Individual-level Queries

One unique feature of the polar census documents is a detailed table giving data on men and women at the individual level. Beyond simple demographic variables, this table also specifies the relation of each individual to the head of the household, their nationality, their occupation(s), and very precise details of where, in what capacity they worked, and their income from wage labour.

We have invested considerable effort in coding this table. The cleaned and coded results are presented here. Of the 39 questions we have selected data on the main demographic parameters (dropping the personal names) and have coded marital status, relationship to head of the household, and occupations. For the codes we have used the codes used in an international project on historical demography called the North Atlantic Population Project.

In using this table we would like note the following:

RNats – the data on nationality is often considerably more precise and in many cases different than that presented on nationality for the head of the household. Although when making household queries on nationality the user is bound to use the data in the master tables, we do recommend looking at the individual level data for the same households to have a better idea of the context.

Occup1 thru 7 – although the card was designed with the assumption that one person would have one occupation, the census practice proved more complex. Up to 8 occupations have been recorded for a single individual in the data. We have coded up to seven of these occupations. A related table OccupALL gives the same occupational data normalised by each individual – a form that is useful for seeing the variety of occupations in a region. Users should note that occupations were often left blank for children and for those who had a disability. It is useful to set an age limit of 14 when processing these data.

Occupations are coded with the NAPP Hist codes. However to better represent the particular occupations common in aboriginal communities in Siberia we have added decimals to the existing Hist codes to capture more detail.