Exam Results and Change of Marks

Exam Results and Change of Marks
Exam Results

Exam Results should be returned on or before the last date for submission. Result sheets should be emailed to studentrecords@abdn.ac.uk or hand delivered to

Student Records, Registry
1st Floor
Edward Wright Building
Kings College

They must not be sent through the internal mail.

Last Dates for Submission of Exam Results Academic Year 2024/25

Term 1 Assessments
Level Deadline
Undergraduate Courses Friday 24 January 2025
Postgraduate Taught Courses Friday 31 January 2025

January Start Postgraduate Taught Programmes

(for candidates commencing January 2024)
Friday 31 January 2025


Term 2 Assessments
Level Deadline
Undergraduate Courses and Programmes Friday 13 June 2025

Postgraduate Taught Courses and Programmes

(those eligible to graduate in June 2025)
Friday 13 June 2025

Postgraduate Taught Courses and Programmes

(non-graduating students)
Friday 13 June 2025


Term 3 Assessments
Level Deadline

Postgraduate Taught Courses and Programmes

(those eligible to graduate in November 2025)
Friday 31 October 2025


Resit Assessments
Level Deadline

Postgraduate Taught Courses and Programmes

(those eligible to graduate in November 2025)
Friday 18 October 2025


Last Dates for Submission of Exam Results Academic Year 2023/24

December 2023 Diet of Examinations

All undergraduate courses

  • by Friday 19 January 2024

Postgraduate taught courses

  • by Friday 19 January 2024

January Start Postgraduate Taught programmes, for candidates commencing January 2023

  • by Friday 19 January 2024
May 2024 Diet of Examinations

All Level 1 to 4 and undergraduate Level 5 courses and undergraduate programmes

  • by Friday 7 June 2024

Postgraduate taught course and programme results, for those candidates eligible to graduate in June 2024,

  • by Friday 7 June 2024

All other postgraduate taught courses

  • by Friday 7 June 2024 (these courses must not be required for any graduating student)
Resit Diet of Examinations

All Level 1 to 4 and undergraduate Level 5 resit assessments

  • by Friday 2 August 2024
Postgraduate Taught programmes eligible to graduate in November 2024

Postgraduate Taught summer courses and programme results

  • by Friday 1 November 2024.


Late Exam Results

If it is anticipated exam results will be submitted after the published deadlines then the following form must be used to notify Registry.

One form should be completed for each course affected, explaining the reason for late submission and confirming what information has been given to the students.

Completed forms should be submitted to studentrecords@abdn.ac.uk.

Change of Mark

If a result has already been confirmed to a student and an amendment has to be made then a Change of Mark Form must be completed and emailed to studentrecords@abdn.ac.uk or hand delivered to

Student Records, Registry
1st Floor
Edward Wright Building
Kings College

  • If a grade mark is being amended then two authorised signatures are required
  • If there is no grade and the change is for instance a No Paper (NP) to Medical Certificate (MC), then only one signature is required
  • Change of Mark Forms must not be used to return results for re-sit exams

A copy of the form should be held in your School Office. Please contact studentrecords@abdn.ac.uk if a further copy is required.