1. Bellingham M., Fowler P.A., Amezaga M.R., Sharpe R.M., Cotinot C., Whitelaw C.M., Rhind S.M. & Evans N.P. Maternal exposure tosewage sludge affects ovine foetal hypothalamic and pituitary KiSS-1 mRNA expression. British Society for Neuroendocrinology, Bristol Conference, 15-16 September 2008.
  2. Fowler P.A., Mathers A., Gillanders K., Lea R.G., Wood, M.J., Maheshwari A., Bhattacharya S., Collie-Duguid E.S.R., Baker P.J., Monteiro A. & O’Shaughnessy P.J. (2008) Genes involved in the onset of primordial follicle formation in the human fetal ovary. P43, Society for Reproduction & Fertility, Edinburgh conference, July 2008.
  3. Amezaga M.R., Bellingham M., Evans N.P., Cotinot C., Sharpe R.M., Rhind S.M., McNeilly A.S. & Fowler P.A. (2008) Ewes exposed to a cocktail of environmental chemicals as fetuses have fewer primordial follicles. P49, Society for Reproduction & Fertility, Edinburgh conference, July 2008.
  4. Fowler P.A. (2008) Gender-bending chemicals and the mammalianfetal gonad. Invited plenary talk. XXth International Congress of Zoology, Paris 26-29 August, 2008.
  5. Mandon-Pepin, B; Poumerol, E; Fowler, PA, Rhind S, Cotinot, C. Is environmental pollution affecting ovary development? XXth International Congress of Zoology Paris, France - August 26-29th 2008
  6. Pannetier M, Renault L, Baillet A, Mandon-Pepin B, Cotinot C, Pailhoux E. Steroidogenesis in the early ovary in ruminants: What estrogens deal with? XIVthInternational Workshop on the Development and Function of the Reproductive Organs, 15-17 septembre 2008, Frascati, Italie.
  7. Sinclair K American Society for Andrology. 33rd Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Developmental Origins of Adult Health and Disease (April, 2008)
  8. Sinclair K Gordon Research Conference on Reproductive Tract Biology, Andover, New Hampshire, USA. Modelling the developmental origin of adult disease in the early embryo (August, 2008)
  9. Sinclair K European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction, University of Utrecht, Netherlands. Developmental programming in the oocyte and early embryo (November, 2008).