Folio 9r - Pard, continued. De pantera; the panther
offspring are created, such as the mule and the burdon.
Of the panther
There is an animal called the panther, multi-coloured, very beautiful and extremely gentle. Physiologus says of it, that it has only the dragon as an enemy. When it has fed and is full, it hides in its den and sleeps. After three days it awakes from its sleep and gives a great roar, and from its mouth comes a very sweet odour, as if it were a mixture of every perfume. When other animals hear its voice, they follow wherever it goes, because of the sweetness of its scent. Only the dragon, hearing its voice, is seized by fear and flees into the caves beneath the earth. There, unable to bear the scent, it grows numbed within itself and remains motionless, as if dead.
Thus our Lord Jesus Christ, the true panther, descending from Heaven, snatched us from the power of the devil. And, through his incarnation, he united us to him as sons, taking everything, and 'leading captivity captive, gave gifts to men' (Ephesians, 4:8).
The fact that the panther is a multi-coloured animal, signifies Christ, who is as Solomon said the wisdom of God the Father, an understanding spirit, a unique spirit, manifold, true, agreeable, fitting, compassionate, strong, steadfast, serene, all-powerful, all-seeing.
The fact that the panther is a beautiful animal [signifies Christ as] David says of him:
- Commentary
The panther.
A many coloured animal, handsome and gentle, whose only enemy is the dragon. When he roars, he exhales a sweet odour which draws all animals to him except the dragon. The dragon retreats to his hole and lies stiff with fear, as if dead.
Pricking and ruling are visible. Initial type 2.
- Transcription and Translation
partus creari, ut mulus et burdo.\ De pantera\ Est animal quod dicitur pantera, varium quidem colorem\ habens, et est speciosissimum nimis et mansuetum. Phisi/ologus dicit de eo, quam inimicum habet solum draconem. Cum\ ergo comederit et satiatum fuerit, recondit se in spelunca sua\ et dormit. Post triduum exsurgit a sompno. Et emittit mag\num rugitum, et ab ore eius odor suavissimus exit, velud om\nium aromatum. Cum autem audierint eius vocem cetera ani\malia propter suavitatem odoris sequuntur eam, quocumque ierit.\ Solus autem draco audiens eius vocem, timore perterritus, fu\git in cavernis terre. Ibi non ferens odorem torpescit in semet ipso,\ et tanquam mortuus immobilis manet. Sic et dominus noster Iesus\ Christus verus pantera descendens de celis eripuit nos de potes\tate diaboli. Et per incarnationem suam sociavit nos sibi\ in filios, cepit omnia, captivamque ducens captivitatem\ dedit dona hominibus. Quod si [A: sit] varium animal signi\ficatur, sicut dictum est per Salomonem de Christo, sapientia dei\ patris, [spiritus] intelligibilis; [spiritus] unicus, multiplex, verus, suavis,\ aptus, clemens, firmus, stabilis, securus, omnia potens, omnia\ prospiciens. Quia speciosum animal sit, David dicit de Christo:\Translation
offspring are created, such as the mule and the burdon. Of the panther There is an animal called the panther, multi-coloured, very beautiful and extremely gentle. Physiologus says of it, that it has only the dragon as an enemy. When it has fed and is full, it hides in its den and sleeps. After three days it awakes from its sleep and gives a great roar, and from its mouth comes a very sweet odour, as if it were a mixture of every perfume. When other animals hear its voice, they follow wherever it goes, because of the sweetness of its scent. Only the dragon, hearing its voice, is seized by fear and flees into the caves beneath the earth. There, unable to bear the scent, it grows numbed within itself and remains motionless, as if dead. Thus our Lord Jesus Christ, the true panther, descending from Heaven, snatched us from the power of the devil. And, through his incarnation, he united us to him as sons, taking everything, and 'leading captivity captive, gave gifts to men' (Ephesians, 4:8). The fact that the panther is a multi-coloured animal, signifies Christ, who is as Solomon said the wisdom of God the Father, an understanding spirit, a unique spirit, manifold, true, agreeable, fitting, compassionate, strong, steadfast, serene, all-powerful, all-seeing. The fact that the panther is a beautiful animal [signifies Christ as] David says of him: