Last modified: 28 Feb 2024 16:16
This course offers students the opportunity to complete a substantial piece of data-driven, empirical work within their field of study under the supervision of an experienced researcher.
Topics available will be varied but within the domain of their field of study. Alongside supervisors, students will identify a suitable topic area, describe an appropriate study design and implement an empirical study to be completed within a laboratory setting. Students will be involved alongside the supervisors in the process of defining the research question, and developing the research plan and, where appropriate, obtaining regulatory approvals. This course is for non-laboratory based projects (if you are intending to undertake a project in a scientific laboratory setting you should register on MB5913)
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | Third Term | Credit Points | 60 credits (30 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
This course aims to give students direct experience of the management and delivery of a research project, including research planning and design, developing independent research skills and approaches, critical thinking, and communication of research findings.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 40 | |
Assessment Weeks | 53 | Feedback Weeks | 2 | |
Feedback |
Students are expected to write a research journal weekly in myaberdeen throughout their project. They submit a 500-word summary as a final journal submission. Course tutors will review the content of the journals at week 5 of the project and provide guidance on the style and content. This acts as formative feedback and should be used to inform students subsequent entries. Students will receive feedback on your final submission within 15 working days of submission, this will be in the format of annotations to the marking rubric and additional summary comments will be provided in the feedback box. If students feel they would benefit from additional feedback, this can be arranged with the marker. |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Procedural | Apply | Demonstrate practical experience with data collection and management |
Procedural | Understand | Demonstrate knowledge of and compliance with all relevant regulatory, professional and ethical standards |
Reflection | Apply | Demonstrate self-direction and critical reflection in planning, solving problems and professional practice, including time-management, record keeping, confidentiality, communication, and teamwork. |
Reflection | Evaluate | Describe and justify and critically reflect on the methodological approach adopted to address the research question or hypothesis. |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 20 | |
Assessment Weeks | 53 | Feedback Weeks | 53 | |
Feedback |
Supervisors submit a report based on a marking template. Students will receive feedback within 10 working days of the project completion, this will be in the format of annotations to the marking rubric and additional summary comments will be provided in the feedback box. If students feel they would benefit from additional feedback, this can be arranged with the marker. |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Procedural | Apply | Demonstrate practical experience with data collection and management |
Procedural | Understand | Demonstrate knowledge of and compliance with all relevant regulatory, professional and ethical standards |
Reflection | Apply | Demonstrate self-direction and critical reflection in planning, solving problems and professional practice, including time-management, record keeping, confidentiality, communication, and teamwork. |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 40 | |
Assessment Weeks | 52 | Feedback Weeks | 3 | |
Feedback |
Students are expected to write a 3000-word academic paper, with instructions, layout and referencing guidelines provided. Students will receive feedback on their final submission within 15 working days of submission, this will be in the format of annotations to the marking rubric and additional summary comments will be provided in the feedback box. If students feel they would benefit from additional feedback, this can be arranged with the marker. |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Conceptual | Create | Review relevant literature to produce an evidence–based problem statement |
Conceptual | Create | Develop a clear research question or hypothesis to address the identified problem statement |
Procedural | Analyse | Analyse, interpret and present project data appropriately |
Procedural | Apply | Demonstrate practical experience with data collection and management |
Procedural | Create | Communicate project outputs according to recognised standards and format within discipline |
Procedural | Understand | Demonstrate knowledge of and compliance with all relevant regulatory, professional and ethical standards |
Reflection | Evaluate | Describe and justify and critically reflect on the methodological approach adopted to address the research question or hypothesis. |
Assessment Type | Formative | Weighting | 0 | |
Assessment Weeks | 41 | Feedback Weeks | 43 | |
Feedback |
Students will receive feedback based on the written protocol rubric and peer review comments (available on MyAberdeen). After submission of the project plan students will be assigned two peers’ submissions to review and provide feedback on, and will be expected to provide constructive advice to help their peers improve their study plan. This process not only supports peers (and the student from the feedback they receive) but, by critically reviewing two other project plans, students will be able to draw comparison with their own submission and will gain an insight into what works well for structure, etc. In addition peer review feedback will be provided by a member of staff . Students will also be able to access the review provided by the member of staff, and the paired student review of the protocol that was reviewed to see how closely these match, to help improve critical thinking skills. |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Conceptual | Create | Develop a clear research question or hypothesis to address the identified problem statement |
Conceptual | Create | Review relevant literature to produce an evidence–based problem statement |
Procedural | Understand | Demonstrate knowledge of and compliance with all relevant regulatory, professional and ethical standards |
Reflection | Apply | Demonstrate self-direction and critical reflection in planning, solving problems and professional practice, including time-management, record keeping, confidentiality, communication, and teamwork. |
Reflection | Evaluate | Describe and justify and critically reflect on the methodological approach adopted to address the research question or hypothesis. |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 100 | |
Assessment Weeks | 3 | Feedback Weeks | 3 | |
Feedback |
Oral examination, lasting approximately 30 minutes, combined with a written assignment dissertation (maximum of 3000 words). Students will be informed of the outcome of you resit (i.e. resit pass/resit fail) within 5 working days of the oral examination. This will be communicated to students by the course coordinator through email. |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Conceptual | Create | Develop a clear research question or hypothesis to address the identified problem statement |
Procedural | Analyse | Analyse, interpret and present project data appropriately |
Procedural | Understand | Demonstrate knowledge of and compliance with all relevant regulatory, professional and ethical standards |
Conceptual | Create | Review relevant literature to produce an evidence–based problem statement |
Procedural | Create | Communicate project outputs according to recognised standards and format within discipline |
Reflection | Evaluate | Describe and justify and critically reflect on the methodological approach adopted to address the research question or hypothesis. |
Reflection | Apply | Demonstrate self-direction and critical reflection in planning, solving problems and professional practice, including time-management, record keeping, confidentiality, communication, and teamwork. |
Procedural | Apply | Demonstrate practical experience with data collection and management |
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