REMINDER :: Connecting to eduroam - are you using the correct username?

REMINDER :: Connecting to eduroam - are you using the correct username?

From TODAY, eduroam wireless service will require you to login using

What is happening?

We have detected that a large number of people are still connecting to the Eduroam wireless network with the wrong username format.  From lunchtime on Wednesday 11 March 2015 you will find that your connection to Eduroam may break unless you append to your username when connecting to eduroam, e.g.,,, etc.

Note: Your username is what you use to login to University networked PCs (e.g. classroom or office desktop PCs). It is not your email address.

What should you do?

If you initially set up your eduroam connection using the XpressConnect automatic configuration wizard, you don’t need to do anything. Your username will already be set up correctly.

If you did not use XpressConnect, or if you have since altered the eduroam connection, then we recommend you set up your eduroam connection again. Use XpressConnect and make sure you provide your username in the format You’ll find a link to XpressConnect on our wireless web page at - or via the ‘wireless help’ service.