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SP1027: SPANISH LANGUAGE 1  (2016-2017)

Last modified: 28 Jun 2018 10:27

Course Overview

This is a fast-paced and intensive language course for students with very little or no previous knowledge of Spanish who have been allocated onto this course by our diagnostic test. It is aimed at students intending to pursue an honours (single or joint) degree in Hispanic Studies but is also suitable for students on other degree programmes.


Course Details

Study Type Undergraduate Level 1
Term First Term Credit Points 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits)
Campus None. Sustained Study Yes
  • Ms Sonia Domingo

Qualification Prerequisites


What courses & programmes must have been taken before this course?

  • Any Undergraduate Programme (Studied)

What other courses must be taken with this course?


What courses cannot be taken with this course?

  • SP1023 Spanish Language 1 (Studied)
  • SP1028 Spanish Language 2 (Studied)

Are there a limited number of places available?


Course Description

Suitable for students with some or very little knowledge of Spanish. All students must sit a diagnostic test before enrolling for this course.

This course provides an intensive introduction to the Spanish language for students with little or no previous knowledge of Spanish, or with qualifications below the entry requirement for Spanish Language 2. It concentrates on the four basic language skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension. Students attend 2 lectures and 1 grammar seminar per week and attend a further tutorial focusing on spoken Spanish. Students are also required to pursue private study and to submit regular written work.

Further Information & Notes

This course may not be taken by students who qualify for Spanish Language 2 or any other more advanced courses. Students will be allocated to be appropriate Level 1 Spanish language course on the basis of a diagnostic test taken at the start of the academic year.

Please note students wanting to follow a less intensive language course for beginners should contact the Language Centre for non credit bearing courses.

Contact Teaching Time

Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.

Teaching Breakdown

More Information about Week Numbers

Details, including assessments, may be subject to change until 30 August 2024 for 1st term courses and 20 December 2024 for 2nd term courses.

Summative Assessments

1st Attempt


  • 1-hour written examination (60%)
  • Written exercises (20%)
  • Oral skills (20%)




  • 1-hour written examination (100%)

Formative Assessment

Regular formative assessments of different aspects of written and oral Spanish language.


Written and /or verbal feedback is given on all assessments. Additional informal feedback on performance is also given in both grammar classes and oral classes. Continuous formative feedback on spoken Spanish.

Course Learning Outcomes


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