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The Flowers of Edinburgh, Gilder Roy

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The Flowers of Edinburgh, Gilder Roy
ID JSS0568
Title The Flowers of Edinburgh, Gilder Roy
Document Reference MS2232
Format 234 x 188 mm
Medium Handwritten music on lined sheet
Item Type Manuscript
Subject Scottish Music, John Niven, Flowers of Edinburgh
Item Description Collection of music 'July 11 1761' transcribed by John Niven. Niven, a wealthy Jacobite sympathiser, lived in what is now known as Provost Skene's House, one of the oldest houses in Aberdeen. Niven's 70 pages of music include 227 tunes, some published by Robert Bremner, and James Oswald. 'The Flowrs' was first published by William McGibbon in the 1750s, and reprinted by Bremner around 1762. Gilder Roy (Gilderoy), a traditional Scottish ballad, was printed in a Ballad Opera, The Jovial Crew, in 1731. You can hear Skinner playing this tune on the audio clip cd15a.
Creator Manuscript John Niven
Time Period 1750s-1760s
Associated Dates: Manuscript 1761
Relationships JSS0564, JSS0565, JSS0566, JSS0567
Location University of Aberdeen
Collection Name Collection of Music Transcribed by John Niven
Audio Note this link will open another window so you can view the music and listen to the tune cd105a


University of Aberdeen

University Collections