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Cover image, Talisker Whisky

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Cover image, Talisker Whisky
ID JSS0760
Title Cover image, Talisker Whisky
Document Reference LO 786.45 Sk3
Format 250 x 348 mm
Medium Printed page
Item Type Sheet Music
Subject Scottish Music, Front page of cover
Item Description This image of two bearded, bonneted and plaided Highlanders drinking from a bottle, taking snuff, with Highland cattle in the background, seems like an almost music-hall caricature of the Highlands. However, it was merely seen as a humourous image in the late nineteenth century. Between them, through music and image, Skinner and the lithographers have turned this into a fine advert for Talisker whisky!
Creator Hume & Macdonald, Lithographers, Edinburgh
Publisher James Scott Skinner
Time Period 1880s
Associated Dates: Publication 1883
Relationships JSS0761, JSS0762, JSS0763
Location Aberdeen Central Library
Collection Name James Scott Skinner, Original Compositions
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University of Aberdeen

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