Uses of Class

Packages that use EntityAnimatedInteractive
standup.clouds This package provides the implementation for the STANDUP user interface. 

Uses of EntityAnimatedInteractive in standup.clouds

Subclasses of EntityAnimatedInteractive in standup.clouds
 class CloudButton
          A CloudButton is a GUI button that appears inside a PanelCloudButtonMenu, i.e.
 class CloudButtonAddToFavourites
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, adds the current joke to the current user profile's "favourite" jokes.
 class CloudButtonJokeGetter
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, presents the option of getting a NEW joke or seeing OLD jokes.
 class CloudButtonJokeTypeChooser
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, presents a selection of the various available JokeTypes.
 class CloudButtonLogin
          A CloudButton that presents the initial login menu.
 class CloudButtonNewJoke
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, calls the Backend to get a new joke that satisfies the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonNewJokeAny
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, calls the Backend to get any new joke that satisfies the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonNewJokeLexeme
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, calls the Backend to get a new joke using a specific sense of a word that satisfies the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonNewJokeTopic
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, calls the Backend to get a new joke on a specific topic that satisfies the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonNewJokeType
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, calls the Backend to get a new joke of a specific type that satisfies the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonNewJokeWord
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, calls the Backend to get a new joke using a specific word that satisfies the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonOldJoke
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays a previously generated joke.
 class CloudButtonOldJokes
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays a set of previously generated jokes that satisfy the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonOldJokesAll
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays a set of all previously generated jokes that satisfy the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonOldJokesFavourites
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays the user's favourite jokes that satisfy the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonOldJokesLexeme
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays a set of all previously generated jokes using a specific sense of a word that satisfies the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonOldJokesTopic
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays a set of all previously generated jokes about a specific topic that satisfies the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonOldJokesType
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays a set of all previously generated jokes of a specific type that satisfies the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonOldJokesWord
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays a set of all previously generated jokes using a specific word that satisfies the current user profile's joke constraints.
 class CloudButtonProfile
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, loads a user's existing profile, prepares all necessary data structures, and then displays the main menu.
 class CloudButtonProfileChooser
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays a selection of the various known user profiles on disk.
 class CloudButtonProfileTypeIn
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, asks for a new user's name, creates a new default profile, uses it, and finally presents the main menu.
 class CloudButtonRepeatJoke
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, repeats the display of the current joke.
 class CloudButtonSenseChooser
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays the various senses of a given word (i.e.
 class CloudButtonTellJoke
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays the various joke-telling options.
 class CloudButtonTellJokeSpeak
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, puts up a dialog screen (i.e.
 class CloudButtonTopic
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays the various subtopics of a given Topic along the periphery, and an option to get jokes on said topic in the centre.
 class CloudButtonTopicWordChooser
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays the various subtopics of a given Topic along the periphery, and an option to see words about said topic in the centre.
 class CloudButtonWordClustered
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays a set of words, potentially clustered alphabetically to reduce the number of available choices.
 class CloudButtonWordModeChooser
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays various options of how to choose a word, i.e.
 class CloudButtonWordTrie
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, displays a choice of subsequent letters (or complete words) in spelling a word.
 class CloudButtonWordTrieClustered
          A variant of CloudButtonWordTrie that clusters letters together to reduce the number of options displayed.
 class CloudButtonWordTypeIn
          A CloudButton that, when selected by the user, puts up a dialog screen where the user can type in, or choose a word, from a JComboBox.
 class CloudDialogButton
          A button that appears in a CloudDialog or CloudDialogNonModal.
 class EntityAnimatedInteractiveBubbleLabel
 class EntityAnimatedInteractiveBubbleLabelStatic
 class MessageWindowBubble
 class ProgressMapNode
 class ScrollerButton
 class TalkingHeadRepeatable
 class ToolbarButton

Fields in standup.clouds declared as EntityAnimatedInteractive
(package private)  EntityAnimatedInteractive HelpCoordinator.helped
(package private)  EntityAnimatedInteractive[] Scanner.scanItems

Fields in standup.clouds with type parameters of type EntityAnimatedInteractive
private  List<EntityAnimatedInteractive> PanelCloudButtonMenu.entities

Methods in standup.clouds that return EntityAnimatedInteractive
 EntityAnimatedInteractive[] PanelToolbar.getScannableItems()
 EntityAnimatedInteractive[] PanelCloudButtonMenu.getScannableItems()

Methods in standup.clouds with parameters of type EntityAnimatedInteractive
private  void PanelCloudButtonMenu.addEntity(EntityAnimatedInteractive ent)
          Adds the given EntityAnimatedInteractive to the list of "active" entities in this PanelCloudButtonMenu.
 void HelpCoordinator.showHelper(EntityAnimatedInteractive ae)