieve in their new post with an emphasis on strategic planning for school improvement drawing upon a range of academic literature and research evidence.
The mode of delivery for this module will be a blended model of face-to-face sessions complemented by online components.
There will be a focus on evaluative writing linked to strategic reporting which will be reflected in the formative and summative assessment tasks.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This module examines the concept of change as it relates to the development of inclusive curricula, and considers the influences and assumptions that shape the curriculum. It is designed to develop an understanding of the inter-relationships amongst various organisational systems, and to examine the professional and personal activities that take place within these interconnected systems.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
Focus Courses: ED50BQ Literacy Difficulties and Dyslexia OR ED50BP An Introduction to Autism and Its Implications for Classroom Practice 15 SM Points each
The focus element of this combined 30 credit module examines either literacy difficulties or autism in detail. Participants have the opportunity to explore in their practice how they might facilitate the enhanced participation of pupils facing these potential challenges in their learning.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
Focus Courses: ED50BQ Literacy Difficulties and Dyslexia OR ED50BP An Introduction to Autism and Its Implications for Classroom Practice 15 SM Points each
The focus element of this combined 30 credit module examines either literacy difficulties or autism in detail. Participants have the opportunity to explore in their practice how they might facilitate the enhanced participation of pupils facing these potential challenges in their learning.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
The new principal teacher of guidance support (targeted support) is expected not only to manage cross curricular PSD provision but also all aspects
of whole school support (universal support) and those staff who deliver such support.
The module covers aspects of all areas below:
30 credits
Level 5
Full Year
This course is designed to extend knowledge and understanding and enhance practice in counselling and mentoring. Participants will develop a critical understanding of the theoretical concepts and principles underpinning approaches to counselling and mentoring; reflect critically on their own attitudinal qualities, interpersonal and communication skills when in role as a counsellor, mentor and mentee; through skills development, enhance their skills when involved in educational contexts; contribute to enhancing the quality of provision within their learning community through undertaking counselling, coaching and mentoring related activities and reflect on the impact of their role on self and others.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course aims to:
60 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The dissertation forms the final part of the Master of Research degree. This course aims to support participants as they frame, specify, plan, carry out and report on a research-based investigation. For students who plan to complete their studies with the MRes, the dissertation will report on a completed piece of independent and original research. Other students, with prior agreement from the Director of Postgraduate Research Degrees, who plan to proceed to doctoral studies, may use their MRes dissertation as part of the preparation for subsequent PhD study.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course emphasises the role of the lecturer in enabling successful learning for all learners. This course encourages you to critically reflect on your understanding of your learners and yourself as a learner. You will be encouraged to deepen your insight of the needs and characteristics of your learners, underpinned by appropriate theoretical ideas which address factors that impact on being successful learners. The course brings together ideas of reflective practice, effective facilitation of learning and the development of skills for learning. It will support you to become flexible, reflective, innovative, creative and committed to professional development.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
30 credits
Level 5
Full Year
There are three study units Unit 1: Identifying a Focus and Rationale The purposes of independent study; forms of investigation; the benefits of sustained independent study; the selection of an area, theme or focus; making links to other study modules and practice; the place of research literature and other reading. Unit 2: Background Reading and Study Plans The value of background reading; finding sources and resources; making use of literature and other sources; identifying themes and areas for study; finding and framing questions; identifying methods of evidence gathering; setting aims and objects in a timeline; planning practicalities; time management. Negotiating a contract of study and working with others Unit 3: Implementation and Reporting Effective communication; ensuring rigour and quality; collecting and analysing evidence; discussing and presenting findings and conclusions. This module may be available in both contact and distance learning formats with optional support and interaction through computer mediated communication. Participants will complete a series of tutorials, readings and practical activities as appropriate in preparation for completion of an independent study or development. Additional contact-based elements of delivery may be added where circumstances allow (up to an overall total of 40 hours). 1st attempt: Formative assessment activities are embedded in the distance learning materials to prompt and structure regular participant-tutor contacts and to scaffold the final summative assessment activity.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This fully on-line course examines the current debates and research on leadership, particularly as these apply to not-for-profit organizations, such as education, nursing and other services which provide for the well-being of young people and those in need of care.
The Exploring Leadership course will give participants the opportunity to engage in learning and discussion with others interested in exploring current ideas about leadership in professional settings and other factors impacting on organizational effectiveness.
Theoretical models and explanatory frameworks will be examined, not just as academic exercises, but in the expectation that they can illuminate practical circumstances in professional settings.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
The aim of this course is to enable participants to shape and lead innovative and effective professional development in their own workplace. The course takes place through online discussions and presentations. Participants investigate a topic of their own choice through action research. We will explore and examine key discourses and models of professional learning and development. Participants will work in small groups and be supported by the course leader in a group and one to one basis. Many of the principles and practices of leading professional development are transferable to other organizations.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course aims to enable students to develop the personal qualities and professional skills necessary for competent and reflective practitioners within a person centred framework. Self-awareness, counselling theory, practice and research are integrated to a level that enables course members to engage with therapeutic processes in a range of counselling relationships. Although the counselling programme is structured on a modular basis it is conceptualised as a comprehensive experience. The programme has four strands: Counselling Relationship and Therapeutic Process; Counselling Theory and Research; Personal Development; Professional Development. This course constitutes the 1st module of the counselling programme.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course aims to enable students to develop the personal qualities and professional skills necessary for competent and reflective practitioners within a person centred framework. Self-awareness, counselling theory, practice and research are integrated to a level that enables course members to engage with therapeutic processes in a range of counselling relationships. Although the counselling programme is structured on a modular basis it is conceptualised as a comprehensive experience. The programme has four strands: Counselling Relationship and Therapeutic Process; Counselling Theory and Research; Personal Development; Professional Development. This course constitutes the 3rd module of the counselling programme.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course aims to enable students to develop the personal qualities and professional skills necessary for competent and reflective practitioners within a person centred framework. Self-awareness, counselling theory, practice and research are integrated to a level that enables course members to engage with therapeutic processes in a range of counselling relationships. Although the counselling programme is structured on a modular basis it is conceptualised as a comprehensive experience. The programme has four strands: Counselling Relationship and Therapeutic Process; Counselling Theory and Research; Personal Development; Professional Development. This course constitutes the 4th module of the counselling programme.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course will allow students to engage with the theory and practice of working with children in a range of settings, 0-3, 3-5 and 508, but with a particular focus on the role of the teacher in the setting in which they work. Students will explore a number of contemporary educational issues and approaches in Early Years Education. Course content will support the Early Years Framework (2008) through the development of specialist Early Years provision which will help to build the resilience of children, improve the capacity of parents and contribute towards developing supportive communities.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The course provides students with the opportunity to explore contemporary theories of language development and engage with the role of the practitioner in supporting the development of language and literacy across the age ranges 0-3, 3-5 and 5-8, but with a particular focus on the age range of the setting in which they are employed. The course will further build on core aspects of early years education previously studied in units ED50P7 and ED50P8.
60 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course will support you to frame, specify, plan, implement and report an academic or work-related research-based investigation or development. The course is available if you have successfully completed a postgraduate diploma and allows you to complete your Masters degree. Normally your diploma should have included courses which introduced the process and methods of conducting research. The work based project/dissertation course requires sustained independent research and you will receive individual or small group supervision. You will also have the opportunity to engage with workshops and online resources as part of a community of researchers in education and related areas.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
60 credits
Level 5
First Term
90 credits
Level 5
First Term
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course provides an overview of the different purposes and characteristics of academic writing, academic reports and presentations. Critical review and analysis of examples of academic writing is undertaken to identify the structure and organisation of academic papers, reports and presentations. The course aims to broaden understanding of research dissemination principles and processes by applying a critical analytical approach; and to develop the academic conventions associated with research reporting and presentation, viz. interpretation, selection, summarising, sequencing and communication skills.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The concept of Inclusive Pedagogy has been developed by studying the practice of primary and secondary classroom teachers who think about learning and teaching in a novel way. This approach acknowledges and responds to difficulties that children may face in their learning in ways that respect the dignity of the child in the community of the classroom. This approach leads to innovative partnerships between classroom teachers and other specialists such as additional support needs (ASN). It offers a framework for thinking about learning and teaching that can support planning and classroom practice.
20 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This module will consider social, cultural, ethnic, gender, economic and spiritual influences on the development of the individual and the impact of personal bias, prejudice and stereotypes on the counsellor and the provision of counselling. It will also consider power and authority dynamics in the therapeutic process and the clinical challenges which are characteristic of working with particular client issues and client groups. Students will be working towards completing 150 hours of clinical work and submitting recording sessions for review by their group supervisor. In terms of the processing element of the programme, students will begin and complete their self-assessment statement.
The theoretical themes of the module will focus on:
Working with different ‘client groups’
Different theoretical approaches (CBT Formulation, Psychodynamic Processes)
Integrating new developments in the Person-Centred approach
New developments in the Person-Centred approach
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This on-line course offers the opportunity for teachers and others in alternative professional settings to attain the skills and understandings required to conduct action-based research within their own professional contexts. Participants will identify a research topic and prepare a proposal, supported by a line-manager, which will then form the basis of the course. A number of virtual face-to-face sessions will be conducted at intervals throughout the module giving participants the opportunity to interact with other members in whole group and small group settings. Assessment will include a poster presentation and a 5,000 word submission in a journal article format.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course explores the changing discourses linked to community work in different settings and their impact on the design and management of current community projects. It will also provide an opportunity to explicitly engage with current issues in the field of practice with an appreciation of their historical, social and political contexts.
30 credits
Level 5
Full Year
Enquiring Professionalism is the first course of the PG Dip CLD. It addresses the processes of both the programme and the broader professional role. It introduces participants to the programme demands such as critically reflective practice and professional enquiry; all capacities which are important to the continuing professional development of the professional. The course runs in parallel to the three practice- faced courses providing a steady anchor to these courses and allowing the academic and practical components of the programme to integrate with each other. The course prepares participants for the final stage of the programme, the action enquiry project.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course provides an opportunity for participants to follow an interest of their own and explore an area of specialism. Individuals are supported to identify a challenge in their own professional practice and to use action research processes to understand it better. Participants will develop their own practice though practitioner enquiry and will contribute to the knowledge base of the field of practice.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The course will develop the capabilities of engaging and working with communities to plan in partnership and seeks to develop the critical understandings and attitudes that underpin these capabilities. Participants will be introduced to a variety of creative means of engaging with diverse perspectives. The course assessment will require them to work with others in their professional context to compile a community profile.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course seeks to assist individuals to enhance their capabilities in working in and through relationship and to found these on the community education value base and code of ethics and a critical appreciation of power relations. Power will be explored in a variety of creative ways – through drama, dance, image etc.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course is designed to support and develop participants as they take a critical, strategic view of their research and the wider academic research environment. This is achieved through engaging participants with the key factors in developing a research profile, (collaborations, networks and consortia) and through exploring the institutional, UK and global research environments while also stressing the importance of leadership qualities, public engagement activities, professional development and reflective practice to build a successful higher education research career. This course is aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework for Learning & Teaching in H.E.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The target group for this course is professionals working within school management teams in primary schools with responsibiity for supporting staff working with children in the age range birth to 8, but who have had little of no experience themselves, beyond Initial Teacher Education courses as undergraduates, in working with this age range. It would also be appropriate for those aspiring to management positions in primary schools. The course content will cover complexities, such as building resilience in children, around best practice in supporting the development and learning of young children and will cover contemporary issues associated with this. Content will also focus on the child in the socio-cultural context.
The course will be delivered mainly by online, distance learning with the opportunity for an induction session on campus. Students will be actively encouraged to collaborate with others in the cohort. There will be opportunities for practice-based tasks and observations in other settings. Course materials will be underpinned with reference to wider reading.
30 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course will focus on the theoretical and professional issues relating to learning and museums, including informal and formal learning, professional identity, regulatory and curriculum contexts, relationships between community and professional providers and social inclusion. Alongside seminars, normally held in the University’s museums, tutor-directed activities will include visits and observation of learning activities in local museums and similar organisations.
The course is intended to enable participants to reflect on current provision and practice in relation to learning in museums through critical consideration of current constructions and understandings of the ways in which museums are sites of learning for visitors.30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course provides the opportunity to engage in an extended, context-specific classroom-based (action) research project to enhance the learning of pupils, self and others. Aligning with aspects of current discourse in education, participants will demonstrate a respect for evidence, in turn evaluating the impact of their project on self/others. Through an enquiry based approach participants will work with others (in learning communities) to identify and carry forward their professional knowledge in a specialist area of interest with a particular emphasis on pupil learning gains.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course is for students undertaking postgraduate study which requires a good standard of critical reading and writing skills.
The essential aim of the course is to provide participants with a working knowledge of what is required to appraise journal and other material, and be able to present a reasoned argument based on evidence. By the end of the course you will be able to demonstrate the capability to
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The course is focussed on social science research and applications in professional / work contexts. Participants make critical connections between policy, theory, research and practice in the context of investigating their own practice. Course coverage includes research philosophy and methodology, research implementation (design, methods, data collection and ethics), data analysis and interpretation, and reflective evaluation. Participants conduct a small scale research activity to enable exploration and evaluation of the application of research in their own context. The course offers a supportive, formative learning experience in preparation for a larger project.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The course provides students with an opportunity to develop a specific understanding of issues in the design and implementation of research, and the analysis and interpretation of research, within a social/educational context. A variety of methodological orientations are studied: mixed methods analysis; narrative enquiry; phenomenology, advanced quantitative research design and multivariate analysis. It aims to provide the knowledge, skills and understanding required for the dissertation stage of the programme.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
Personal and social development linked to health and wellbeing is increasingly recognised as central to an effective education in which the potential of the whole individual is developed.
Curriculum for Excellence and HW E&O’s emphasize the importance of planned approaches. This module is therefore designed to increase competence in identifying and meeting the developing needs of young people through effective planning.
The module covers aspects below:
40 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This is the second module in the recently developed, SCEL initiated Into Headship PG certificate programme. The aim of this course is to enable participants to gain the knowledge and understanding needed to manage a collaborative change process with members of the wider school community. The module will also map sets of strategies to address the educational issue identified in Module 1 of the PG Certificate.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This programme aims to engage learners in taking a critical overview of their own practice, taking account of the requirements of the Scottish Education system, current policy and curriculum drivers that impact on professional practice of teachers.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
ED555B Compassion is the second course in the MSc in Studies in Mindfulness. The key study theme is the role and importance of compassion within mindfulness. ED505B Compassion is unique not only in prioritising the study of compassion but also in developing compassion within mindfulness practice. Specific topics include evolutionary psychology, our compassionate nature and ‘the undercurrent and the observer’.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course provides the opportunity for students to critically investigate and improve aspects of their professional practice through enquiry. The course essentially explores the notion of the practitioner researcher within the policy – theory – research – practice landscape. The development of knowledge and understanding of the research process, and the evidence-based design, implementation and analysis of an investigation exploring an important context-specific aspect of each student’s professional practice, are key elements of the course. On-line tutor-led group sessions are used at key points to provide formative support for student learning.
20 credits
Level 5
Second Term
Participants continue to develop their identities as school leaders through critical self-reflection and building capacity in self and others by addressing a key strategic issue (identified in Module 2a).
The mode of delivery for this module will be a blended model of face-to-face sessions complemented by online components.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This module examines the concept of change as it relates to the development of inclusive curricula, and considers the influences and assumptions that shape the curriculum. It is designed to develop an understanding of the inter-relationships amongst various organisational systems, and to examine the professional and personal activities that take place within these interconnected systems.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This module explores the principles of inclusion, and considers national and local policy and practice. It explores the dimensions of human difference and is designed to enable participants to reflect on their own work in school/college, to examine the personal philosophy that drives their own practice, and to consider options for change. It examines the implications for practice, the key principles of learning and teaching and the multiplicity of factors affecting learners’ experiences in school/college.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
Increasingly carers, teachers and lecturers are expected to take responsibility for aspects of curriculum and careers guidance and the preparation of their youngsters for lifelong learning, education for work and enterprise.
This module would benefit all education staff, community and health workers whose daily work impinges on such areas.
The module covers aspects of all areas below:
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course addresses a number of the key strands in the MSc (Educational and Social Research) programme (such as the nature of practitioner enquiry in educational research, the relationship amongst: research, policy and practice, critical reading of texts, research and policy, and different views of knowledge). Focusing on quantitative and qualitative research design and applications, the course aims to explore conceptions of reality and different views of knowledge and characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research. A variety of methodological orientations are studied: practitioner research; ethnography; critical discourse analysis; and statistical approaches.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The course aims to develop a deepening understanding of philosophical and methodological perspectives that underpin social/educational research; and the relationship between the research question, design and method. It also aims to further develop an awareness of the researcher’s responsibility with respect to the complex issues surrounding the ethics of social/educational research, especially in relation to working with children and young people.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course aims to:
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course critically explore controversies and dilemmas relating to four themes in Autism & Learning: causation and diagnosis; inclusive service provision; self-understanding and self-determination; relationships and sexuality. We critically explore current policy and legislation in relation to these topics in the light of current literature and research, making links to workplace provision and professional practice. We also draw on the Professional Enquiry course across the programme in order to deepen knowledge and understanding of enquiry methods, practice enquiry skills and undertake a small scale enquiry relating to one of the controversies and dilemmas listed above.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course explores the links between the diagnostic criteria for autism (difficulties with social communication, social interaction, flexibility of thought & sensory integration) and behaviour. We critically explore positive, evidence-based approaches to identifying solutions. We also critically examine the links between the national strategy for autism, theory and practice and the meaning of the notion of the ‘autism friendly workplace’. Students are introduced to strategies for reflecting critically upon workplace provision via structured auditing and action planning for change.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course encourages you to consider and embrace issues of innovation and change that arise from external and internal influences on the FE sector. It provides an opportunity for you to develop innovative, professional ideas and practice, interlinking theoretical aspects with practice and considering future professional contexts. The course offers an opportunity to reflect on the wider professional role and context, and the different influencing factors that impact on these, taking into consideration legislative, political, economic, social and technical changes, to help you develop resilience as a practitioner in a continually changing educational landscape.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course provides opportunities to explore, compare, contrast and critically assess a number of educational theories and approaches to learning and teaching and their relevance and application to their own practice settings. Participants will discuss and review critically issues arising from the application of theory to practice; evaluate the relevance and importance of theories in different practice settings; undertake a negotiated, comparative study of three theories or approaches of individual interest; design (in collaboration with others), carry forward, evaluate and report on a teaching intervention to apply/test an aspect of theory or an approach in their own workplace setting.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This fully on-line course examines the current debates and research on leadership, particularly as these apply to not-for-profit organizations, such as education, nursing and other services which provide for the well-being of young people and those in need of care.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
Participants will review and critically appraise current conceptual understandings of change, gain an understanding of change management, and evaluate change processes in their own school/organisational setting. Implementing and managing change has become an on-going leadership task; coping with the complexity, ambiguity and stress which change can generate is seen as a key leadership skill. It is widely accepted that leaders and managers will succeed more often if they have the necessary knowledge of how to view, cope with, initiate and sustain change. This course is designed to increase the understanding of participants who are involved in leading to enhance performance.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course aims to enable students to develop the personal qualities and professional skills necessary for competent and reflective practitioners within a person centred framework. Self-awareness, counselling theory, practice and research are integrated to a level that enables course members to engage with therapeutic processes in a range of counselling relationships. Although the counselling programme is structured on a modular basis it is conceptualised as a comprehensive experience. The programme has four strands: Counselling Relationship and Therapeutic Process; Counselling Theory and Research; Personal Development; Professional Development. This course constitutes the 2nd module of the counselling programme.
30 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course aims to enable students to develop the personal qualities and professional skills necessary for competent and reflective practitioners within a person centred framework. Self-awareness, counselling theory, practice and research are integrated to a level that enables course members to engage with therapeutic processes in a range of counselling relationships. Although the counselling programme is structured on a modular basis it is conceptualised as a comprehensive experience. The programme has four strands: Counselling Relationship and Therapeutic Process; Counselling Theory and Research; Personal Development; Professional Development. This course constitutes the 4th module of the counselling programme.
30 credits
Level 5
Full Year
This course will allow students to engage with the theory and practice of the role of the teacher in the setting in which they work, but with a particular focus on the other two settings in age range (0-3, 3-5, 5-8) in which they are not normally employed. This course is designed to follow on from and compliment ED50P7. Course content will support the Early Years Framework (2008) through the development of specialist Early Years provision which will help to build the resilience of children, improve the capacity of parents and contribute towards developing supportive communities.
60 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course will support you to frame, specify, plan, implement and report an academic or work-related research-based investigation or development. The course is available if you have successfully completed a postgraduate diploma and allows you to complete your Masters degree. Normally your diploma should have included courses which introduced the process and methods of conducting research. The work based project/dissertation course requires sustained independent research and you will receive individual or small group supervision. You will also have the opportunity to engage with workshops and online resources as part of a community of researchers in education and related areas.
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