Last modified: 05 Oct 2023 08:46
This course introduces maritime security as an essential element of national security. It enables students to understand and analyse contemporary national and international security from the vantage point of the oceans, seas and rivers. It covers global maritime geography, seapower, maritime strategy, and contemporary national and international security threats in or from the maritime domain.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 3 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 30 credits (15 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Offshore | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
This course introduces maritime security as an essential element of national security. It enables students to understand and analyse contemporary national and international security from the vantage point of the oceans, seas and rivers. It covers global maritime geography, seapower, maritime strategy, and contemporary national and international security threats in or from the maritime domain. The tutorials include an in-depth examination of topics raised in lectures, case studies and various exercises (including simulations) to develop skills in maritime security analysis and strategy evaluation and development.
The study of maritime security is particularly important for several reasons. First, the maritime domain is moving to the fore of strategic considerations in the current changing international order. The possibility of confrontation at sea is significantly increasing as more states gain the capability to project power in and through the maritime domain. Second, sea lines of communication have played a key role in national security throughout history. The emerging multipolar international system requires more attention and securitisation of sea lines of communication globally. Third, the growing global population, changing technology and energy transition are increasing the demand for the ‘sea as a resource’. Fourth, the increasing use of the sea raises the importance of maritime assets that require security – ports, oil platforms, undersea communication cables, and wind and tidal farms. Finally, global warming and rising sea levels could redraw the maps of several low-lying coastal and island states, destabilising the world’s political map with devastating security implications.
This course is suitable for students interested in national security analysis and strategy in or from the maritime domain. It requires a commitment to developing high analytical, problem-solving and writing skills, a good understanding of maritime geography and knowledge of the security situation of at least a medium seapower (from any part of the world).
Description | Value |
A visit to a maritime security-related sight such as a port, navy installation, or museum | 150.0000 |
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 10 | |
Assessment Weeks | 32 | Feedback Weeks | 35 | |
Feedback |
Students should submit presentations via Panopto and use the share option to share with the course coordinator and internal examiner. Written feedback will be available via MyAberdeen. |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Conceptual | Understand | Understand the National Security approach to Maritime Security. |
Conceptual | Understand | Understand Strategic theory as it applies to the Maritime domain. |
Procedural | Analyse | Analyse maritime (naval) power and describe top maritime powers. |
Procedural | Evaluate | Identify and evaluate contemporary maritime security challenges. |
Procedural | Evaluate | Evaluate national maritime security strategies. |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 40 | |
Assessment Weeks | 40,41,42 | Feedback Weeks | 43,44,45 | |
Feedback |
Students should submit the Policy Brief using Turnitin on MyAberdeen. Students will receive written feedback via MyAberdeen. |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Conceptual | Understand | Understand Strategic theory as it applies to the Maritime domain. |
Conceptual | Understand | Understand the National Security approach to Maritime Security. |
Procedural | Analyse | Analyse maritime (naval) power and describe top maritime powers. |
Procedural | Evaluate | Identify and evaluate contemporary maritime security challenges. |
Procedural | Evaluate | Evaluate national maritime security strategies. |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 50 | |
Assessment Weeks | 32 | Feedback Weeks | 35 | |
Feedback |
Students should submit the report using Turnitin on MyAberdeen Students will receive written feedback via MyAberdeen. |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Conceptual | Understand | Understand Strategic theory as it applies to the Maritime domain. |
Conceptual | Understand | Understand the National Security approach to Maritime Security. |
Procedural | Analyse | Analyse maritime (naval) power and describe top maritime powers. |
Procedural | Evaluate | Identify and evaluate contemporary maritime security challenges. |
Procedural | Evaluate | Evaluate national maritime security strategies. |
There are no assessments for this course.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | ||
Assessment Weeks | 45 | Feedback Weeks | 49 | |
Feedback |
If student/s fail this course, they will re-write the report. Resit mark capped at D3 on the Common Grading Scale. |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Conceptual | Understand | Understand Strategic theory as it applies to the Maritime domain. |
Conceptual | Understand | Understand the National Security approach to Maritime Security. |
Procedural | Analyse | Analyse maritime (naval) power and describe top maritime powers. |
Procedural | Evaluate | Identify and evaluate contemporary maritime security challenges. |
Procedural | Evaluate | Evaluate national maritime security strategies. |
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