Last modified: 25 May 2018 11:16
The aim of this course is to ensure that participants can develop a good grounding in an important field of law. In particular, the course will cover the following topics: The philosophy of the lease; the history of the lease in Scotland; the interaction of common law and statute in the Scottish law of leases; the residential lease – public sector/private sector; recent statutory developments in respect of residential tenancies; agricultural leases; commercial leases; special situations – windfarm leases, long leases, the registration of leases, leases in the form A, B & C → A; endgame situations - recovery, removing, ejection, notices.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 4 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 25 credits (12.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Old Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
Course Aims: The Scottish law of leases is an intellectually rewarding and practically useful field of study. The aim of this course is to ensure that potential future practising lawyers can develop a good grounding in a commercially and socially important field of law. In particular, the course will aim to 1. Explore and critically evaluate the key principles of the Scots law of leases; 2. Through the tutorial programme in particular, to develop legal research, reasoning, analysis and legal argument skills, and also oral, written and team working skill, and the opportunity to respond constructively to feedback; and 3. By providing students with the above knowledge and skills, to enable them to progress in their studies with greater understanding and confidence. Main Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding Seminars will cover the following topics:
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st Attempt: 1 three-hour written examination (75%); continuous assessment by essay of 2,500 words (25%).
Resit: Normally, no resit is available.
A formative essay of 1,000 words. Papers are to be presented by students in seminars. Formal feedback will be given on the formative essay. Participation in seminars will attract informal feedback. Papers presented will be discussed allowing for an element of peer feedback.
Feedback will be provided on the feedback form within three weeks from the date of submission.
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