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Last modified: 23 Jul 2024 10:43

Course Overview

This course is designed to build on the skills and knowledge gained in Professional and Clinical Development in Critical Care 1 to further develop the practitioner’s knowledge in critical care delivery. Embarking on part 2 will allow the individual practitioner to focus on their own professional development depending on their own career goals and aspirations.  

This course would provide the practitioner with the additional 30 credits to meet the National Education requirements to work in critical care.

Course Details

Study Type Undergraduate Level 4
Term First Term Credit Points 30 credits (15 ECTS credits)
Campus Aberdeen Sustained Study No
  • Mrs Helen Gray
  • Mrs Laura Reid

What courses & programmes must have been taken before this course?

  • Any Undergraduate Programme (Studied)

What other courses must be taken with this course?


What courses cannot be taken with this course?


Are there a limited number of places available?


Course Description

This course will enable the practitioner to build on their critical care knowledge and skills and aspire towards their career goals. The course will provide both theoretical and practical components to support the practitioner develop towards their career goals. This may include leadership, management, quality improvement components or specialised critical care aspects e.g. cardiac care, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ecmo) uncovered, hyperbaric care, transport of critically ill.

Aim:- This course will enable the practitioner to critically reflect on their own professional development and aspire to progress along their career pathway within critical care.

Contact Teaching Time

Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.

Teaching Breakdown

More Information about Week Numbers

Details, including assessments, may be subject to change until 30 August 2024 for 1st term courses and 20 December 2024 for 2nd term courses.

Summative Assessments

Poster Presentation

Assessment Type Summative Weighting 60
Assessment Weeks 20 Feedback Weeks 26

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Information will be provided at induction and in the course handbook that will be available on MyAberdeen.

Feedback will be given along with the grading of the assessment.

Learning Outcomes
Knowledge LevelThinking SkillOutcome
ConceptualCreateOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- discuss and apply quality improvement methodology to their individual area of practice.
ConceptualEvaluateOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- demonstrate safe and competent evidence-based practice in their chosen area of professional development within this course.

Reflective account

Assessment Type Summative Weighting 20
Assessment Weeks 18 Feedback Weeks 20

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Information will be provided at induction and in the course handbook that will be available on MyAberdeen.

Feedback will be given along with the grading of the assessment.

Learning Outcomes
Knowledge LevelThinking SkillOutcome
ConceptualCreateOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- discuss and apply quality improvement methodology to their individual area of practice.
ConceptualEvaluateOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- demonstrate safe and competent evidence-based practice in their chosen area of professional development within this course.
ReflectionEvaluateOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- Evaluate the learning gained on this course and identify how this will be applied in their practice including how it will be maintained


Assessment Type Summative Weighting 20
Assessment Weeks 20 Feedback Weeks 25

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Information will be provided at induction and in the course handbook that will be available on MyAberdeen.

Feedback will be given along with the grading of the assessment

Learning Outcomes
Knowledge LevelThinking SkillOutcome
ConceptualAnalyseOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- discuss their individual learning needs and how these can be addressed and evidenced on completion of the course.
ConceptualEvaluateOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- demonstrate safe and competent evidence-based practice in their chosen area of professional development within this course.
ReflectionEvaluateOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- Evaluate the learning gained on this course and identify how this will be applied in their practice including how it will be maintained

Formative Assessment

There are no assessments for this course.

Resit Assessments

Oral Presentation: Individual

Assessment Type Summative Weighting 100
Assessment Weeks 28 Feedback Weeks 29

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Information will be provided at induction and in the course handbook that will be available on MyAberdeen.

Feedback will be given along with the grading of the assessment.

Learning Outcomes
Knowledge LevelThinking SkillOutcome
Sorry, we don't have this information available just now. Please check the course guide on MyAberdeen or with the Course Coordinator

Course Learning Outcomes

Knowledge LevelThinking SkillOutcome
ReflectionEvaluateOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- Evaluate the learning gained on this course and identify how this will be applied in their practice including how it will be maintained
ConceptualEvaluateOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- demonstrate safe and competent evidence-based practice in their chosen area of professional development within this course.
ConceptualCreateOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- discuss and apply quality improvement methodology to their individual area of practice.
ConceptualAnalyseOn completion of this course the practitioner will be able to:- discuss their individual learning needs and how these can be addressed and evidenced on completion of the course.

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